8,988 ZWLenning Comments

  • Sa-2 Samson 3 months ago

    @FickleGhost I didn't have any ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯

    There are a lot of pictures that get close enough though. That made it easier, so proportionally it's pretty good. It's about as accurate in shape as most reasonable replicas.

  • Sa-2 Samson 3 months ago

    @FickleGhost set photo as blueprint in designer, and take craft screenshot as normal :)

  • Its nice to meet you, World. Goodbye.. Life. 4 months ago

    8AM GMT tomorrow I will be logging on to my account and checking this post. If you see this, message before then.

    I've been there. getting help is one of the hardest things to do, but please do it. the world is a better place with you in it.

    Be on this post tomorrow. we're worried about you.

  • SimpleDoom High Graphics 5 months ago

    @Nerfaddict apologies. Maybe we made the same comment, or maybe I've misremembered. The only certainty is that the comment existed in some form.

  • SimpleDoom High Graphics 5 months ago

    i seem to remember a couple of years back making a comment about simpleplanes soon being able to run Doom.

    now it can.

    I return from death to applaud you. this is incredible

  • Update Galore and Steam Sale 8 months ago

    @Mustang51 idk why im so nostalgic all of a sudden but yk.

    if you remember, ig i should say thank you

  • Update Galore and Steam Sale 8 months ago

    the end.

  • Northrop, F-5E Tiger II VFC-13 Fighting Saints. 10 months ago

    I have awoken from my slumber to an aircraft I can't fly because I don't have a stick.

    Idk whether to laugh or cry

  • General Electric - CJ610 1.2 years ago

    @PriyanshuGM electric ducted fan.

    Example of a nutcase who put afterburner on one.

  • General Electric - CJ610 1.2 years ago

    @RepublicOfCursedPlanes absolutely. please link if you can find them, I have not got the time to make my own lmao

  • General Electric - CJ610 1.2 years ago

    @PriyanshuGM no but I do have an old EDF so. jet powered air cooling

  • General Electric - CJ610 1.2 years ago

    i really really want to take a bunch of these subassemblies.
    1000 part engines
    1000 part landing gear
    1000 part cockpit.
    and slap it all in the same aircraft.

    it will be majestic

  • how do I make a rotator lock when no input is given? 1.4 years ago

    @Bogey i admire you for finding this, however this is a 2.5 year old post and I have the solution now lmao

    thanks for the help though, much appreciated :)

  • Lavochkin La-9 1.5 years ago

    added because 69 upvotes. thanks lads hehe

  • RNVS Defiant: Battlecruiser, Serpent Slayer 1.7 years ago

    he has done it. he has beaten the part count of the yamato.

  • F/A XX - CONCEPT 1.8 years ago

    @Otana ive been trying to build an xp67 unsuccessfully lmao

  • F/A XX - CONCEPT 1.8 years ago

    @Otana I know :(

    I think I've figured out what you've done but I don't know how to do it :(

  • F/A XX - CONCEPT 1.8 years ago

    can i just say quickly

    we're gonna need a tutorial on how you panelled that. I can do 1d or even 2d panelling but there is panelling in the shape of pringles here and idk what to do with myself

  • I’m Quitting SimplePlanes. 1.8 years ago

    is there a rule dealing with people imitating others? i really cant tell if this is the actual guy

  • Sa-2 Samson 1.8 years ago


    honestly a hard one - the samson is a little like the black hawk which is a transport as opposed to a combat heli, but I would imagine that tech of the future might have more means of dealing with the Hind.
    then again, the hind does have a manually aimed gimballing cannon - so i think the hind would win as it only has to turn the gun instead of the entire heli

  • Sa-2 Samson 1.8 years ago

    @ajanie06 go ahead

  • New Moderators 1.9 years ago

    Congrats guys, massively deserved :)

  • Its Done[Dassault Rafale] 1.9 years ago

    @ollielebananiaCFSP I know lmao

    Tbf its mostly exterior complete it's just missing an interior

  • Anybody know why my aircraft kept doing this? 1.9 years ago

    I can tell you one possible reason - its the coordinate position of parts. and it isnt your fault, its a simpleplanes thing

    Thats right, simpleplanes mirroring doesn't always mirror quite correctly - and neither does the nudge system. Its not enough to be noticeable, in overload I found it was sometimes off by less than 0.0001 units, but its enough to create an almost imperceptible roll to the right. This can be quite easily fixed using copy/paste, especially if you build with the centre of the craft on an X coordinate of 0.

