Unfortunately, iOS has never had support for mods, and Android had it removed, but don't panic, there's a simple way to make custom screenshots without any of that. You'll just need the built in blueprint tool and Google photos.
First, choose the build you wish to upload with a custom thumbnail. As an example I have chosen to use @BRuthless's replica of the Convoy Truck.
Next, you'll want to open the Blueprint Tool, which is with the other visual tools on the right side of your screen. Click the Eye symbol, then the spread out piece of paper.
Next, click on "front" in the blueprint tool.
Now you'll want to zoom out until the craft is no longer visible, and its just an empty designer.
Perfect. Now click open image. This prompted me to download google photos, but depending on your device, it may do something different. Choose the photo you want, and come back to the designer.
Now, click the arrow to the right of "W" until the image fills the entire designer. Then take a screenshot of the build as you normally would.
And you're done! Nice work, now you have a pretty build with a pretty thumbnail to go with it!
Ren Recommends: Add text to your thumbnail that says what the build is, like a title. (EX: If your build is an A-4M Skyhawk, write "A-4M Skyhawk" in big letters on the top of the thumbnail. I personally use Pixlr for such things. Pixlr.
mines did not work I guess I'll just use the basic one😓
@Mousewithamachinegun123 The way I do mine is to use the move tool (in the blueprint menu) to put the screenshot above the build, I then unselect the tool and carefully drag up (to not change perspective at all) until It is lined up
I did this, but idk why, it won’t let me zoom out far enough for it to be invisible. Is there a way to fix this?
Lmao you technically used my A-4M Skyhawk in your forum indirectly
@KnightOfRen not yet, you've actually reminded I got to try if it works
@KnightOfRen alr
These 2,494 points are actually a disguise so no one suspects anything @KnightOfRen
@CC1010 hehe
That makes me and baconeggs the best sp players of all time @KnightOfRen
@BagelPlane any update?
@CC1010 only the pros know this :)))))
@Theflyingtrex thats...weird
I'm on an Acer Chromebook 13...I dont know how this works on an iPhone. Maybe make a forum and ask.
Hmm when i clicked “open image” it never prompted me to do anything. I downloaded google photos anyways to see if it would work but it didn’t. Any ideas? Im on an Iphone 11 btw
Even easier just don’t post anything. Ive been following this strategy for months and it works really well
In case if you want 3 screen shots
Step 1: take 3 screen shots
Step 2: turn it into a jigsaw/ Collage image
Step 3: go to Blueprints in SP
Step 4: make the image small because than its easy
Step 5: upload with those 3 screen shots
@KnightOfRen yes, ~sad builder noises~
also $%&# the dev console
I enjoy having my sanity
@JuanNotAnAlt yes, and it only stays for one build session
@KnightOfRen uh ok, but I have found out a way to do so, the dev console
@JuanNotAnAlt You can but you have to use a mod if you want it to stay that way for more than 1 build session
@VolcanicAsh ye, but it's kinda dumb since it has a dark grey background, if we could change the colour of it then I would have think it's not dumb.
@BagelPlane yes
@KnightOfRen I’ll have to try moving blueprints on my Chromebook using the mousepad.
@BagelPlane For me I cant really move my camera straight up...tbf I am an absolute idiot though