15 KACAircraft

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Hi! I am from [REDACTED] and I make cursed 727’s and 737’s that could compete with the DC-9 family! I always test my aircraft to see if they work before posting. Hope you enjoy! (If you see your modified plane, it’s a transformed one. )
In response to the DC-9 family by MD and DC, Boeing produced a twin jet 727, without the center engine. They would make a freighter too. For the 737, same concept when they wanted to continue after the end of 727 production. Then, it was bought by KAC, and restarted, and became one of KCharters’ (Kenzo International Airlines’ low cost airline) main airplanes with its great range. It would be renamed the KACB-727-300. The same thing happened to the 773, the 737 variant I was talking about and was dubbed the KACB-773 family. It was primarily used for Keflavik to St. Barthélémy (PTFS scale) routes. I am also planning to make my airlines old livery, Kenzo International Airlines, Kenzo Regional Airlines, and KCharters Airlines. They are the main 3 airlines in my fictional country, Kenzotopia, to the south of Occitannia, and northwest of Corsica.

More about Kenzotopia
We are the 7th largest country in simple planes by area, military, gdp, and gdp per capita. Our largest and capital city is Kenzo City, with approximately 45 million inhabitants. We have been sanctioned by the state of Israel. We were a part of NATO from 1989-2012, when we cut ties with France due to a dispute over Johnstonsville Island. Other airlines are Najaf Airways, Emerale Air, and Scampton Airlines. These are all competing against KRA Airlines. We make our own airplanes, (our best sellers being the KACB-727-300 and KACB-773 families) which we use along with Russian planes since we can’t buy from Boeing nor Airbus. We can still fly to EU countries, since we maintain good ties with some of the nations. Fast forward into the future, Johnstonsville Island was split between us. (Johnston Province and Department de Johnstonne) We have 178 million people living in Kenzotopia, split between Najaf, Eastern KC, Western KC, Scampton Island, and Emerale. We are quite rich in emeralds, found in Emerale. We speak English, French, and a small diaspora from Brazil, Colombia, and Argentina in the east. Our largest airport is Kenzo City World International Airport, (KKCI, KCI) along with several other airports like Emerale Airport, and Najaf Regional Airport. Our military base is located in Scampton Island, (Kenzotopian National Air Force Base, KZF, KKZF) and our head of state is Kenzo J.P., and our PM is Jackson D.C. KAC’s main manufacturing base is roughly 65 yards away from KC World Airport. We are a proud member of World Alliance-Alliance du Monde, commonly referred to as World Alliance.


The Federal Republic of Kenzotopia is a country located in between Occitania and Corsica. It is inhabited by 178 million, which 45 million reside in the capital city, Corsica. They have left NATO, but they are a EU member, and reconsidering rejoining NATO.

Kenzo International Airlines, commonly referred to as KIA Airlines is the largest airline and flag carrier of Kenzotopia. Their main headquarters is at Kenzo City World Airport, which they have a hub there. They have a cargo, low cost, and regional carriers. All 4 airlines have destinations all over the world, in 6 continents.

Previously known as KACAircraft123