9,673 CarsonG1017

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joined 8.1 years ago

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Player Biography  

This player has entered a biography.

Hello Simpleplanes!!

I am a male high school senior from Oregon. My interests are Simpleplanes, metal detecting, uhh...

... I can't think of anything else. Anyways, I aspire to one day work as an engineer. If anyone wants to use the whole or parts of any of my planes, feel free to! Just give me credit. Have fun flying!

Link to the beautiful plane in my profile pic

Silver - achieved late July 2017
25 upvotes on a single plane - achieved idk when, but on my A.I. gun brawl challenge
10k points- Not yet, but I'm close

CGTI (CG Transport Industries) - this is the main company.
CGA (CG Aerospace) - Specialises in aircraft
CGMV (CG Military Vehicles) - Specialises in well, military vehicles

If anyone wants an XML edit or you have a build request, feel free to ask! I would be happy to help!

My advice for new players: post good planes! Put some effort into it! Even if it isn't what absolutely everyone would consider good, if it's good to you, that means something!

Thank you everyone for all of the support!