    Thats how i fixed it on a couple of aircraft, but there may be errors in upload/download that may create the problem for others.

    hope this helps!

  • Its Done[Dassault Rafale] 1.9 years ago

    you lucky, lucky person that you could make the thing with fuselage slicing.
    I have a fuselage husk pre-slicing that is about 800 parts on its own lmao

    T please

  • BELUGA 1.9 years ago

    A heckin chonker

  • I did a thing. I am crying and in pain. 1.9 years ago

    23rd july:

    migraine version coming... soon

  • Sa-2 Samson 1.9 years ago

    @ajanie06 I did my best :P

    other than general simpleplanes limitations of the time, the biggest inaccuracy I've found is that the nose and cockpit are slightly too long. Accidental but it ended up looking better like that so idc really and I can't be bothered to remake it yet lmao

  • I TALKED ABOUT SP AT SCHOOL 2.0 years ago

    disappointed german corsair didnt make an appearance over tutorial plane. we trained you better than this

  • SR-71 BlackBird NASA 2.0 years ago

    @AnderWorks i would recommend reinstalling then if you havent already, little else I can think of other than disabling any mods you don't plan on using frequently

  • SR-71 BlackBird NASA 2.0 years ago

    @AnderWorks try using the designersuite mod, bit obsolete now but if it works it works

  • First 100 Upvotes(Cash Money Moment) 2.0 years ago

    my guy you nailed it, much deserved

  • SR-71 BlackBird NASA 2.0 years ago

    looks nice.

    is it blueprint accurate? might be an idea to build to blueprints in future if it isnt, will take your builds that bit further

  • Rafale 2.0 years ago

    damn it. i was making one of these.

    looks nice though

  • Motorsport Championship 2.0 years ago

    alpha hard disk user better than beta ssd user

  • German Corsair VR 2.0 years ago

    i love that the vrcollective people have literally been sitting on this spectacular feat of engineering for 5 months, probably debating the fallout if it actually gets posted lmao

    also hilarious how half the community has no idea what this is lmao

  • Lavochkin La-9 2.0 years ago

    @Croissant ;)

  • Lavochkin La-9 2.1 years ago

    @MRM19 yes I know what you're talking about - this is why I was trying to use the auto prop pitch script, because without it I have to drop the max rpm to 1500 (from an irl max of about 2600)

    I'm still working on that script and will update the XML if I get it to work better and will tag you, if you like, when I get it done.

    In the meantime take off with flaps up and don't pitch at all until you get above about 100mph/150kmh

  • Lavochkin La-9 2.1 years ago

    @MRM19 in what way difficult? i tried to make it sluggish at low speeds if thats what you mean?

  • [Teaser and Showcase] FAD-90S Galleon 2.1 years ago

    oh my.
    Tag me

  • 8k bois! 2.1 years ago

    race you there :D

  • Spitfire with camo [TEASER] 2.1 years ago


  • Is this a bug? 2.1 years ago

    its thrust is modeled based on altitude and throttle (i think?), it has multiple animations and a lighting effect that changes based on a function of throttle, and it has a comparatively complex model so tbh I'd say probably accurate

  • hey guy multipayer brocken 2.1 years ago

    i have never seen such a panic for a server being down as the spmp server being down.

  • Lavochkin La-9 2.1 years ago

    @Deepdark i have added the default wings already. This is the version with default wings. they are just shrunk to zero so you can't see them.

    also, this aircraft was made using a blueprint - its fairly well accurate I think. Assuming you mean the flight model is bad, it was known to have a low roll rate, and it will obviously be terrible at low speeds.

  • Lavochkin La-9 2.1 years ago

    @beenz it's the only North Korea X Soviet Russia image I could find lmaoo

  • Messerschmitt BF-109 G10 Jungle Camo 2.1 years ago

    there are plenty of servers out there dedicated to helping support players. If you need help with colouring in future go check them out.

  • Scout Miro 2.1 years ago

    Also my final build?

    we cannot leave. We are trapped in a bitter cycle of neverending suffering. But you have broken free.

    Thank you for your builds, and good luck with your machinist work.

  • Lavochkin La-9 2.1 years ago

    @Kangy thanks for feedback, I think I did it for a mix of building convenience and inexperience with the new cockpits but I'll leave them up in future

  • Lavochkin La-9 2.1 years ago
