230k RamboJutter Comments

  • Piper Cherokee 5.3 years ago

    You should have put it in EternalDarkness' competition.

  • [B&W] Junkers F 13 (Perfezione) 5.4 years ago

    @Winstonlharambe it just looks so out of proportion, massive wing but tiny tail and fin (which itself is not pretty in design), please don't take this the wrong way, it's the plane itself I don't like not your build.

  • It's heartbreaking 5.4 years ago

    Upvotes are pretty random, some things get loads of votes even with massive construction flaws, others are awesome and get very few votes, it's just the way it is.

  • STOP! It isn't Fair 5.6 years ago

    Aw if only I could spotlight a forum post... most fun post I've seen a long while.

  • Bristol M1 (fixed) 5.7 years ago

    Looks nice but the gloss paint spoils it for me.

  • New Lockheed Martin F-22 coming soon! 5.8 years ago

    Aw no teaser pics

  • Fastest time for a successor? 5.9 years ago

    About 15mins for some noob re-colour with 20 more guns...

  • Col problem 6.0 years ago

    It's usually a wing hadnt attached when copied over. Or not copied over at all (x-ray mod is useful for finding stuff like that)

  • Rant about "Sorry for inactivity" posts 6.0 years ago

    You have more upvotes for a rant than I get for most of my builds, must be a higher quality rant :)

  • Overload V1.0: Some much-needed attention 6.0 years ago

    some one give this guy a medal. without overload i couldnt build on this game.

  • SimplePlanes 2 Announcement Trailer one month ago

    Cool, do players in the top 10 users on SimplePlanes 1 get a discount =p

  • Why world war II planes extend the left gear first? 1.5 years ago

    Hydraulics. Pressure is applied to one ram before the other equalises.

  • FW300 10.3 1.6 years ago

    @WinsWings maybe the radial engine drives an electrical generator and this drives the propellor and the antigrav system :)

  • 16th February 2022 Super Viggen 11.5 2.3 years ago

    @RAF1 was there? I just made the proposal up completely unawares of that fact. I couldn't get my head around getting two engines and thus more power but still equating to less weight.

  • 12th February 2022 sea lightning 15.3 2.3 years ago

    @LieutenantSOT Enjoy =) I just flew a <100ft sortie to destroy the USS beast convoy, 80% throttle and buzzing around at that altitude just feels so nice lol.

  • RJ F56 Zaritskaya 3.8 2.3 years ago

    @Type2volkswagen thats about right, at somepoint every part of the pilots head got attached to the seat, it took 30mins just to get the head moving again... thanks for letting me know.

  • 30th January 2022 5.4 F99 Low Rider 2.3 years ago

    @BaconAircraft Afternoon, Im having some bother getting RAF1's competition to download i.e. it wont. If i post this seperately would you be so kind as to link it as a successor to his competition here?

  • F104-RJ Super Starfighter 7.9 (My 200k build) 2.6 years ago

    @Falkenwut your probably not wrong, i just did what most modern fighters appear to be doing see here for example

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 2.7 years ago

    @wnp78 I tried submitting a bug report but the report itself its bugged... it wont let me submit without a URL for the specific build... So what i was trying to say was hinges now default to full speed of 50% not 100%, when you move the slider it fixes itself but jumps while doing so. Any airbrake or rotator that uses funky trees now displays "funky" instead of the command when clicked on (really annoying when yoiu have multiple airbrakes doing different things and you have to go into overload on each to see whats going on.) In addition the build seems to lag more than normal.

  • B29 bombs question 2.7 years ago

    2 separate bombs by 2 separate b29s (enola gay and bockscar from memory). They could also carry conventional munitions, just Google it.

  • funky command for ram jet 2.8 years ago

    @edensk thanks 😊 I will plug that in next time I get on, glad someone knows how these things work.

  • not a GeeBee 3.1 2.8 years ago

    @LittleJerry less than 500 parts is a low part count...

  • Broken builds. 3.4 years ago

    @BagelPlane same, anything that moves really, its getting to the point where I spend as much time fixing things as I fo building, really annoying and off-putting.

  • Plane exploding after dropping bombs 3.7 years ago

    part collisions are on i would imagine. Try disabling collisions on your bombs

  • How to make elevons? 3.7 years ago

    @Bo1233 you can just edit the original post you know... if your making a custom eing you can just stack 2 hinges, one for elevator and one for roll (this allows for you to tweak each control to move different angles, you can probably do it with 1 hinge and funky tree formulas but that's not my area of expertise)

  • RJ2.5 WW1 biplane 6.1 3.7 years ago

    @Type2volkswagen Its not actually his engine, i just used his build for inspiration, i made everything myself, I also like pushers but it makes life so much more complex with booms etc. Cant believe this only got 25 votes though... easily my best WW1 build.

  • How many players are on this website? 3.7 years ago

    More than 3.

