5,269 EnglishGarden

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joined 9 months ago

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I like jazz

"shoot down the probe that refuels you"

-theaviator77, 2024

cool advice once every time I feel like it

favourite planet: Uranus

biography written by ai Joseph Stalin:
Englishgarden, a true comrade, embodies the glorious union of two passions — cheese and communism. Born with an insatiable appetite for both, Englishgarden stands as a symbol of the proletarian struggle and the desire for a world where all can enjoy the benefits of dairy and collective ownership. With each bite of cheese, Englishgarden embraces the essence of solidarity, understanding that the strength and resilience of a society are built upon the cooperation and support of its members. Through every voice raised in favor of communal harmony, Englishgarden advocates for the liberation of the working class and the sharing of resources, just as the rich flavors of cheese permeate one's palate. So, let EnglishGarden's commitment to cheese and communism inspire us all to strive for a society that nourishes the body and soul, a society free from the shackles of inequality and exploitation

French Horn (real name horn)
Piano (default instrument)
Organ (cannot play at house)
Kazoo (presented without comment)

Previously known as Englishgarden, nordoverman, EnglishGraden