7,531 InsertNameHere01 Comments

  • M310 MABEL 2.4 years ago

    Looks neat, very nice! :)

  • Mirage 2.5 years ago

    Cool, but where coccpit?

  • Sukhoi SU-35UB [Teaser] 2.5 years ago

    Absolute Pogchamp.

  • Simple J-10 2.5 years ago

    Where landing gear? :tomfoolery:

  • F-42 Shortnose 2.6 years ago

    @BeastHunter Challenge? What for?

  • Passing by for a second time. 2.6 years ago

    @BeastHunter Hahah, sure thing :)

  • Passing by for a second time. 2.6 years ago

    @BeastHunter Here's onto a second (better) run this time.

  • Multiple arguments in Overload 2.6 years ago

    @IMULAerospaceIndustries Late reply, sorry.
    Glad I could help, even if the code was simple and not that smart outside of its job.

  • Multiple arguments in Overload 2.6 years ago

    Tried this?

    Tas<18 & Throttle =0? 1 : 0

    Rather dumb code, but should work (I suppose).

  • Multiple arguments in Overload 2.6 years ago

    It cant read it properly, If my memory serves me right.

    I assume you want it to output 0 when Tas is under 18m/s, in that case:
    TAS < 18? [Put the output you want here if Tas under 18m/s] : [put output you want here if Tas is NOT under 18m/s so it will be different than the first output]

  • F-41A CopyCat one month ago


    Updated the XML with minor updates for the plane and removed the built-in pack of weaponry for it cause of spawning issues that people might encounter.

    PWR has been lowered significantly, as it should have been from the start.
    Drag was slightly changed.
    Weapons pack will be re-uploaded later on as standalone thing.

  • F-41A CopyCat 2 months ago

    @13hb01sedgefieldcc It's most likely because of the extra un-attached weapon pack blocks. Just save them as subassembly and remove them from the plane, should be good to go to spawn on the beast.

  • F-41A CopyCat 2 months ago

    @c144538707 For some reason pictures keep getting terminated from something, will re-upload them somehow again soon. Deeply sorry for the situation!

  • F-41A CopyCat 3 months ago

    @NavalMan96 I just noticed (haven't logged in site for a while) that the cockpit pictures have gone missing, shame.
    Anyways, to start up the plane all you need is on the right-hand side panel.
    I will shortly list the stuff in hopes you can find them yourself.
    First and foremost uncage the gauges via the switch nearby the radar.

    From here on now:
    1.L and R batteries
    2.Master Caution
    3.Oil Pump

    Then proceed to the Engine crank switch and crank it right, that will switch so the next time you hit the starter it will crank the right engine. Once right engine has been cranked and you see the starter indicator needle move (Under the RPM gauges), proceed to the left engine doing the same thing.

    With that done, plane is ready to fly, albeit not in full system ready-check. (Missing RWR, nose camera screen and a few other stuff, but it WILL fly just fine)



    If the links expire again, notify me to re-send them somehow or to give you further contact information on Discord for in-detail helping!

    *P.S. Here are the cockpit picks again:

  • F-41A CopyCat 3 months ago

    @Doyoucares , @PUMPKINSIDD , @N0ble

  • F-41A CopyCat 3 months ago

    @HuskyDynamics01 , @Gro , @MrsKiwiexe

  • F-41A CopyCat 3 months ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer , @DatTrainGuy19 , @VTPADELTA

  • F-41A CopyCat 3 months ago

    I am gonna tag the people that upvoted on my teaser, I am sorry and will remove any comments if they did not want it and I misunderstood by some chance!

  • [Teaser] Copycat, defender of the fleet. 4 months ago

    Will continue to update occasionally with some new boops and beeps for those interested.


  • JDEX-74FF Monarch 5 months ago

    @c144538707 I am assuming you suggest to enlarge the mobile suit.
    Its a possibility, but for now I prefer the smaller sized idea based around the later on UC suits that were small and packed higher powered gear and relied on speed rather than armor and all.

  • JDEX-74FF Monarch 6 months ago

    |1.12.23 - 16:05PM EET |

    Update for the gyro system tweaks has been pushed.

    Re-Download to get the updated system.

    Notify me if there are any further issues.

  • JDEX-74FF Monarch 6 months ago

    @c144538707 I have re-bound it so it either uses AG8 or stab input, meaning the only way to de-activate the gyro's is to completely shut down the unit, theoretically.

  • JDEX-74FF Monarch 6 months ago

    @c144538707 Will do a small update soon and re-bind it to the power system so the gyro's work if either AG8 is on or the Stabs are on (if ag8 is off), how's that sound?

  • TZ73A COSMIC SHRILL 00 6 months ago

    @Transair56 As a gundam fan, I can't either!

  • A.M.M.U.-001 : Kibo no hikari 7 months ago

    Definitely see potential in your work, but then again, I am pretty novice when it comes to mechs (Don't have reputation neither big experience behind my back yet).
    I'm always open to experience exchange, if we can help each other in some way, one mech fan to another!
    Invest some time into making up the logic of how you want the machine to operate, the rest is to just find a way to do it using FT magic.

    Very smart idea to use labels for cockpit monitor simulation! I didn't think of that until seeing it from this unit. Do you mind if I take some of the labels and see what I can do with them in terms of modifications and so on?
    All the best!

