23.4k marcox43 Comments

  • KpfPz.IX Taika A3(Vaultech) 4.0 years ago

    @MrVaultech @KerlonceauxIndustries @TheCreatorandDestroyer99 thank you very much! I hope it runs well.

  • liss-19 4.0 years ago

    I suggest you to decrease the wing area a bit, it's impossible to land honestly, it glides until stalls backwards and then it falls like a brick.

  • Fuselages, Hollow Fuselages and Hitboxes 4.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii it doesn't use SP wheels, it will be a fully mechanical vehicle, from the pistons to the crankshaft, passing through a gearbox, a driveshaft, etc

  • Fuselages, Hollow Fuselages and Hitboxes 4.2 years ago

    @AgentofFortune nope, my issue is not with collisions with the own aircraft, but rather collisions with the ground...

  • Hello 4.5 years ago

    Welcome to SP, Elon-san


    because it's kawaii and/or I feel identified with the character or just like that character in general. for example, for those who know me on Discord, I have Rem (From Re:Zero) as pfp, as I like the character and feel identified with her personality.

  • alguien que hable español? 4.6 years ago

    Saludos desde Chile :D

  • Sandsift Drift 4.7 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison is it possible to make a car class variant of Sandsift rift? with the same start but different course, it would be awesome for trophy trucks

  • ASCOD Bastida in action 4.8 years ago

    I just want to test my Taika MBT on this map

  • Piston engine: how to make a piston start (just read the full thing it's simpler...) 4.9 years ago

    @MethaManAircraft have the same trouble... actually thought of the activation grop idea before, but never put it to use. you should give it a try!

  • New Team Member 4.9 years ago


  • Daredevil 4.9 years ago

    meanwhile on M.A industries... crash, crash, crash and crash... AI simply can't fly in a straight line without doing useless stunts...

  • This needs to become a reality 5.0 years ago

    the thing is not to exclude mobile, but are your mobile devices capable of holding the stress? I've played a multiplayer game similar to SP on mobile, called Blockycars, and it could get very laggy when people start shooting stuff and bring max part count builds (max was 50 parts). for a mobile server, you guys will have to be on a separate server, so you don't randomly encounter someone bringing their +700/1000 parts build. to note that bombs and explosions do lag the server, and in Low end PC's it crashes the game automatically.

  • [WEBW]Panzerspahwagen II Ausf L "Luchs" II 5.0 years ago

    I'm very impressed by the level of detail, but...maybe add some moving suspension?

  • Update on my situation 5.3 years ago

    get well soon mate!

  • Brot class transport 5.4 years ago

    Brot... does this mean I can eat this carrier?

  • Unis Delta-9P Targa Florio 5.4 years ago

    um... where is the flywheel? arent the exhaust pipes supposed to come from each block?

  • What was Simple Planes used be like? 5.4 years ago

    back in the day... lots of Roleplays and military aircraft spam, jelly planes everywhere and youtubers featuring the game, tournaments with no shaker planes.

  • Custom Tiger Challenge [Closed] 5.4 years ago

    time to recreate my WarThunder Tiger plus some special features

  • Does anyone even remember me? 5.4 years ago

    I don't think I remember you, but those prototypes look amazing!

  • VW Crafter - More than a White Box 5.5 years ago

    give this man a medal already

  • Ladies and gentlemen men! I have got the answer to if Simpleplanes is dead! 5.6 years ago

    @Texasfam04 same here, I grew with legos and loved designing complicated mechanical systems. here, even tho there are quite a few bugs (Mostly Unity related), but the posibility of building here is nearly infinite. Geez, even a dude here made a fully walking android based on Gyroscopes some months ago! I hope I'm able to build a gearbox next, but unity loves to glitch out.

  • Unis Shinden MK2 TRICK Hommage 5.7 years ago

    might take it for a ride tomorrow if I have time. you almost brought me to tears with your story, A beautiful story.

  • Registration Number Question (Moderator help please) 5.8 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer I wonder if they would make the whole trip to the end of the world(south America, very to the south!) Just to sue for that Lmao

  • Little Bugger Advance V2 5.8 years ago

    Will drive it later, as I'm on the phone rn. I love the fact that you used technical information.

  • [Teaser] This is F-136 jet engine (maybe?) 5.9 years ago

    how many parts does that engine have?

  • Le Mans prototype Team Aurora (Hybrid) final 6.0 years ago

    @CRJ900Pilot sure! maybe I should upload a sponsor pack xdd

  • Le Mans prototype Team Aurora (Hybrid) final 6.0 years ago

    @Spikerya it was an honour. Will you guys post your car too?

  • When one runs out of ideas... Do something stupid: 6.0 years ago

    I remeber when I was drifting around your centipede in my BMW E30

  • I just realized... 6.1 years ago

    There's just no other game like SP. I can build whatever I want, sure it will be laggy or parts will snap off from time to time, but the freedom of building whatever comes to the imagination is unbelievable. Thanks to this game I searched deeper into car engineering just to build the most accurate and functional car suspensions that I could create!

