26.2k Strucker

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joined 6.7 years ago

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Player Biography  

Hey there, fellow humans! Or should I say... meow-mans? Anyway, let's dive into this purr-sonal info! So, I'm magically 18 years young (don't ask me how, it's a meow-gical secret!)

Sharing a joint account with KitsunebiAviation flying high like the cool cats we are.

SimpleRockets knows me as Strucker

And when I'm feeling a bit sneaky, you might catch me lurking as Struck

Some Friends:

My circle of friends includes the raddest car aficionado sm10684

No more friend links, sad kitty hours.

Discord Server Invites:

Need an invite to my discord world? Say no more, hop on Starfall, formerly Aviator’s Chat.

My Companies:


And hey, did someone mention music? Yup, that's my jam... literally!

Previously known as Strucker, The_Final_Witching_Hour, TheFinalWitchingHour, Strucker, Spectres, Strucker, xXeno, Anarchyy, Strucker, Z0EY, Arkytekt