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Wright Armed Forces Reports (13. 11. 2023)

9,057 SPAircraftOfficial  11 months ago

Rumors about a new plane spreading

Ever since the SP-43-200 got put into service, soe rumored about a possible Bomber for the Wright Air Force. According to the current rumors the plane will have a delta wing, canards, 4 engines, a top speed above mach 2 and a lot of armament, most of it under the wing. We at the WAF are not allowed to say anything regarding future planes, but if the Manufacturer gives us a little bit more Information we will Write a report about it.

Important announcement from the President

In a press conference yesterday president Igor Sokolov announced the creation of a big Training ground for the Wright Army. It "will improve upon our combat readiness",said Sokolov. the current plan is to have it open to civilians and host some Airsoft wars and Marksman tournaments there.

Thats it for this week, T for tag on the next report, AT for Autotag on the reports