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XFWAAC-MCLV ''Actias'' Flying Aircraft Carrier

121k AWESOMENESS360  2.9 years ago

Greetings everyone. Today, PyrhPan proudly presents one of it’s greatest creations. The XFWAAC-MCLV “Actias”, the largest aircraft in our entire arsenal. The Actias is a Flying Aircraft Carrier of course, it can hold over 300 fighters in its massive internal storage bays, or alternatively, 50 bomber aircrafts, sometimes 75-100 if the bombers are placed strategically enough. The Actias is not just an aircraft carrier though, it is also a bomber aircraft itself, a provider of Air Superiority, and what is often seen as a bastion of hope for all that need a protector.

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Now typically at PyrhPan, we make an attempt to keep our creations and forces within reason. And most of them are within reason, it’s just that there’s a fine line between utter chaos and reason when you have access to weapons of extreme power. The Actias is no different, it may seem absolutely absurd, but it only appears that way, because it’s simply what we do. We use what we have to create things, and it just happens to be that way.

The Actias has a wingspan of 6,250ft exactly, and weighs in at nearly 25,000,000lbs. This may seem immensely heavy, but for the Actias, it’s actually rather light. In fact, it’s much lighter than what we thought it would be. This is because the Actias is made of a light, but unfathomably strong material, it’s actually made of the same material that the skin of the F-777 “HellFox” is made of. The HellFox is larger than a SU-34, but isn’t even half as heavy. This allows the HellFox to reach immense speeds, top speeds ranging from 4,000mph, to over 5,000mph in an atmosphere, although this was only achieved by diving from low orbit, straight down with full overclocked afterburners, completely abusing the plasma engines. (more on those later) As for the Actias, this material doesn’t give it access to extreme speeds, as it only tops out at around 350mph. It does however, make it relatively light, and it is nearly indestructible by any normal means. Just a thin sheet of this material, name and composition classified, is strong enough to withstand the impact of a 155mm. APFSDS Shell; only a dent is made in the material, albeit a very large dent, but the material is left unpunctured. We tested larger amounts of the material, and soon discovered how incredibly strong it is. A 6-inch thick sheet can withstand an 800mm Artillery Shell, fired from a modified Gustav Cannon. A 1ft. thick sheet can withstand a 260mm. RailCannon Spike traveling at nearly Mach-8, a major dent is made however, but it is not pierced. A solid meter thick wall of this material has only ever been destroyed by the 600mm Dominator RailCannons on the SHMT, but even still it only made a small puncture hole before the round was immediately starved of all its momentum, completely flattening and exploding on impact. The Actias, being made of this material, completely shrugs off all missiles, all gunfire, can withstand kamikazes with ease, and can even take crash landings to a whole new level. During testing, someone decided it would be a fun idea to perform a low altitude fly-by, completely blocking out the sun for over a mile. But they completely overestimated the ability of the aircraft. Unable to pull up in time to make the getaway, they crashed directly into the ground, a few hundred meters away from us. We were in a desert at the moment, so there was nothing completely devastating that happened. We expected the worst, nearly 6 months of work about to become the world’s largest fireball. But to our surprise, the Actias was unhurt. In fact, it was completely unscathed! It had plowed through everything with unstoppable force, the only things being even remotely damaged were the intimidation props, and the Railguns, but those were an easy fix. The only thing really damaged was the pilot(s)’s ego, but everything else was for the most part fine.

