2,288 LastManStanding
Player Biography
Hello, I am LastManStanding...
Ive Raised Goats For 7 Years!
I enjoy filming Star Wars Fan Films for fun!!
I enjoy YouTubing
I enjoy tinkering, taking things apart and making stuff!!
I enjoy welding (Yes, just like Shnippy)
I enjoy playing Video Games (If, I have time to)
I live in the country and enjoy doing things out here!
And I enjoy doing the Impossible which is the motto of my YouTube channel!
-Silver Acquired 5/31/20
My Best SP Friends:
Makerofplanes Click Here
Hellosss38 Click Here
Shnippy Click Here
Planes I Create:
Latest: K-2SO Challenge
D-0 Droid
-WHEEL LOADERS (Released February)
Latest: LiebHerr Wheel Loader
-EXCAVATORS (Released January)
Latest: CAT Inc. Excavator
-ARC Series Planes MOP.Corp
Latest: Arc X
Arc 8
Arc 7.5 "FatNaught"
C-Bombers (2020-Today) Working on again soon
Latest: C-25 Bomber
C-24 Bomber