We’re continuing to roll out Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to more users! As of now, 2FA is available for players with at least 1,000 points.
What is 2FA?
Two-Factor Authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring a verification code sent to your email when logging in from a new device.
What’s next?
If everything goes smoothly, we plan to expand 2FA access to more players in the coming weeks.
How to enable 2FA:
You can activate 2FA by visiting your Manage Account page.
Please note: Your email must be confirmed to see the “Enable 2FA” button.
Need help?
If you experience any issues with 2FA, please contact us here.
You can check out the original announcement here.
Nice to see the website getting upgrades in anticipation of SimplePlanes 2.
@LowQualityRepublic oh ye right.. I forgot
@foury but sir, you got hacked before they introduced 2FA
Foury should have activated 2FA fr.
A dude got his account hacked
That's it bye
@SPsidearm what
@winterro got it sir thanks for the explain
@winterro I agree. I've reported hundreds of these comments, and there seems to be no end to them. Even I accidentally clicked on one link, because they disguised a link as something like @PlaneFlightX, and I wanted to visit the account page. One change they have made so far is to prevent markdown from working for users with less than 100 points, which makes links more obvious but the fact they are there at all is still a problem.
Edit: they seem to have fixed that exploit as well, as even though I wrote
, my account page takes priority over the forum.Edit 2: it works, but you need to separate the @ symbol from the username.
@AndrewGarrison is it possible to couple our accounts to the id of our purchased game to prevent what i discussed below?
Make it so you only can comment and post stuff if you have purchased the game. Not to inconvinience people that like to comment in chat, but so link spamming bots cannot spread
dangerous links like screenshotted here
This is dangerous for all the younger people playing this game and the next.
The problem will explode with the release of SP2, and it will put users in danger of accidentally clicking a link to virusses like malware and randsomeware
@winterro but it's for 1k+ point only
@AndrewsGarsion you probably get now why 2 factor was added
@winterro i see they are spamming
@AndrewsGarsion seen it before in the forums
And speaking of shady stuff: theres this crap like this (Not the craft itself as its absolutely bonkers how good it is)
But the comments. just look at the chatGPT generated stuff advertising things i do not trust. And if people click those links, there could be anything behind that link.
I have like a half a thousand followers, if my account gets cracked there will be definitly some people who will click those links and lose their computer.
Anyway check my profile i made gigahorse from madmax but it's Volkswagen
@LowQualityRepublic fr? That's weird people spent time to hack some web account?
@winterro dangg so they hack account to spam something like virus?
@AndrewsGarsion because some people blindly trust some other people above gold, and say if a hacked account that has platinum and respect from the community starts spamming ransomeware, and people don't suspect it, that wouldn't be a very good view for Jundroo.
@AndrewsGarsion there has already been some hacking incidents on this site... despite them almost not happening i still reccomend you to activate 2FA
Who gonna hack a simpleplane web account?
When another trailer of Simpleplanes 2?
@DeezDucks more accurately, anything below gen z was a mistake
Hello Andrew!
@muffinchip ok
@LowQualityRepublic it will be possible soon just watch dude