The Actias is the replacement for the “God Carrier”, but the “God Carrier” will still serve in combat if need be, it’s just not as efficient at its job as the Actias is; it’s unprotected without aircrafts, as it has no armaments. It takes more skill to control than the Actias, and we want our pilots to have a relatively easy experience in the air. In fact, most if not all of our vehicles, are made to be controllable by one single person, but this is of course much less efficient than a large crew of people, and other recruits of course. To elaborate on the weapons, the Actias has several AA-Gun Turrets strategically installed in various locations on the fuselage, allowing for defense of potentially dangerous aircraft, incoming missiles, and even high caliber shells, although they’re considerably difficult to hit. The Actias additionally has three missile batteries, each missile with the capability to lock on from any direction, and re-lock onto a target if the lock is broke. To add onto the armaments, the Actias also has air to ground weapons as well. A massive Bombay on each side contains thousands of Scatterbombs, a small but adaptable explosive that can be used to take out things like armored vehicles and even tanks, but in large numbers, it has the capability to destroy entire battalions of vehicles, air bases, cities, and basically anything that happens to get caught in the rain. To add to the ATG Capabilities, it has four Railguns that fire high velocity APCRHE Shells, that penetrate armor and explode inside the target, the same shells that the Widowmaker fires. These are used against heavily armored targets that can’t be taken out by bombs. In real life, these turrets would be set to an AI to aim at whatever, or controlled manually by a skilled gunner, but this doesn’t correlate very well in SP, so they are completely fixed. Same story with the Railguns.

The Actias very obviously boasts quite the airport, with two ATC’s, four runways with which to take off from and land on, and beautifully lit runway lights, any plane with intentions to land can call it home. The runways may appear relatively small, but large runways typically aren’t needed on flying aircraft carriers, as the speed of the carrier itself can void the need for lots of runway space; let’s say you’re coming back home from a sortie in your FA-18 Super Hornet, and you are ready to land back on the Actias. Now normally, without an arresting wire, an aircraft such as the FA-18 needs quite a long runway to come to a complete stop. This is of course due to their high speeds as a fighter aircraft. However, if the Actias is already traveling at 200mph, and you’re coming in for final approach at 230mph, you’re actually only flying at 30mph in comparison to the Actias! This allows for hilariously short STOL-Like landings, and the wind cover at the beginning of the runway gets rid of a lot of turbulence on the runway itself, allowing for easier taxiing and takeoffs.

Now that all the points of interest and juicy lore have been identified and explained for the most part, it’s time for the fun part of the description:

🔘 Controls:

To takeoff with the Actias, start in water, as it is amphibious. Much too big for any conventional runways, and much too heavy for any reasonable landing gear setup, it takes off from the infinite runway that is the ocean. Now you’re gonna want to create a water takeoff location that is far away enough from land so that when you spawn in, it doesn’t wing-strike anything. Once you find yourself in the ocean and prepared for takeoff, you’ll want to direct your attention to the VTOL Slider. Now what you’re about to hear may be shocking, but it is entirely true, and important for takeoff of course.

Takeoff Procedures:

  • The Actias is a VTOL Aircraft. Yep, you heard me right. In our tests, the Actias was too heavy to break the surface tension of the water under her own power, and was therefore unable to take off. This completely rendered the Actias incapable of flight, and so we thought we had failed. But, one of our engineers had an insane, yet plausible idea. And it was more than plausible, as it worked, and works amazingly! They looked towards the plasma engines of the HellFox, taking inspiration from their unfathomable power and acceleration. The idea was simple: scale up the Plasma engines to be fit for the Actias, and attempt a vertical takeoff with them. In just a week of fine tuning and perfecting, massive Plasma Engines were made just for the Actias. The normal sized plasma engine can put out roughly 75,000 to 160,000lbs of force, more than the GE-90, at less than half the size. It works on the principles of a rocket engine, with the structure of a jet engine. Massive amounts of fuel are expelled at immense rates, allowing for a massive power output, and then for afterburners, the jet engine’s structure comes into play. By reducing the size of the exhaust and increasing the diameter of the back of the engine as afterburnimg engines do, it’s like when you squeeze the end of a hose to make the water fly out at much higher distances. Except in this case, it’s Plasma being thrown out the back of a plasma engine at velocities deemed impossible prior to the plasma engine’s creation. Whereas with the scaled up version of the plasma engine, these produce way more power. Like way more power. An absolute shite-load of power. So much power, that if you installed just one of them on a rocket, such as the Saturn V, it would reach top speeds upwards of beyond Mach 30, to even nearly Mach 50, before even reaching space. It’s power output is roughly 11.6 Million lbs of force. Four of these massive thrusters are installed on the Actias, resulting in roughly 46 Million lbs of force, thrusting it into the air with the strength of a thousand nations. Once the Actias is in the air a significant altitude, it is ready to transition to horizontal flight. The Actias has 14 Hydrogen Engines mounted on the wings, in total producing roughly 20 Million lbs of force. These engines are also absolutely massive, so there was some questions of whether the Actias would be environmentally friendly or not. Plasma engines, including the massive VTOL ones, are for the most part environmentally safe, as the plasma is derived from hydrogen, which when used as a fuel, the only exhaust is water vapor, making it incredibly safe for the atmosphere, environment, and anything else. Unless you’re on list of To-Be-Bombed, then you are not safe. Getting back on track, the main engines of the Actias are also Hydrogen Engines, which gives them a strange, but slightly cool looking exhaust plume of water vapor, appearing almost blue-green in the right light. Getting back to the takeoff, apply full throttle to gain horizontal speeds, and decrease throttle on VTOL as necessary, as you gain more and more speed.

