Me and SpetzavodHeavyIndustries have started an arms race. It will be taking place. In the 1980s,
The adjective is to beat the others' build.
All posts regarding this arms race must do the following:
Be accurate to the timeline
Be labeled as a build in the Rob-Spetz Arms Race
Both party's must tag each other in their builds and must try them against there's (more info later)
The conflict system
The conflict system works like this
You take whatever amount of Aircraft Tank Boat whatever, and I do the same over a course of 24 hours the battles stats will be collected, after sending troops to a conflict you can not bring them back, so choose wisely. The after math sub system, this is where you will find what's builds you lost which were stolen and which come home.
The Design limit system
Each nation is aloud
40 Aircraft type Designs
35 Helicopter type Designs
20 Blue water Navy type designs
40 Coastal Navy type designs
30 Tank type designs (includes specialized models)
40 Truck/APC/IFV Type designs
15 Drone type designs (UAVs only)
20 Stationary type designs (SAM Sites AA Sites and coastal batteries)
You can free up space in these trees by decommissioning older or less affective Designs
The production limit system
Each nation has a product limit to better balance.
This also implements the Cheap/Expensive sub system if it's cheaper you can make more, which is the main jist of it is more expensive less production.
Aircraft limit
Cheap ($30,000 to $100,000) can make up to 6,000 models or 4,000 models
Expensive ($2,000,000 to $2,000,500,500) can make up to 700 models or 230 models
Helicopter limit
Cheap ($25,000 to $100,000) can make up to 30,000 models or 10,000 models
Expensive ($1,000,000 to $2,000,500,500) can make up to 2,000 models or 90 models
Blue water Navy limit
Cheap ($1,000,000,000 to $5,000,000,000) can make up to 20 models or 15 models
Expensive ($15,000,000,000 to $100,000,000,000) can make up to 10 models or 4 models
Coastal Navy limit
Cheap ($50,000 to $100,000) can make up to 30,000 models or 15,000 models
Expensive ($1,300,000 to $2,000,000,000) can make up to 10,000 models or 700 models
Tank limit
Cheap ($10,000 to $100,000) can make up to 30,000 models or 20,000 models
Expensive ($1,000,000 to $1,000,000,000) can make up to 2,000 models to 600 models
Truck/APC/IFV limit
Cheap (truck) ($5,000 to $10,000) can make up to 100,000 models or 98,000 models (Truck price limit capped at $10,000)
Cheap APC/IFV ($7,000 to $100,000) can make up to 40,000 models or 30,000 models
Expensive ($300,000 to 1,000,000,000) can make up to 20,000 models or 3,000 models
UAV limit
Cheap ($1,000,000 to $10,000,000) can make up to 200 models or 50 models
Expensive ($1,000,000,000 to 4,000,000,000) can make up to 30 models or 15 models
Stationary limit
Price ($1,000,000 to #2,000,000) can make up to 20,000 to 10,000 models
AA (Gun)
Price ($20,000 to $100,000) can make up to 50,000 models or 25,000 models
Coastal batteries
Cheap ($4,000 to $90,000) can make up to 40,000 models or 10,000 models
Expensive ($1,000,000 to $6,000,000,000) can make up to 3,000 models or 5 models
The upgrading system
The upgrading system allows you to upgrade your builds, so for example: If you have a heli that is performing poorly against my SAMs you can upgrade that heli to have flares or some better engines, bigger cargo space eg (Note this does not take up variant space) this just allows you to tweak your builds to better suit modern advancements.
The capturing process
You can capture builds by conflicts, more conflicts more chances to capture, but that's is the same for the enemy as well, so watch out. Only aloud up to 10
Limited export model type builds allowed
(Such as tanks, planes, and ships that do not come from the corresponding nation)
Grading will be simple, it gets points per area it beats in for example: I have a transport helicopter you build a SAM site or AA gun then you get points based on what you're build does to my heli if my heli can't be upgraded to match the current tech that doesn't mean it won't be used, that just means it will be very unlikely to do anything.
The commissioning and decommissioning system
It's very simple really. If your build is to old or has been out performed by a other, you can decommission it. Decommissioning something makes it to where you can place it in your decommissioned slot which has no limit to how many you can hold. You can also re-commission
Up to 5 of your decommissioned builds.
The arms race starts today! July 27th, any time, so get to building
Aircraft (2/40) Heli (0/35) B Navy (0/20)
C Navy (0/40) Tank (0/30) Truck (1/40)
Drone (0/15) Stationary (0/20)
Decommissioned builds (0)
Re-commissioned builds (0/5)
Captured builds (0/10)
MB-5 Combat Truck
GiM-25 Swallow
Aircraft (1/40) Heli (0/35) B Navy (0/20)
C Navy (0/40) Tank (0/30) Truck (1/40)
Drone (0/15) Stationary (0/20)
Decommissioned builds (0)
Re-commissioned builds (0/5)
Captured builds (0/10)
DzCH-10 Multipurpose Truck
YK-19 Flander
MIRA Foton
Any questions? Let me know in the comments
@SpetzavodHeavyIndustries IT HAS STARTED!!
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer that would be interested for this post, ofc comrade 🔥🔥
@SpetzavodHeavyIndustries do you want me to put up screen shots for a preview of some of the vehicles
@PedjoeangPatriot cool, just let me know when you want the roundels
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer imma join western side
@PedjoeangPatriot Ok you can join, I guess you could pick a side
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer don't worry tho, more fun if there's more people, let they choose side 🔥🔥
@PedjoeangPatriot idk uh @SpetzavodHeavyIndustries you mind if they join or at least help?
How to join?
@SpetzavodHeavyIndustries yeah, although it could just be "Arms race" if you wish to shorten it
@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer dayumn
So for the start, build anything but the name is [Rob-Spetz Arms Race] "build name"
Am i right?
Can't wait for this to start lol
@Nomdef cold war tactics, I make something Spetz beats it, spetz make something I beat it
How is this gonna work?
@SpetzavodHeavyIndustries yeah
So just like Roleplaying aight?