  • The RJ Wasp is here! 3.8 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap thanks 😊 Thats pretty much what I was aiming for, a single engine delta lightning. To be fair it doesn't take much imagination to convert a lightning wing to a delta but it makes it sooo much easier to get the main gear tucked away.

  • "It's not 5th Generation" 3.8 years ago

    @squirrel a very interesting and informative post. The only thing I thought might be incorrect was your definition of super cruise (I may be wrong here after all I'm no expert), I was under the impression super cruise was the ability to maintain super sonic flight without the use of reheat not as you described it? For instance both the ee lightning and concord could super cruise but both used reheat as standard on takeoff?

  • Airfix Challenge RJ Firefly 1.5 4.0 years ago

    @EternalDarkness thanks again, much appreciated.

  • Airfix Challenge RJ Firefly 1.5 4.0 years ago

    @EternalDarkness I dont suppose i can be a pain and ask that you link this as a successor to Falkenwuts challenge (i somehow managed to get the finished one linked but the kit wasnt - even though it the same save file...) challenge link here
    Thanks in advance.

  • Peeps. Chill. Successors are cool!!! Here’s why: 4.0 years ago

    its rare that anyone actually builds a successor of one of mine, the last few have been either re-colours or added tons of guns for no apparent reason... i wouldnt mind a few decent successors though, so feel free people =)

  • It's Kinda Worries Me?! 4.0 years ago

    @NightmareCorporation dont worry about it, mine seem to struggle for votes at present as well, just build for fun, if people upvote then great. I do admit its strange how a flag can get more votes than a detailed aircraft but hey ho.

  • Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II 4.2 years ago

    Woah, I thought it was just yet another warthog but nooo, wow. Good work

  • How do I make custom wings that taper? 4.2 years ago

    Like this or at least that's how I do it

  • So What you guys think of my B-29 Enola Homosexual 4.2 years ago

    I agree with bog, plus in the 40s gay meant happy, not the same connotations as current language

  • funky tree help (angle of attack) 4.3 years ago

    just incase anyone needs it, the input code is: clamp01(TAS - 5) * AngleOfAttack/10
    Big thanks goes to edensk who worked this out for me.

  • funky tree help (angle of attack) 4.3 years ago

    @edensk thanks for that but it doesnt seem to work, is 0degrees horizontal and 25deg upwards from the horizon? (sorry if it isnt and its my bad causing the error). I want the slats on an aircraft to operate when its nose is higher than its trajectory.

  • CH KM Caspian Sea Monster 4.4 years ago

    @Shippy456 no its real, Russia wanted something that could skim the water to be below radar and fast enough / long ranged enough to get to Americas east coast. Google ekranoplan.

  • OUTDATED: Input System Explanation & Tutorial ("Funky Trees") [SP 1.9] 4.4 years ago

    @MattEpic we had that before V<200 etc.

  • RJ-Leduc "Rene" F1 4.5 years ago

    @Mumpsy well I was going to make the wholenise section ejectable, but like the f111 but sp physics annoyed me so I reverted to a standard system:)

  • Thanksgiving Challenge 4.5 years ago

    @weebabyseamus just a suggestion; wouldnt it be better if you actually judged each entry rather than relying on upvotes? The upvote system is biased as high ranking (high follower count) players have a larger fan base to upvote their builds than the lower ranking players... just a thought.

  • RamboJutter Manta-Ray GRIII 4.6 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick nope, never seen that before, I just put things together and came up with it, might have had a bit of Blohm und Voss in the back of my head or mby a bit of Star Wars cloud car but nothing in particular.

  • RJ-AVRO Vulcan GR1 3.0 4.6 years ago

    @DeezDucks I'll have to look into that when I get back home, I don't tend to use rudder as sp mechanics seem to not like yaw and just gives me either a judder or roll. Thanks for the input though.

  • Anyone wonder what ive been working on? =) 4.8 years ago

    @Chancey21 good job it's ground to ground then :)

  • BAE Cyclone F-1 4.1 4.8 years ago

    @Tang0five no doubt, I heard it was going to be vtol and carrier capable right up until the government changed their mind for the 3rd time....

  • Hawker Siddeley Eagle GR1 4.1 4.9 years ago

    @Megaplanesinc most real aircraft don't take kindly to being shot, hard to see that as a relevant critique really.

  • 'Sopwith' Duck MK1 (beluga sub entry) 1.2 5.0 years ago

    @X4JB it's not a rudder it's his tail :)

  • Dassault Mirage 2000C 5.0 years ago

    @ainanen yeah each circle in the roundel will have a ratio compared to the other, so a roundel like the HAF use has a 3:2:1 ratio so the largest is 3x the smallest. Different eras used different ratios. That website explains the RAF ones.

  • Blueprints 5.1 years ago

    https://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints/modernplanes/ or http://richard.ferriere.free.fr/3vues/3vues.html. ps I intentionally didn't do them as links so you can see what they are :)