In Flight Procedures:

  • Once you find yourself in the air, flying at an appropriate altitude with good speed, there’s much that you can do! Don’t expect any crazy maneuvers, it is a 6,250ft wingspan flying aircraft carrier, it will not be flying with extreme agility. To control the aircraft, I recommend a throttle percentage of 40-60, only going 100% throttle for when you’re traveling from island to island in game. Yaw is the primary method of turning the aircraft, although if you fancy yourself the savvy sort, you can use roll as well, for some nice bank angles. The entire thing is, like my other flying wings, controlled by gyros, as to prevent the pilot from pulling absolutely ridiculous and unrealistic maneuvers. While in flight, you can activate navigation lights, via AG-2. These are very bright, and easily alert any aircraft in the immediate vicinity of your presence, if the massive exhaust plumes from the Hydrogen Engines aren’t already enough. If your allies are coming in for a final approach at night, you can activate runway lights via AG-3, in order for a safe and easy touchdown.

Landing Procedures:

  • So you’re ready to land the Actias, ready to bring her to a rest on the ocean? Well fortunately for you, the landing procedures are relatively simple. To land, bring yourself to an area of open ocean, without much land to accidentally bump into. At this point, you may cut throttle; the massive wings of this aircraft give way to amazing glide ratios, allowing the aircraft to take it’s time to land safely and smoothly. It is best to let the aircraft gradually lose altitude, but if you want to make the landing quick, you can dive in order to reduce altitude at a quicker pace. Just pull out before you get too close to the water, otherwise the landing will be very rough. It is easy to butter the landing, as long as you can be precise enough with the controls. Do note that if you’re landing at night, it is advised to activate the Landing Lights, via AG-1, for the same reasons as the XFWAC “God Carrier”. Once you touchdown in the water, hold brake. This activates reverse thrust in the Hydrogen Engines, allowing the aircraft to slow down significantly, eventually coming to a complete stop. Once you have stopped, the aircraft may tilt to one side a bit. This is normal, and to be expected. You can counteract it by applying the smallest amount of the VTOL slider possible, stabilizing the aircraft in place. Not actually intended, but it can indeed be used!

All in all, the Actias may be the final Flying Wing Aircraft Carrier of PyrhPan, there’s simply nothing that compares to it. A spectacle of the skies, undauntable, impenetrable, unstoppable, it will provide immense air superiority to PyrhPan, and all allied forces/nations. It is uncertain whether more than one Actias is actually necessary or not, but if needed, we can always create more, with rapid speed. The means of how we create these aircrafts, and so many of them, is classified. But nonetheless, if you wish to know, all you need to do is ally with us. It costs nothing more than our trust, and it’ll be a decision you never regret.

