48.8k RepublicOfCursedPlanes Comments

  • New players, how did you learn about SimplePlanes? 6 months ago

    I mean, I found out about SP when I was 9 through a course which involved the Edu version. Though at the time, this was the most professional build I found, so I didn’t pursue it.

    It was only 5 years later when I thought about the game one night, and decided to search it up. I was blown away by how much the quality of builds had increased, so here I am.

  • You wanted twokinds? Here's your twokinds. 6 months ago

    I shall not ask

  • [RD G4] F-16C Gunnhildr v1.1 8 months ago

    @WileEWonka getting banned obviously didn't wake you up. Blocked and reported.

  • Update Galore and Steam Sale 8 months ago

    @Skyler101 every end is a new beginning.

  • Caper is ill… 8 months ago

    Get well soon, and don't worry about posting here. Your health is most important.

  • Spotlight 9 months ago

    I can’t spotlight 😢

  • 1919810 9 months ago


  • My new Project 9 months ago

    Bro I never agreed to this

  • Is it okay if I put on bikini anime girl for my PFP? 9 months ago

    It’s not a question of whether you can, but whether you should

  • Simple Planes Plane 10 months ago

    The simple plane is simple for being simple, so it is a simple simple plane in simple plane that lets simple people make simple planes like this simple simple plane in simple plane

  • "???" 10 months ago

    who brought the MiG to australia 💀💀💀

  • What's Next? 10 months ago

    But alright, let me shatter everyone’s hopes one last time. What Andrew is saying is that:

    There will be no more updates until Jundroo says so.

    Yep, no more new features for at least the next few years, because that’s what “on pause for the foreseeable future” means. If there are any new updates, they will be to fix bugs. So that’s that, I’m sorry to burst your bubble to anyone who wants a new update.

  • Andrew's Wife 10 months ago

    free bleach

  • Braindead AI Jet Swarm 10 months ago

    Something normal??? No way!!!!!!

  • Racing Island Airport 11 months ago

    After 8 years, Skypark City finally gets an airport

  • Destructable Office Target 11 months ago

    This reminds me of that incident with the two office towers...

  • For devs: What/when is the next update? 11 months ago

    @XxRxX I don’t know, maybe, just maybe, making features for not one, but 2 games simultaneously, while having to keep it easy to use and not cause lag on mobile devices, while having to collaborate with publishers, other companies, and coping with limited finances, while having to handle their own life and families, is just a little harder than making simple mods? (yes, I’m being sarcastic here.)
    I’m not a dev and have no developing experience, but I doubt doing all these updates, without earning a single cent from it, would be a walk in the park for the Jundroo devs. Or I don’t know, they could add features that you would have to pay for, like a premium addon, but I don’t think many people would like that either.
    Edit: Just thought about it, if any of you are wondering why Jundroo can’t add mods like Tank Tracks or Underwater Camera to SimplePlanes, it’s because they’re made by a third party and if the mods get added into the base game, these mod makers, or the legal authorities, will most likely sue Jundroo.
    The sole exception is WNP78, who I think got personally hired by Jundroo. As a result, the mods that he made, such as Fine Tuner and Overload, are now in the base game.

  • was simpleplanes made with html? (solved) 11 months ago

    It definitely is; there was one time where I opened the website without internet and it showed me the default HTML format

  • STOP one year ago

    I mean, having an overloaded jet stream is rather annoying, but then again, there’s nothing wrong with them spotlighting lower-ranked players to support them, right? It is a huge confidence and point boost for these players.
    (For example, it was probably one of my happiest moments when my Hawaiian Pizza and D-01 got spotlighted by @MrCOPTY, plus I got 50 more upvotes after.)
    Just stating my personal opinion, I’m not getting mad

  • Yo anyone need anything one year ago

    Could you get me a copy of that new SimplePlanes 2 game out on beta

  • What is your opinion about fruit on pizza one year ago

    In my opinion, the only fruit that goes well on pizza is pineapple (I'm a hawaiian pizza lover btw)

  • Boy kisser 1.1 years ago

    1 more upvote and this will end up on the front page

  • SimpleCorn 1.2 years ago

    For me, I really like corn
    What do you like about corn?
    It's corn
    A big lump with knobs
    It has the juice (it has the juice)
    I can't imagine a more beautiful thing (woo)
    It's corn
    I can tell you all about it
    I mean, look at this thing
    When I tried it with butter, everything changed
    Well, the best thing about corn is the grease
    The corn break can restore your energy
    You really appreciate the hard work when you love something
    If you or anyone loves corn, if you come to me, I can tell you all about it
    If I was surrounded by corn, I would eat all of it
    Grow big and strong
    Look at this, take a lump with the knob
    Spread butter on
    Boil and toast it with the grease
    Butter spreads out the good taste
    I just saw corn as disgusting, but everything changed
    It's corn
    A big lump with knobs
    It has the juice (it has the juice)
    I can't imagine a more beautiful thing (woo)
    It's corn
    I can tell you all about it
    I mean, look at this thing
    When I tried it with butter, everything changed
    I hope you have a corntastic day
    A corntastic day?
    What? It's just a pun about corn, okay? (Woo)
    It's corn
    When it's like negative in the world
    Take the corn break (corn break)
    Take the corn break
    Corn dance
    Mm, corn
    Ippety, bibbly, dibbly-bop, corn dance
    Anything else you wanna say about corn before we go?
    It's corn
    A big lump with knobs
    It has the juice (it has the juice)
    I can't imagine a more beautiful thing (woo)
    It's corn
    I can tell you all about it
    I mean, look at this thing
    When I tried it with butter, everything changed
    It's corn
    A big lump with knobs
    It has the juice (it has the juice)
    I can't imagine a more beautiful thing (woo)
    It's corn
    I can tell you all about it
    I mean, look at this thing
    When I tried it with butter, everything changed
    It's corn

  • Wasp Woman 1.2 years ago

    This is the absolute pinnacle of cursed builds

  • Only Guyfolk can comment on this post 1.2 years ago

    Wait, so does this mean that I am Guyfolk?

