14.7k Aer0User

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joined 3.4 years ago

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Player Biography  

Active, not intrested in uploading

Things about me.

I like transportation, its my favorite thing.
Sometimes I try not to be so toxic to other people because I get so mad easily

My favorite aircraft list

The things I like:
Messing around in simpleplanes
Making planes (duh lol)
Playing Roblox IG
The things I hate:
Toxic people (am trying to be kalm)
People stupidly hating my favorite things as a action
Being offended/embarrassed

don't read my previous usernames please don't fucking don't am begging you

Previously known as WinterTaylor, TheMrPilotMan, PhoenixWolfie, TankmanNewgrounds, BerdBuild, Handompo, NormieHandopo, DodgeyDodger, SanderiteFlyer, ShinkansenGuy, LolProGamerMove, RobloxMan, EpicBullDog, YellowThing, HappiPlane, AverageBreakingBadMeme, Zero0Two2