With that being said...

Have Fun!


General Characteristics

  • Successors 3 airplane(s)
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 6250.0ft (1905.0m)
  • Length 2924.9ft (891.5m)
  • Height 579.2ft (176.6m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 97,533lbs (44,240kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 6.106
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 10.252
  • Wing Loading 34.1lbs/ft2 (166.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 2,859.8ft2 (265.7m2)
  • Drag Points 0


  • Number of Parts 652
  • Control Surfaces 1
  • Performance Cost 2,665
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  • Profile image

    I’d also like to point out the glowing 1 part hexagons I made, they’re completely unintentional but really cool looking lol

    Pinned 2.9 years ago
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    @Samair I make it in a small scale first, and then scale it back up to the size it's supposed to be. It's a lot of trial and error, making things while it's small, and then scaling it up to the appropriate size to see if it still works and functions properly. Also it's ideal to remove drag calculations and set the drag scale to 0 on all parts with these enormous creations, so that the game doesn't just crash immediately upon loading in the creation.

    2 months ago
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    225 Samair

    How the hell do you make something that big on iOS. I can’t even zoom my camera far enough to see the full thing in the editor

    2 months ago
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    5,427 TheAviator77

    This thing is hard to land on due to it pitching upward when flown by the AI. Just crashing into it will usually make it fly into the ground/ocean.

    4 months ago
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    Thank you for an awsome piece is it alright if i use this as our roleplay game?

    +1 10 months ago
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    it's so powerful it can move the USS beast 💀

    11 months ago
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    Aigaion Bird (Aigaion & Arsenal Bird Hybrid)

    11 months ago
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    You made this on iOS?!!! Bro, I couldn’t make a good looking plane if i tried, but this is genuinely impressive, keep up the good work

    1.2 years ago
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    225 Samair

    I just realized how big those engines are💀

    1.3 years ago
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    “…nothing that compares to it” in size, but what about speed?

    Edit: Who would win:
    A giant flying wing that weighs hundreds of thousands of pounds designed to carry numerous aircraft along with a myriad of guns


    One pirate boi

    1.3 years ago
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    You said this could handle kamikazes easily, but what if the aircraft kamikaze-ing was a B-1B Lancer with all 70 bombs flying at 700km/h with a pilot motivated enough to want to send the Actias into the ground (cough cough definitely not me)

    +1 1.3 years ago
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    @AWESOMENESS360 how long did it take you to make thes

    1.6 years ago
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    Ace combat 7 called,
    They want to sue for capturing an arsenal bird

    1.9 years ago
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    Can we have an ai version pls

    +2 2.0 years ago
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    1,084 kyizelma

    nasa friendly

    2.0 years ago
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    Good lord

    Well... at least I have a series now hehe

    2.3 years ago
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    @AWESOMENESS360 hey, guys. It's Jeff Bezos up here in my gigantic arsenal birb and I heard that some of you ordered a package from me, and didn't get it in the mail, but don't worry. I am here with your package. It is death! You will now die! Ceased to be!

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    @Teako indeed

    2.4 years ago
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    1,770 Teako

    Damn that description so long

    2.4 years ago
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    @AtlasIndustries ah ok, well the Actias doesn’t need to aerial refuel due to MMT technology, practically infinite fuel!

    2.4 years ago
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    6,891 G2

    I was referencing to the aigaion, when it is aerial refueling it is easy to shoot down

    2.4 years ago
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    @AtlasIndustries When was aerial refueling mentioned

    2.4 years ago
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    6,891 G2

    @AWESOMENESS360 Just be careful when aerial refueling is happening.

    2.4 years ago
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    @AtlasIndustries heh, this thing dwarfs the Aigaion

    2.4 years ago
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    6,891 G2

    I’m getting some serious aigaion vibes from this thing.

    2.4 years ago
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