  • I gave wright new gates(and a terminal) 1.3 years ago

    Mobile-friendly add-ons: unlocked

  • SimplePlanes 2 Announcement Trailer one month ago

    @HanakoSan would probably die, but current users can import all their SP1 builds into SP2 when it gets released

  • SimplePlanes 2 Announcement Trailer one month ago

    @Sm10684 Everything we asked for has been added into SP2, including cross-compatibility (which I didn't think was possible)

  • I'm concerned 3 months ago

    Air travel has become one of the safest (if not the safest) modes of transport nowadays; you’d have to live your life 27 times over in order to experience a deadly air crash. Even when accidents happen, more often than not everyone manages to get out alive.
    As a result people don’t take air crashes seriously anymore, and it feels like a joke to them. It’s a “this is never going to happen to me” kind of mindset.
    Granted, there was a time when I was semi-obsessed with having planes collide with one another in SP, but after reading Admiral Cloudberg’s air crash reports over on Reddit and watching Mentour Pilot’s videos, it doesn’t feel enticing anymore.

  • SimpleMilk 3 months ago

    This is based off SimpleBleach isn't it

  • How to get point? 4 months ago

    1. Go to an art school
    2. Get rejected
    3. Form a far-right party, get a 2/3rds majority in the Reichstag amidst the Great Depression, change the constitution to ban all other political parties, become a dictator, have your army pledge total allegiance to you, secretly rearm, grab territories such as Austria, the Rhineland and Czechoslovakia, invade Poland and start a world war

    There you can get points now

  • 1983 EMD SD40-2 Ai Racer 4 months ago

    Tfw you're driving at 120km/h on a highway and see a freight train hurtle past you at a steady 300

  • How to Peacefully Handle Disagreements 4 months ago

    I’d rather bloody appreciate it if, going forward, we use boths our bloody names on the bloody project and include each other on all bloody posts. /j

  • Build Stealer 5 months ago

    How did blud even manage to compare a stolen plane on SimplePlanes.com to the Nanking Massacre 💀💀💀

  • What is "German Corsair"? 6 months ago

    @IceCraftGaming it got so bad that the build was removed twice by the automod due to the sheer amount of reports. The comments section's now disabled but I think I can still upvote

  • Tonkotsu Ramen (Foodchannel challenge) 6 months ago

    It looks so good but I can’t eat it 😭😭😭
    Wait I actually can
    proceeds to consume computer

  • A walking chainsaw! 6 months ago

    CHAINSAW MAN?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

  • Decline in activity in SP. 7 months ago

    Hopefully, hopefully, my comment still holds weight.
    This is still my first year on the site, so I’m not sure if the recent decline of activity is a usual thing. However, upvote statistics have remained more or less constant, as 1 build still gets 70-80 upvotes every 4 days.
    We’ll have to wait and see.

  • SRV-02 R-D 7 months ago

    Congrats, this is now a certified CursedPlane™️

  • Moderators, please read this 8 months ago

    No matter how many times you ban him, he will always come back, as he will do everything humanely possible to get attention.
    The only solution is to permanently ban his IP address.

  • Edwards Air Force Base, California 8 months ago

    After the latest update I can't use it anymore :(

  • F-36 "BlackMamba" 8 months ago

    Creative move to use the runway number as a header for your plane’s name lol

  • Idiots 8 months ago

    Here after 5 years lol.
    I’d say that no one’s actually called me out for liking planes. Since my school is a (kinda) elite one, everyone is pretty understanding of each other and we just engage in our own hobbies without bothering others. In my class, some play sports, some draw, and some play Genshin/Honkai, but no one judges anyone for these. Probably because we all instead focus on one thing: academics.
    It’s sad to see that in many places, this kind of discrimination still exists. No one should get to define what is “normal” and what isn’t.

  • RickRoll Challenge 8 months ago

    @FlyingPatriot I made an entry, but the auto-credit broke for some reason. The link to the entry is here

  • A glider that i built in few minutes 9 months ago

    @Transair56 @Majakalona it’s all about the context.
    (no offence but) Most of your builds are of pretty bad quality (for my standards), so it would not be unusual at all for you to post this.
    However, Erc is known for making insanely accurate replicas of aircraft, and no one would ever think that he’d make this. Thus, when people see this, they think it’s humorous and upvote.
    In short, we all know this was done on purpose because he can make much better crafts than this, but for you 2… well, people already expect you to build these kinds of stuff, so any element of surprise is lost.
    Moral of the story: upvotes happen when people are surprised. If you want this many upvotes, think of what ways you can make people see your thumbnail, go “Ooh, interesting!” and leave their support.

  • The main series of reasons why I do not make replicas 9 months ago

    I relate so much to this

  • My new Project 9 months ago

    I mean I know I said that I’ll allow 1 build request for whoever won the challenge, but I have standards you know

  • Name Change #2? 9 months ago

    your name is too iconic to be changed

  • What's Next? 10 months ago

    1. you can find custom-made weapons (including guided bombs and lasers) here if you do a quick search off your search engine
    2. that’s a YouTube problem, and there isn’t much point in implementing it when 90% of users have Spotify, which is also free
    3. there are many AI aircraft available on the site too, @MAPA is the main maker of such aircraft
    4. For Maywar, it’s up to them if they decide to make a low edition of the island
