44.7k DerekSP Comments

  • HMD? 1.7 years ago

    @X99STRIKER hemorrhoid

  • I wonder. 1.7 years ago


  • [guide/tip] How to properly give predecessor credit when you have multiple unlisted WIPs of a build 1.7 years ago

    @IICXLVIICDLXXXIIIDCXLVII sure it could, but someone wanting to steal a build would find their way even without this, would just take a couple more minutes. If someone does it though it's literally just a matter of time until their entire account is suspended

  • I think a got monkeypox 1.7 years ago

    @ColonelCanada not something you just randomly get

  • I think a got monkeypox 1.7 years ago

    It only spreads if you come in really close contact with someone who already has it

  • DAC-55-100 1.7 years ago

    @CanadianAircraftBuilder combining the disadvantages of both and advantages of neither

  • Lockeed Marting C130J AIR FRANCE 1.7 years ago

    Amazing, exactly what I was looking for, thanks for entering

  • Im out of ideas of what to build 1.7 years ago


  • Passenger Conversion Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @BigAeroplane it does not have to exist on the SImplePlanes website, I only mentioned that because it can be something already made in SP, but doesn't have to be. In fact it is probably better to not modify an existing build in SP, you can, but you don't have to.

  • Can mods/devs subtract points from people's accounts 1.7 years ago

    @IICXLVIICDLXXXIIIDCXLVII yeah someone needs to upvote it quickly because it has just positioned itself right next to the world trade center

  • for people that like upvotes lol dumb internet points 1.7 years ago

    @ollielebananiaCFSP and you are now doing exactly the same thing except just on the opposite end of the spectrum. This is an inherently flawed argument, as if the points are fake and worthless then what does it matter if someone gets them in a way someone else may find undeserving

  • Passenger Conversion Challenge deadline extended 1.7 years ago

    @alexJgameYTukraine @BigAeroplane

  • DAC-50-100 1.7 years ago

    @Boeing777x The 30 was meant as a passenger plane with the freight version not being very good, the 40 will have an actual interior and proper cargo doors an-225 style

  • DAC-50-100 1.7 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 full disclosure the wings are a subassembly from one of my previous planes, it started off as a placeholder but I really like how it looks and it even makes sense within my epic lore. The engines are newly built just for this though

  • I guess Reworkable was banned ? 1.7 years ago

    @IICXLVIICDLXXXIIIDCXLVII idk may be just me but if you apologize for breaking the rules that doesn't change the fact that you broke them, especially when you apologize only after you were found out. Just for the sake of fairness that should be treated the same way as if any other user did that, and that's not even considering the fact that he apparently did it again afterwards as @BaconAircraft says

  • If fuselage can account for drag, why not lift? 1.7 years ago

    @TheFlightGuySP ferram aerodynamics mod in KSP does this I think so it's not unthinkable

  • If fuselage can account for drag, why not lift? 1.7 years ago

    @TheFlightGuySP yeah exactly but the shape of the fuselage wont change mid-game, so it would boil down to just calculating the same thing as if it was a wing at a specific angle

  • If fuselage can account for drag, why not lift? 1.7 years ago

    with that said though I am perfectly fine with how things are right now

  • If fuselage can account for drag, why not lift? 1.7 years ago

    @TheFlightGuySP would it though, you could just run the calculations once for each fuselage block and just substitute it for a "virtual wing" with an equivalent amount of lift

  • I guess Reworkable was banned ? 1.7 years ago

    @BaconEggs my dialysis machine is integrated into the simpleplanes website

  • Orca Crosswind and heavy gust landing practice 1.7 years ago

    great flight today, if you upload any footage please notify me, thanks!

  • DAC-30-100F 1.7 years ago

    @Boeing777x also thank

  • Tri-engine Challenge [Closed] 1.7 years ago

    my Raspberry Pi Zero W can only handle 13 parts hope thats ok

  • Communication between you and that player is blocked 1.7 years ago

    im going to block you right now as a matter of fact

  • Passenger Conversion Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @ChamDel78 as is extensively written in the description, yes. The starting design doesn't have to be a cargo plane, it can be military or something else, creativity counts

  • Passenger Conversion Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @IDNSatyaBUKANNova that can, I meant that you can't just completely reupload something without changes

  • Passenger Conversion Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @Sakorsky yes exactly

  • Passenger Conversion Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @IDNSatyaBUKANNova it has to be a new build/mod for the challenge, I should have mentioned that in the rules, I'll add it now

  • Passenger Conversion Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @NobleMobileUser yes, but doesn't have to be. You could modify an existing SimplePlanes design, but I'd rather not have you do that to someone else's build without their permission, due to the successor rules of the challenge. Besides you are better off building something completely on your own since if you are just modifying something pre-existing the judgement will be stricter (as a lot of work was already done for you)

  • Passenger Conversion Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @Souplane if there is demand it will be extended, but i know how popular (or rather not popular) my challenges usually are so there would be no point waiting a long time for entries that wont come

  • Potential bots? 1.7 years ago

    this is really cool https://www.team17.com/games/worms-2-armageddon/

  • VIFA CI-84 1.7 years ago

    Exactly the kind of submission I was looking for, thanks for entering the challenge

  • How to Calculate the range of Aircraft that we made? 1.7 years ago

    @NochAviation There is no way to do it properly

  • How to Calculate the range of Aircraft that we made? 1.7 years ago

    You can't in any easy way, since even your altitude determines your range. You would have to approximate your aircraft into a single object with a certain lift, drag, weight, then plot range against altitude, then how do you handle if the plane changes altitude mid flight? What about the center of mass shifting as you drain fuel, it can pitch the plane up or down which will change its drag. What about wind etc. Best you can do is just an approximation using the tip from @HuskyDynamics01 comment

  • Passenger Conversion Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @NobleMobileUser the original aircraft design you want to modify can be literally anything (within reason), it can be a real aircraft, a real design that was never built, completely fictional, etc, it doesn't have to exist as an SP build. It just has to be something designed prior to the challenge

  • Passenger Conversion Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @CanadianAircraftBuilder homework and studying hopefully

  • Passenger Conversion Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer thanks for the spotlight

  • Passenger Conversion Challenge 1.7 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 yeah that's a much better example than the Tu-114

  • Man's built a new company! Fictionally, of course. 1.7 years ago


  • Man's built a new company! Fictionally, of course. 1.7 years ago


  • Otana Art - GDI AC-42/A "Orca" 1.7 years ago

    please my bush plane pleas e

  • announcement, I guess 1.7 years ago

    @beenz indeed the Bush plane is one of the planes ever made

  • announcement, I guess 1.7 years ago

    i wont believe you until you rework my bush plane

  • Ukraine Tag? 1.7 years ago

    @IICXLVIICDLXXXIIIDCXLVII antonov is ukrainian and was actively building aircraft in ukraine post-ussr

    @SimpleTankers no its not

    But this argument could me made for all nationalities, I don't like the inconsistency with tags, either all should have a specific tag or none

  • 5th gen aircraft UPDATE 1.7 years ago

    @xNotDumb airplane

  • 5th gen aircraft UPDATE 1.7 years ago


  • Can mods/devs subtract points from people's accounts 1.7 years ago

    @V i will proceed with the rituals necessary to summon the andrew and get the evil deed done

  • DAC-30-100F 1.7 years ago

    @FoxtrotCharlieCharlieX thank

  • DAC-30-100 1.7 years ago

    @CanadianAircraftBuilder thanks i can assure you that i fully intend to restart my stream of low-effort content

  • DAC-30-100 1.7 years ago

    @CR929thenewSPplayer that was definitely an inspiration and to an extent justification to make it