11.8k CharlesDeGaulle Comments

  • MN Strasbourg 2.2 years ago

    It's a beautiful ship, and I upvoted, despite that damned gif in description.

  • SNCASO SO.4000 2.2 years ago


  • MiG-29 Ghost of Kyiv 2.2 years ago


  • SNCASO Déver 2.2 years ago


  • Mirage MD-750 old version 2.3 years ago

    T :

  • German Corsair 2.3 years ago

    Italian D520.

  • The flag of Turkey 2.4 years ago


  • Fun facts about the Wright destroyers 2.7 years ago

    11- What are supposed to be naval guns do as much damage to an aircraft as a light machine gun.
    12- They are ugly.
    13- They don't have a VLS.

  • T-34-76 Russian Medium Tank 3.0 years ago

    @TemporaryBrightness You forgotten the Hon Hon!

  • Battleship Chimera 3.1 years ago

    Richelieu + Iowa = that.
    Nice ship

  • Messerschmitt BF-109 G-2 3.1 years ago

    The best Bf-109 on the site, I think.

  • Simpleplanes Users 3.1 years ago


  • I am evil??? 3.1 years ago

    Three days ago, I posted the same phorum (with the same title), for my 2666 points ...

  • French Air Force Flag 3.2 years ago

    @FrostyYeti Seriously ?? Do you know the History ? Did you know that France has a better army ? His B1 tanks were twice as armored (32mm for the B1, 14.5mm for the Panzer II), B1 tanks also had better guns firing further... some B1 display a ratio of 14 destroyed panzers ! There is no doubt that if France had been managed by better generals, it would have won ! If De Gaulle had been put at the head of the armies in 1939, the outcome of the war would have been quite different.
    Our aviation was also better, and more numerous. You should know that the Germans adopted the Blitzkrieg strategy, while the French army was managed by incompetent generals, the Maginot line which was of no use was surrounded, and the strategy of the other armies was also disastrous. France was also an "industrial giant" at the time. What the Germans had more was their population, very high, even higher than present-day Germany,

  • VK 170.03 (P) - Rattenkonig 3.5 years ago

    very nice tank ! In the event of a battle, I think it ends badly for the bike..

  • Dassault Rafale 3.8 years ago

    You still have to be imaginative enough to make the connection between a Rafale and this thing, I believe that if you show this to Dassault aviation, you will end up with a missile in your house !

    it looks more like some kind of eurofighter mixed with a lego plane

  • A380-800 3.8 years ago

    It's not an A380 It is more, thin, prettier, better than an A380.

  • Can I Build this? 3.9 years ago

    What a mentality guys ! A guy builds that, and you give him 49 upvotes ??? Instead of looking at the quality of things that are (so) better than that (only 2 words on fuselage part), you are having fun upvoting this thing that is worth nothing as much as something that has taken someone days or weeks of work ! I do not understand you...

  • Su-57 Felon 3.0 10 months ago

    At least, unlike the F35, it does not have the underwater function 😂
    I'm not particularly a fan of the SU57, but I think comparing F22 and SU57 is wrong.
    The SU-57 was not made to directly oppose the F22 or to compete with it (the F22 cannot be exported)..

  • Haunebu II 11 months ago

    Indeed, I did some research on the subject on my side, and I also made 3 Haunebu on this site, I admit that it is complicated to find a serious source.. even if it is possible that Die Glocke has a relationship with hypothetical flying machine projects such as the Haunebu...

  • Beechcraft King Air 350i 11 months ago

    Il est magnifique.
    Tout est parfaitement réalisé dessus, l'avion en lui même, l'intérieur, la porte avec l'escalier, et ce cockpit est aussi incroyable que fonctionnel, l'un des plus beaux si ce n'est le plus beau que j'ai vu sur ce site. Beau boulot !!

  • Agamemnon class Battleship 11 months ago

    I know them, yes I know the HMS Dreadnought ... and other Dreadnought and pre-Dreadnought of differents countries, I also played a little game, Ultimate Admirals Dreadnought where you could put different types of chimneys consistent with the time, and ofc WoWs.. this one reminds me more of the American ships of the 30s, but maybe his ship has undergone a refit, "lol"

  • je test des avions pour ma chaîne youtube 11 months ago

    @EmmanuelDu11 Ah je vois ! Apprendre à construire, ça nécessite un peu de temps, mais une fois que t'as a peu près tout compris, t'as moyen de faire des trucs géniaux.

