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im working on something big

5,338 yomino10  2.2 years ago

hey guys, if any of you have wondered where I've been i was just focussing on my job and on doing tests to get the driving license, but meanwhile i was also building my favorite plane (for the 6th time in 5 years) and it's taking a lot of time to make sure almost every detail on the F-14 Tomcat is there, it's a really complicated and sofisticated plane and sometimes i get headaches after building for 2 hours straight.

At least it's turnig out amazing and im really proud of my work, at this time the aircraft has 351 pieces but i think that it will climb up to 450+ pieces (i know it's not that much pieces but it's a lot for me)

P.S. sorry for my bad english but i'm italiano :0

here are some screenshots of the mighty F-14 Tomcat that im working on: