100k GuyFolk Comments

  • Backward Land 1.9 years ago

    Didn't know my plane could fly backward that well.
    Impressive stunt.

  • Zaine's Trike 1.9 years ago

    This is a tricycle.
    But it can fly.
    So it's an airplane with tricycle landing gear lol.

  • Trolled (EXTREMELY BAD LUCK EDITION) 2.0 years ago

    It still kicking ass even when it losses it's wings.
    Or even when the game thought it is dead.

  • Instrument Landing System 2.1 years ago

    Thanks for showing me this amazing work.

    This really work, I can landing blind using this.

  • SR-71E "BlackEgg" 2.1 years ago

    So cuteeeee.

  • F-14D Tomcat (Final Teaser) 2.1 years ago

    Definitely DCS vibes here.
    Kudos to you ollielebananiaCFSP.

  • SU - 57 "Felon" 2.2 years ago

    My idea actually not that complicate lol.
    It just (some pitch control funky PID)*clamp(inverselerp(180,330,IAS),0.1,1).
    In English : it retain full pitch control until the plane pass 180m/s IAS, after that the pitch control reduce as IAS increase until capped at 0.1.
    Your code work quite like mine but I used this form in my plane because it easier to fine tune because the numbers is intuitive.

  • Finally Spinning Radar ! ! ! 2.3 years ago

    "remove the text and see that it worked." > That's half the "programming" anyway lol.
    The other half is knowing what to google search.
    * got change to star trek icon lol, I believe the dev put it there as Easter egg.
    And thanks again for your kind words.
    The cockpit I've built is based on real image can find but I have to remove a lot of details for simplicity, I always ask my self "can you use this layout even when you're sleepy or while you are drunk?".
    I've been flying flight sims for quite sometimes but not as long as you lol. (My first sim was Novalogic F-16 and F/A-18 Korea gold)
    So I kinda know what I want for my cockpit instruments.

  • Despair 2.3 years ago

    I might sponsor this but it got beaten byyyyyyy
    free mobiles mmo rpg game with something somthing somthing

  • Finally Spinning Radar ! ! ! 2.3 years ago

    Hey thanks.
    I appreciate your honestly.
    I just want to clear things up a bit because my work functionality is kinda lost-in-translation. (I can't find a better word)
    It's a mixed feeling tbh, I'm happy that I saw my work spread like a wild fire but sad because it is not at it's full functionality.

  • Accidental suicide 2.3 years ago

    Son, I'm Sorry...They Got Us
    -Henry Jones, Sr.-

  • X-02 Wyvern [v2.0 With Rail-gun] 2.3 years ago

    I don't understand Chinese but here goes:
    Missiles pods are not attached to the pylons so you can choose to attach it if you want.

  • Little SU-35UB Cinematic 2.4 years ago

    Only thing I know about cinematic is that if you put camera in place that irl camera can/would be, it'll automatically feels real.
    And the stunts routine reflected irl stunt so this look even more relatable to the real world.

  • Dassault 55N Fullmyst 2.5 years ago

    Oh, so that's the reason behind the airbrake, similar story for F-22 ailerons which both deflect up under g load to reduce wing bend.
    Also, I double checked the rotator in question and I found that the input is max 0 and min -1 so throttle which has value of 0 to 1 has no effect at all, that's answer the question why I haven't notice it at all. (I was thinking for a sec that I'm missing something)
    Overall I think this fly super smooth and that is a must for VR at least in my opinion.

  • Lautern Skyly J-2 'Teacher' 2.6 years ago

    Now take my plane apart to see how it work.

  • The new jCalc FT — Jundroo 2.6 years ago

    This give me iPhone ads vibes.

  • Aerial refueling 2.7 years ago

    I lost count of it lol.
    I overshooting the probe so many times but no catastrophic crash or anything.

  • [F-37] "Archangel" 2.7 years ago

    The FT code looks familiar.

  • MiG-29A Fulcrum-A 2.7 years ago

    "Country of Origin: Air Superiority Fighter"
    In Air Superiority Fighter, the plane fly you.

  • Help with Autoaim 2.7 years ago

    I personally did auto aim in 2 ways.
    1. Use ground base auto aim but have a new set of rotator to stabilize the ground base turret to eliminate the limitation about tilting the turret.
    2. Use FT magic, precisely trigonometry and some vector, basically when your plane start rolling the turret's vertical axis slowly becomes horizontal axis and turret's horizontal axis slowly becomes vertical axis so for one turret's rotator I add both horizontal and vertical aiming code to it but to use value from vertical or horizontal code (or a mix of those two) is up to trigonometry.

    Take it with a grain of salt because I still can't figure out how to make turret aim full 360 deg.

  • [Teaser] Yeager air show -ish 2.7 years ago

    The flight control to compensate for lack of 3d tvc fascinated me the most, I just know recently that at high aoa and low speed the Raptor move one vertical stabilizer down to such angle that it create drag (and stall the surface to not produce much lift so the aircraft won't roll) to produce yaw moment.
    And yes, I added that kind of control into my Raptor.

  • Driving a DeLorean on the moon! 3.1 years ago

    “Roads? Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads”
    Warps to the moon

  • [Tutorial] Unstable plane and how to make them. 3.2 years ago

    All hell break loose when there are alphabets in a math equation.

  • XF-14 II plus 'Skull and Rose' 3.3 years ago

    No time wasted I assure you, my fellow programmer lol.

  • Trying to Fight GuyFolk's ADFX-02 3.3 years ago

    Ah... nice flying skill!!!
    And nice vertical head-on approach which play on the TLS weak spot, gimbal lock problem, it reduced accuracy of the TLS by a significant amount so it is the safest way to do head-on attack.
    And for the final dogfight, Pixy just ran out of gas lol. (good ending perhaps)

  • AI doing PSM 3.4 years ago

    PSM sometimes sound like drugs imo.

  • P-47D Hitlerbolt 3.5 years ago

    Ahh... the good old day in War Thunder RB, US Thunderbolt vs German Hitlerbolt.
    And there are Spitfire with Daimler-Benz engine and Bf- 109 with merlin engine.
    That would be nice to see those in SP.
    cough next plane maybe cough

  • My take on "Carrier takeoff" 3.6 years ago

    That's how the ground crew react lol.

  • Flying backward through the bridge. 3.7 years ago

    @EngineerOtaku PSM is border line obsession at this point lol.
    @Darjeelings183 That's some next level, physic bending stuff XD.
    @Gluck You sir, will be tagged when it is ready.

  • [Tutorial] Unstable plane and how to make them. 7 months ago

    This video show a very basic stuff, PID is some kind of advance stuff but it'll take the basic code of this video.
    PID can surely put the plane to 0 pitch rate if you make it do that.

  • F-35B 'Lightning II' 9 months ago


    Alpha limit of the actual jet is 32 without the override, 50 with the override.

    So the exact number is 32 I assume, I though it'll be like 25 but I limited mine at 15 so it'll be more forgiving to fly.

  • F-35B 'Lightning II' 9 months ago

    Now you can land in weird places without breaking a sweat.

  • F-35B 'Lightning II' 9 months ago

    Also, will the review be recorded?
    I kinda want to see it.

  • F-35B 'Lightning II' 9 months ago

    All tags were requested.
    Holy F, it's so many lol.

  • XML help/ Funky Tree 9 months ago

    I mean the number in the code have to be in meter per second.
    So it'll be 67.05.
    Because 67.05 m/s = 150 mph.

  • XML help/ Funky Tree 9 months ago

    Super easy.
    Or you can try alternative version.
    Try both and see if any of them fit.

  • [FINAL TEASER] F-35B Lightning II -Burn- 9 months ago

    Not any time soon I guess.
    I don't know much about Yukikaze,both lore and mechanical.

  • SU-57 'Felon' 10 months ago

    Please check my reply in the F-22 post, same solutions.

  • Refueling into the sunset 11 months ago

    I get your point now.
    Not that I don't know it but I haven't find a suitable solution to it, yet.
    I actually want to make the tail pipe hollow but the real in-game engine need to be at the end of the tail pipe to redirect thrust properly.

  • [AI] Wasp tanker 11 months ago

    So now the Hornet line in SP is actually complete like you said.

  • [AI] Wasp tanker 11 months ago

    I can't fully take the credit though.

  • F-14 A Topgun Livery 11 months ago

    Nozzles are really cool.
    I really like the way it move.

  • J-20A one year ago

    Fly by wire is incredible.
    I love it.
    Especially how it handle high AoA and how it transition between normal and supermaneuvrability mode.

  • F-35B VTOL system showcase 1.1 years ago

    I am that good lol.

  • F-35B VTOL system showcase 1.2 years ago

    only missing a cockpit?
    Oh boy...
    I haven't wrote a single line of HUD code yet lol.
    And that's the hard part.

  • New Bomber-SEAD Swept-wings aircraft i guess. 1.2 years ago

    Nothing to worry about.
    I'm still ok, just less active.

  • F-35B WIP showcase 1.3 years ago

    @Kangy @Sparky6004
    That's the point I haven't decided yet.
    I could make lift fan door not open over a certain speed but I still want to explore the possibility of "viffing" in an F-35 as a "what if" scenario.
    I think it'd be a missed opportunity to not including that.
    I tend to go for realistic performance but with some fun (but maybe unrealistic) features.

  • F-64-B Crowhawk 1.4 years ago

    Believe me, this plane can fly backward as it is while doing PSM.
    Or fly backward during VTOL lol.

  • ADFX-02 Morgan -Pixy- 1.4 years ago

    Yeah, go ahead.

  • F-64-A2 Crowhawk 1.4 years ago


    My potato PC has big screen so resolution is high lol.
    It's still image so I crank every graphic setting to max.
