41.5k WisconsinStatePolice Comments

  • Graingy PSA: Holy Hell 2 days ago

    bro what is he doing in there?

  • i witsh planes were real 3 days ago

    Kinda like Arkansas. They’re pretty cool, and it would be soooo much fun if they were real

  • 3D printer clogging problem 5 days ago

    ye, check the filament temperatures, width, and maybe what width your slicing software is set to.
    (does the base/first layer break off of where it was printed while printing, or is it firmly secure on the moving plate thing?)

  • Indonesian Corsair 5 days ago

    If that’s ERA armor I’m going to come to your house and steal your front door

  • Who wants pizza? 6 days ago

    five nights at L1nus's

  • [Teaser] Working on 6 days ago


  • There's 104 days 8 days ago

    If only summer vacation was an actual break...

  • Vehicle 9 days ago

    What an interesting contraption

  • People who Are near silver are allowed to upvote and comment 9 days ago

    the term "near" is subjective, so thus, under my own understanding, I am relatively "near" to silver. In this case, despite this outcome probably being what you were intending anyways, take my upvote. Do not resist.

  • Help, I ran out of ideas 11 days ago

    Why? Who started this war? Why is this war happening? What is it for? Who is the aggressor, and who is the defender? Is it clear? Is it blurred? Is there a simple reason, or a deeply rooted intricate explanation that didn’t become apparent until it was too late? Is this an isolated conflict on a small border or even a faraway empty battlefield? Or is it close to home? What do the civilians think of the war? Do they know why their county is fighting? Do they support the fighting? Is the reason for the war justified? Do the civilians think that that justification stands when they see their friends, parents, and children dying in a distant sky, field, or sea? Or worse, what do the civilians think when the war comes to them? Do they hoot and holler and cheer in bars and parlors when a victory is announced? Do they then grow silent and cold when the artillery fire is heard in the distance? What do they think of the war when the bombs start falling on their city? What do they think when there are tank battles and street-to-street fighting in the suburbs? What do they think when soldiers occupy the intersections downtown? What do they think when the high school is turned into a mass casualty hospital, and the elementary school a morgue? Did they ask for this war? Who started this war? Why?

  • War Challenge: Interstellar (Testing Phase 1 PVE in 3D real time tactical maps) 11 days ago

    Watch me accidentally blast past a hostile ship at 57 Km/s closing speed because I was on a reciprocal orbit and had my radar off because I was working a contact passively.
    Also, question:
    How do we detect, track, and target hostiles? There is no atmosphere in space, so in theory radar will reach almost infinitely farther, but at the same time so will optical sensors. Would we be able to have literally a souped up space telescope be a cheap alternative to a massive radar? Like a mechanical radar but with a telescope? IDK much about all this.
    What are the engagement ranges? If we can detect a ship from thousands of kilometers away, can we launch a missile or kinetic kill vehicle and let it coast and maneuver as needed over a few hours?

  • 3D printing replacement sights for an Airsoft Glock-19X using SimplePlanes 12 days ago

    I’m broke, can’t afford a real gun for a while. I plan on getting a .22 in a few years. Maybe I’ll slap the Anti sight on it. @Ashdenpaw1

  • 3D printing replacement sights for an Airsoft Glock-19X using SimplePlanes 12 days ago

    yuppers, that's the one
    I had the anti sight on my M4A1 too lol, but it was the canted one. I usually just used an ACOG or EOTech as my main optic

  • I built a plane 12 days ago


  • Anyone into spaceships? I got a challenge for you 12 days ago

    Is this project for near-future mostly small realistic ships with "missiles," countermeasures, radar, decoys, retrograde engines, realistic orbital mechanics, and all that jazz, or more Star-Wars-ie like massive fleets with powerful ion-style engines, warp drives, laser bolts, anti-gravity, and such stuff?

  • The B1B Lancer 12 days ago

    In a meek defense of the B-52 (my beloved), and to an extent the TU-95 as well, these platforms have long range and extremely high endurance. This allows it to take off from Mississippi, fly across the word, and drop a few tomahawks (or, even better, stand-off stealth missiles) from several hundred miles away from the target while hiding in a cloud of jamming. Sure, they don’t stand a chance against modern air defenses or fighter aircraft, but they aren’t trying to merge with them either. They have their advantages and disadvantages. Warfare is all about countermeasures upon countermeasures.
    Just my 2 cents. Idk
    And now my main point: if you think the B-1 is sexy, check out the Hawker Siddeley Type 1011 concept

