461 Sarp17

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joined one month ago

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my name is Sarp17 not my real name, but my account and I really like this game and I’ve always wanted to make a post boom bang done. Yes I really love airplanes. I’ve been interested them ever since I watched the movie. Sully and I’ve watched it like seven times do you know that movie where the plane plane has has a birdstrike and then lands in the Hudson River I love planes I’m French oui oui oui
747 a380 Air France a380 a French boi oui oui oui
Upcoming airplanes
A380 Qantas
Forms and more random stuff BTW I skipped from the A3 to the a380 Qantas and this is my last post for two months please follow me I l-love you technoblade never dies status coming back in one week