No my allies have surrounded you and you’re in no position of power to say you’re winning. You’re losing and accept that fact, you failed when you tried to invade and you’re gonna fail again. You military has experienced nothing but failure.
@Parshainaerospace No it’s because I’m not a PC who gets offended just because they put my religion into a build, and even if that’s a sin, screw em they’re not going to hell not me so why should I be offended.
@Parshainaerospace Bruh I’m Muslim and I don’t really see this as problem, it’s not disrespectful at all, hell I think it’s better knowing that you put your trust in allah to protect your vehicle during times of war
Try not to be a simp/keyboard warrior I suppose
+10cAn I uSe tHiS fOr mY rOlEpLaY cOuNtRY’s miLiTaRy?
+10Because it’s aesthetically pleasing
+9@jamesPLANESii Yeah this wouldn’t happen if it was a male silver user
+8Communism is fair
+7Oof was hoping for underwater camera
+6Shid I missed the beta slots
+4@Linethesmarty Lol my frickin I phone can run that thing but admittedly with some lags
+4Elevator opens
+4Remember, No Russian
This isn’t the 1700s you don’t just invade someone with just Infantry
+3@RAF1 Hard not to, considering we see him almost everyday on the forums
+3No my allies have surrounded you and you’re in no position of power to say you’re winning. You’re losing and accept that fact, you failed when you tried to invade and you’re gonna fail again. You military has experienced nothing but failure.
+3That’s not even the current version of the tank lol
+3Where is the Chinese guy blocking it?
+3Shit I’d have to buy the game again
+2I’m pretty sure rando didn’t want anyone reposting her shit
+2tips Fedora
grows neck beard
I’ll protect you, m’lady
Wow, nice gun
+2Damn that detail tho
+2This will go perfect with replica gun I made lol
+2@Parshainaerospace No it’s because I’m not a PC who gets offended just because they put my religion into a build, and even if that’s a sin, screw em they’re not going to hell not me so why should I be offended.
+2@Parshainaerospace Bruh I’m Muslim and I don’t really see this as problem, it’s not disrespectful at all, hell I think it’s better knowing that you put your trust in allah to protect your vehicle during times of war
+2@Parshainaerospace It was a halcyon military plane that just flew by your border don’t be so dramatic.
+2@TheFantasticTyphoon Certain select nations are allowed and most are your past enemies like Eternistan, Halcyon and others....
+2@Tully2001 Epic
+2Elon Musk 100
+2When your phone can run this thing with no problems
+2@exosuit @MrSilverWolf
+2Maywar DLC: $100
Why is this even a problem?
+2@diegoavion84 Go look at Aeromen’s post
+2Allahspeed brother
+2@TheFantasticTyphoon Yes but you still wrote this scenario right? So it’s still your doing
+2@ChiyomiAnzai I’m gonna kill him
+2@Jim1the1Squid What the hell is going on here?
+2@TheFantasticTyphoon You know what’s even funnier? He claims to have battleships and destroyers but he’s a land locked nation lol
+2@MrVaultech @Nerfenthusiast I doubt the space force will even have weapons it’s probably gonna focus on satellites and spying
+2Oh look, someone is helping me
+2Could there be a feature where the camera can go underwater?
+2AC Fan: autistic screeching
Thank you @Cptjacobson @MegaTails @ThomasRoderick @ASDFASDF1
+2@Thefrenchdude22 @KerlonceauxIndustries for upvoting my build
No Superidol
+1@Kangy @AWESOMENESS360 We do a little trolling
+1Awwwww shidddddd just 3 more upvotes!
+1Can we get this to 69 upvotes?