459 MattGaming49

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joined 1.5 years ago

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Yooo, wassup?

Hi, I'm MattGaming49. I'm the founder and CEO of my fictional company; IAC or Indo-Pacific Aircraft Company. My aliases are: MattGaming49, Matt, or Artificial Oysters. I prefer to be called by my username; MattGaming49.

I'm an aspiring aircraft designer, hoping to be an aeronautical engineer who works for the people of my beloved country.

I genuinely love to play Simpleplanes as it's only one of two games I could create planes I dream of making.

I'm a minimalist, as you could see by looking at the amount of parts used on every aircraft I made. Why am I a minimalist? Honestly a stupid question but I guess it's because I'm not as patient as other creators. That's why I respect creators that spend time and effort making detailed planes. I'm not saying that other people who are also minimalists like me aren't using their time and effort, It's just that it's impressive that someone could make such detailed planes, you know?

Status: Sometimes online, sometimes offline.
(I'll continue making planes when I'm done with sorting out stuff for school. It won't be long.)

"Airplanes are cursed dreams. A beautiful curse for the heart of the dreamer. The curse of wanting to turn dreams into reality."