  • Gundam GPP-0118 7 months ago

    @c144538707 Gonna have to ruin the mood, but most likely wont be done since I have decided to drop SP again for a good while. Stein will remain unfinished and broken for the near future.

  • Gundam GPP-0118 8 months ago

    @c144538707 I don't think I quite understand what you mean by the chest changing, explain further if its not a problem.

  • Gundam GPP-0118 8 months ago

    @c144538707 I can re-purpose the Stein to have dual O.S. ,however that would mean extending the test runs with at least another month and probability of success dropping to under 60% (Without it practically being too unstable for mass production usage).
    However, good news (somewhat) for you, hover unit is done and installed in the base Stein thanks to new generator output and better gyro system.

    *P.S. It's more of a why rather than when type of question.
    Why make it dual O.S. considering the hover unit is already installed in the Stein and tuned to be on-par with Xi Gundam's handling in atmosphere? Why make it fly independently (with struggles and a lot of AMBAC usage) than to use the already mastered hover unit?

  • Gundam GPP-0118 8 months ago

    @c144538707 Size is good, just needs re-shaping to be smoother and nicer to the eye.
    I am also quietly updating the inner structure, alongside systems.

  • F-100D Super Sabre 8 months ago

    No coccpit?

  • Gundam GPP-0118 8 months ago

    @c144538707 I am well versed in the mech animes (Big fan of Aldnoah Zero, so i know the gleipnir well), and that upgrade pack can be done in the future (for now i wanna finish updating the body structure).


    Greetings, would it be ok with you if I use the head on my own suit prototypes? For start it will be minor upgrades and changes, but in future it seems like promising starter for different designs.

  • Gundam GPP-0118 8 months ago

    @c144538707 I have no issue with making a striker pack with ejectable ordinance and droppable armor, but it will affect the performance and part count significantly.

  • Gundam GPP-0118 8 months ago

    Greetings again, lads @c144538707 @TheTomatoLover

    I have a question for the future. Do you think the suits should stick to stuff that they carry and can use, or have decorative weaponry/ smaller stuff on them (although it wont be able to be used as of now)?

  • Gundam GPP-0118 9 months ago

    @c144538707 This is a stop-gap suit, it was never majorly updated with tech to fix its serious issues.
    Stein will have some extra fixes and systems to ensure it has somewhat better capabilities, including funnel system.

  • Gundam GPP-000 Hund 1.1 years ago

    @Ian_Yashima Actually, wanted to ask if its possible.
    Any tips on how you make your gundam/mobile suits so stable?

  • Gundam GPP-000 Hund 1.1 years ago

    @Ian_Yashima Glad to know its at least somewhat good with movement after I changed how it works. Shame that I can't make it as stable or as good looking as your builds (Great inspiration for the future).

    Have a good day!

  • Gundam GPP-000 Hund 1.1 years ago


  • Gundam GPP-000 Hund 1.1 years ago


  • Gundam GPP-000 Hund 1.1 years ago


  • Gundam GPP-000 Hund 1.1 years ago


  • RX-10F Storyteller Gundam 1.3 years ago

    @nobe It was my first mech, so it was far from perfect. Nonetheless, I believe it was good start.

  • Santoni Sa.3800 "Leone" 1.4 years ago


  • Nozomi Jaguar 11S 1.5 years ago Mid-season package update released for the chassis, re-download to test the new modifications.

  • Nozomi Jaguar 11S 1.5 years ago

    I won't be able to fix any bugs, or any other issues, so do repairs and modifications at your own judgement!

  • What modifications would you like to see 1.5 years ago

    Turbo kit (if it lacks one) and probably full slick tires. ERS system is a plus too, I guess.

  • Rocket Industries-Mercedes Benz R2007 (2007-2008) 1.6 years ago

    Neat little car!
    You have potential, definitely suggest you spend some time learning downforce dynamics so you can improve your F1 projects even further and make it even more fun in the future.

  • A-19U Diamond Tail 1.6 years ago


    "I turn them all on but I can never get the engine to start"

    To start the systems, go with the simple start-up protocol:
    1.Engage the right hand side panel switches and buttons (you can ignore the lights if you want)
    2.Switch to RIO/WSO seat and turn on Engine check and auxiliary check buttons, then flip the master caution (You can turn them on however you want, it just requires them to be on)
    3.engage parking brake
    4.Move throttle a little and wait for response (Keep check of the RPM gauge)

    After all is done and engine is working (idling), disengage parking brake and proceed with your flight.

    "could you possibly add some air to air or even air to ground "

    The plane is left empty so you can add your own armament, however you wish to!
    I always keep it empty, so people can do whatever they want, all I ensure is basic armament like machine gun or cannon.

    Safe flights!

  • A-19U Diamond Tail 1.6 years ago

    @Twizi Right hand side has a panel with switches, take a look at them.
    Have fun!

  • Nozomi Jaguar 09C (VR) (SPSC Racing livery) 1.7 years ago

    Someone actually has interest in my F1 chassis, wow
    Looks great, happy to see my craft being usable for others!

    *P.S. It would be awesome and very kind if you could leave my name in the desc, as a credit of sorts ( I guess).
    Have fun!