  • Are magnets or plungers better for salvage operations? 14 days ago

    perhaps, but I can't sell you a stick

  • Are magnets or plungers better for salvage operations? 14 days ago

    Ah, Mr. @Graingy. A snake issue, hm? Quite a departure from my area of expertise, but I shall attempt to meet your request nonetheless.
    Might I recommend the Remington defensive model 870? It is a tried and true platform, versatile and adaptable, only limited by the one who wields it. This specific example is equipped with a RMR on a riser, for rapid target acquisition and reduced time to target.
    (I have no idea what I’m talking about)

  • Are magnets or plungers better for salvage operations? 14 days ago

    like Lowes or something, idk
    maybe amazon

  • Are magnets or plungers better for salvage operations? 14 days ago

    a very big vacuum cleaner

  • Meme of the day #6 15 days ago

    What on earth is that

  • 3D printing replacement sights for an Airsoft Glock-19X using SimplePlanes 15 days ago

    I assure you that the concept is being developed and explored, albeit very slowly. Don’t expect anything too fancy, it will probably just be a static model, and might have a moving head that scans the sky and instrument panel if everything works out.

  • 3D printing replacement sights for an Airsoft Glock-19X using SimplePlanes 15 days ago

    I’m a perfectionist and I can’t figure out how to model realistic ears

  • Depression 16 days ago

    Happiness is not a destination, it’s a direction.

  • a little funny question 17 days ago

    I believe one of the highest part count crafts is a late WWII-esque ship with 22,000 parts and only like 100,000 performance cost. 500,000 performance cost may only be possible with a NASA supercomputer

  • SA-2A Sky baby AWACS 17 days ago

    What on earth?

  • SimplePlanes 2 Announcement Trailer 18 days ago

    Dude just made 193 comments, i ain’t upvoting all of those

  • peace has been restored, the orange has been destroyed 18 days ago

    That stupid orange. I hate that thing lol. I rejoice over your victory.

  • peace has been restored, the orange has been destroyed 18 days ago

    He is a coward and history will forget him.

  • MORE IS NEEDED 19 days ago

    even this isn't enough

  • Sorry, no papers 21 days ago


  • 3D printing replacement sights for an Airsoft Glock-19X using SimplePlanes 21 days ago

    that is a very good point I did not consider before posting this, I'll clarify it in the description and hopefully not be yeeted by the moderators.
    Thank you!

  • Why not burn florida 21 days ago

    Florida taught me how to social engineer my way into places where I shouldn’t be and extensively damage the U.S. power grid when they were supposed to be teaching cyber security and then offered me free tuition at some college.
    Pls only burn a little bit.

  • found a new drink called "Deisel" 21 days ago

    My flight instructor lets me drink the AvGas when we check the sumps on the wings, it’s free and tasty

  • Gift for Majakalona 21 days ago

    Give Monarchii and WarningStar lemons next

  • 1980 Hayosiko Pace(racing....and drifting?) 22 days ago

    Not really @DatFiat126Guy19.
    It is beautiful though

  • [PINNED] Markdown Formatting 24 days ago

    evil laughter
    It was me! It’s all part of my master plan to destroy my arch-nemesis!
    disappears into a cloud of evil smoke

  • A discourse on the wing building method. 26 days ago

    Very fair points, I may attempt this in the future

  • A door to nowhere. 26 days ago

    Police! Search warrant! Open the door! Anybody in there!?

  • Creating an abomination 27 days ago

    Yeah, sorry, I just check my notes, you’re not allowed to do that.

  • MiG-P-51 shot down by the Thai Air Force MiG-17,November 9th,1950. 27 days ago

    My gosh, what have you done

  • Challenger Police 28 days ago

    Could I modify this?

  • Challenger Police 28 days ago

    Perhaps, maybe in a few weeks. I'll put it in my notes.

  • 2019 RAM 2500 28 days ago

    Thanks, will do! @TalonTheCRTguy

  • MGN FFS Rapier 28 days ago

    Thanks friend! @Cerdd
    Could you elaborate on the nozzle? What can I improve?

  • 2019 RAM 2500 28 days ago

    Would you be cool with me modifying this?

  • Concord P-102 Derecho one month ago

    I’m just using the word concord to refer to the relatively ambiguous green faction.
    Concord basically means agreement and harmony or something, and it sorta refers to Concord’s competent command structure. Their air force isn’t hampered by bureaucracy or politics, and units are allowed to freely flow and develop innovative solutions to problems. Dissent is encouraged and the chain of command works to support the fighting forces in every way.
