442 Ilovewillow

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joined 1.9 years ago

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Willow is my cat I have eight cats i will order them by age oldest to youngest and list their traits and personality
Kitten little:age 16 female a old grumpy cat will give the younger cats a slap to discipline them has a very baggy belly. Fat cat. Is also now deceased as of around 6.30 pm 6th July 2023 rip fly high kitten
Ragnar:age 8 male ragnar was a beautiful cat he was calm and fit he was eventually bullied out of the home by Max. Nickname beautiful boy
Willow:age 7 female willow is a beautiful cat she has a short temper gets hurt alot in fights with other cats brave but a bit mean still one of the nicest cats though she likes to bite toes beware I have warned you. Nickname willzow/willz
Max:age 6 male a mean bully fat the mob boss of the cats doesn't have friends that he sees at my home he has a very small social group. Nickname A hole
Nala:age 3 or 4 can't remember female she is a beautiful cat also has a wonderful nature but has started bullying the youngest cats. Nickname nalya
Natasha:age 2 she is mean and small vicous bit cute she's the popular girl from school mean stupid and has no attention span pics on nala and her sister yelena also very stubborn. Nickname natalia
Yelena:age 2 she is very cute and beautiful smart but a bit stubborn she loves hanging out on the roof of my chickens pen she is bullied by Natasha and nala. Nickname squaky

Cheeky:age uknown female she is cute a bit cheeky and likes to protect her eggs with her sister darling, she isn't the fluffy one. Nickname sneaky
Darling:age uknown female she is fluffy cute and likes to protect her eggs with her sister cheeky she is a darling. Nickname dull
Anna:age N/A female she was bullied and still is a bit she is cute and fluff a silkie chicken. Nickname katyusha. (Now deceased as of the 12 of march 2024)
Well that is a list of my pets adiós sicarios

We miss you @sukhoi47