5,427 TheAviator77

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joined 4 months ago

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3/5/24 SILVER

3/15/24 HALFWAY TO 5K (GOLD)

4/10/24 GOLD


I'm a plane guy. Like a really serious plane guy. Calling me a fanatic is an understatement. I just love aerospacecraft, unless I don't like them hahahaha.

I had been here for a while when I decided to make my account. I originally made it so I could share my creations with my real-life friend jumped. I never thought I would get to gold!

I usually make funny things, although I do make replicas. I don't post things on a regular basis.

I have a excellent memory when it comes to aircraft and relevant statistics. I can tell you a whole lot of most aircraft. I am almost as good as the staff at the National Museum of the United States Air Force, who know a lot. I have learned so much about weapons just because they are attached to planes!

Ok, so what's my favorite plane?*
This one:

Huh? U.S. AIR FORCE? Yes, that's right! This is a USAF F-14 Aerospace Defense Command interceptor that they never bought. What a shame.

Check this out I made it!

I will not allow any profanity of any sort in the comments section of my posts. Any comments that have such will be deleted.

I am not here to talk, so please don't start any conversations.

Lore behind my username: The first username I thought of was AirBacon77. Don't ask. I had that for a while, than I used IronGwazi77, after my then-favorite roller coaster.
When I made my account, I wanted a new name, something planey.
I loved the term aviator so I went with that one. 7 is my favorite number.

I hope you enjoy my creations!

*I'm sorry, F-22. I know you're the best, but I like the F-14 better.