  • Simple Race Track 6.2 years ago

    @DuckMintnewprofile cool, I'll post some images of my journey on the racetrack

  • Simple Race Track 6.2 years ago

    for jeeps, I think it's good, but for hardcore hillclimbing(me in a BMW E30) the hills are too steep, or the transition from plain to steep are too sharp, making my car get stuck in some parts. I really loved the sharp turns and straigh lines! like colin McRae once said: "when in doubt, flat out!"

  • All around me are familiar faces, worn out faces... 6.2 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap that's why the Me 163 Komett implemented light activated cannons. when the plane passed under the shadow of a bomber, the LDR would activate and fire the Schräge-musik cannons while under that shadow, that way it assured the hit and you could concentrate on flying.

  • Gold Prix 6.4 years ago

    pls next one Motor mirage or Snow crawl! I really want to test my new cars there. btw guys, feel free to pick any of my cars that are 150 parts or lower for tournaments, but pls use a different paint, so they're not the same when racing

  • Video Teaser 6.4 years ago

    Awesome! I can aready see this in my future planes.

  • Bandit Run 6.5 years ago

    please make a car tournament! maybe Mirage speedway

  • Better dogfight AI? 7.3 years ago

    @OtterOfToast is it possible to set a list of maneuvers for the AI so it is not only head ons and mountain crashes? for example: [if: AI opponent is at 6:00, pull up inmediatly]
    [if: AI opponent is at 12:00 at 2 miles, fly straigh and pull up at 0.1 mile]
    Default AI behaivor: Pursuit
    Default Min altitude: 400ft
    Default first 10 seconds, fly straigh to gain speed.
    just an idea, also the thing of circle inside circle is a must

  • Panther III Artillery(Desert 2) one month ago

    @SILVERPANZER thx for the upvote! Man, I freaking loved using this thing in Multiplayer or just convoy raid, very precise and deadly too. I had to add a rear stabilizer becase the recoil was so much it would lift the tank with each shot lol.

  • TCT 1 forest camo one month ago

    @SILVERPANZER thx for the upvote! I know I never posted a description but this was a prtotype for replacing the Panther III, it stayed as a prototype and the Otter MBT entered production instead.

  • tank prototype one month ago

    @SILVERPANZER thx fro the upvote, omg, you found this lol.

  • VHFS-10A Voulge one month ago

    will give it a try in the afternoon or night. Really cool to see one of the collabs with MrVaultech!

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ one month ago

    @TheIndianGaruda Flyout has easier controls on shaping, but SP has better simmetry adjustment, as you can multiselect and spam mirror for certain shapes, which is far more complex to do in flyout, because mirror in flyout may break the entire thing...

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ one month ago

    I want to ask something, will piston engines get revamped? I made a very complicated FT code for the simulation of a Jumo 222 with it's supercharger and variable speed propeller. but the sounds don't quite go with it. also it would be nice to see a fuel consumption reduction on SP 2, as it's always been a problem in the game.

    will we be able to make compound engines? in Fyout it's a highly requested feature, and it would be nice to mechanically hook up a piston engine to a compressor to use the exhaust gases. Aslo, please add custom exhaust tubes, I remember it as a mod many yars ago. hmm what else, maybe naval engines and propellers? would be cool.

    A radar module with editable parameters would be awesome, so we can properly model target aquisition depending on the radar we're using and its output.

  • Stop saying "FlyOut will replace SP" and here's why. 6 months ago

    hmm, while Flyout can't replace SP, SP fell behind with CSE and Procedural engines that we've been asking for ages, sure, we can make them super detailed. but it takes me 1400 parts to recreate a Junkers Jumo 222 in SP while in Flyout I can do it with roughly 30 parts. something that SP does well is custom gauges and FT, giving you limitless posibilities on that end, but the learning curve is steep and no joke that you need actual programmers if you want to make something cool with FT... on the other hand, engine supercharging and prop settings are a bit messy in Flyout right now, but in SP, while I had to make an entire formula to link every subsystem of the engine, it works flawlessly. On The Other hand, Flyout takes the lead for good aerodynamics, in which the dev has put a lot of efort into, which reflects into havings somewhat accurate data on aircrafts, contrary to SP with the wacky physics and fuel consumption. hey, Flyout now has exhaust ports... that thing was an SP mod like 3 years ago or something... never got implemented ingame. both have pros and cons, SP for cockpit detailing, Flyout more for accurate flight model and better and easier fuselage modeling.

  • Holographic projection probe 1.9 years ago

    I'm speechless

  • Žaneta Update 1.9 years ago

    wow.. you surely have improved a lot since the first versions of the Zaneta!

  • F-313A 1.9 years ago

    it's a nice aircraft, but first off, you rear landing gear needs to be closer to the center of mass, n°2: try moving your wings a bit forward, the center of lift is too far back, or either, move your center of mass backwards. 3rd: put suspension on your front landing gear, it's dangerous to even land...

  • More Uses of the Variables System 2.3 years ago

    mate, you're brilliant.

  • SP Racing challenge RESULTS 2.4 years ago

    @Johnnyynf I'm in it, just... very busy with work. but if you tag me, I get a notif to my email, and thus, right onto my phone ;)
