986 TechCreator

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joined one year ago

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Wellcome to nitrogeneating mech,plane,vehicle,weapons community and has more stuff to search

More fun stuff to do:
1. Build
2. Build
3. Sleep

My best friend in the community and building:
You better see his builds :)

I can build something huge but when i have the imac pc just to build it

Also i am building some mega projects:
1.Project berlin
2.Project management
3.Project imposipble

I liiiiikkkkkkkeeee cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese

Temporarily stopped activities:none

Wanna join mah discord here's za linky winky


Am i retarded??


Were almost 1k!!!!

I hope tomorrow we will get 1k by 8 am or higher

Previously known as Nitrogeneating1160