  • je test des avions pour ma chaîne youtube 11 months ago

    J'ai trouvé ça sympa, oublions l'atterrissage style japonais WWII, juste une chose pour la prochaine vidéo, si tu pouvais tester toutes les fonctionnalités de la machine, ce serait pas mal !

  • je test des avions pour ma chaîne youtube 11 months ago


    Si tu veux encore test des trucs, voilà un truc marrant !

  • Haunebu I 11 months ago


  • je test des avions pour ma chaîne youtube 11 months ago

    @Bryan5 Vu !

  • je test des avions pour ma chaîne youtube 11 months ago

    @EmmanuelDu11 Nickel, merci !

  • Mirage MD750 1.5 years ago

    @GrizzlitnCFSP Merci !

  • Mirage MD750 1.5 years ago


  • Mirage MD750 1.5 years ago


  • Dassault Mirage 2000-5 1.5 years ago

    Fly a Mirage on DCS or War Thunder and compare it to this one... I know that these are not models of realism, but they are still closer to reality than this one.
    I'm not criticizing his work badly, the plane itself is magnificent, I'm just saying that it flies badly compared to the original, I know this plane is dedicated to mouse and joystick, but I can't stand the kind of bumps when I'm handling it, this is due to a bad spacing between the wings and the elevators, or to a bad distribution of the masses...

  • TEASER. 1.5 years ago

    @SyntheticL Yes, a Mirage MD750. Due to the poor quality of my original, I decided to redo it.

  • BVP M-67 - built for AI 1.5 years ago

    A part l'auto-aim, l'utilisation du Funky est inexistante.
    T'aurais du le rendre contrôlable, tout en conservant l'auto-aim.
    Le tank en lui même est assez bien construit (mis à part le canon qui a le calibre d'une carabine à plombs), c'est assez dommage.

  • F-35A.Lightning 1.5 years ago

    Despite what I think of the F35, your plane is amazing, good job !!

  • KG Sabre class missile frigate 1.5 years ago

    Interesting design.
    The warships of the future will surely look like this..

  • Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-27m 1.6 years ago

    War Thunder.
    Mig27 cancer.

  • Chinese J-40 Stealth fighter Demon bird 1.7 years ago

    Nice plane.
    Looks a bit like YF23 and Dassault's NGF.

    But with such small air intakes, and such a design, I don't see how this plane could go to Mach4..
    This plane, given its look, would not exceed Mach 2.3...
    For the altitude, ramjets would not even be enough to reach it, it would also require rocket engines.. and your plane got normal reactors..
    In short, this aircraft would have at the maximum the performance of an F22.

  • ArtiElf Type I 1.9 years ago

    Damn, incredible walker.

  • Haunebu IIA - UFO 1.9 years ago

    As for me, I have only an extremely limited time, and I have only just started the Andromeda.

  • Haunebu III 1.9 years ago

    A Haunebu would literally have no chance against an S400/500, Patriot or Aster missile for example.
    Today, a Haunebu equipped with technologies dating from the Second World War would be militarily ineffective and useless.
    He could, however, avoid the missiles by staying in space, but what would be the point of staying in space ?
    Haunebu would have been effective in the 1950s, but its effectiveness was reduced as new, faster and faster radar-headed missiles appeared.

  • Haunebu Vril 7 Geist - UFO (Remade 2.0) 1.9 years ago

    For the link, it's simple : [title] (link)
    (don't put space)

  • Haunebu Vril 7 Geist - UFO (Remade 2.0) 1.9 years ago


    too bad for the Vril 2, on my side, I will concentrate on the Andromeda, I will probably start tomorrow afternoon (If I have time). And then I would just have to modify my Haunebu II for the one in the shed.
    But you can do it on your side too.

  • Haunebu Vril 7 Geist - UFO (Remade 2.0) 1.9 years ago

    "The next 2 UFOS will be the Vril 2 Zerstorer and the Andromeda Gerat Freya."
    Haha, I had exactly those two in mind too ! Could be a Haunebu IV if not.
    Anyway, I will have less time from tomorrow, so it will go a little slower.

  • Haunebu Vril 7 Geist - UFO (Remade 2.0) 1.9 years ago

    @MadAgus And it also self-destructs when G3 is activated, and we use Trim to maneuver.
    Perhaps you should post a corrected unlisted version by integrating the link in large at the top of the description, as I did for my IIB ?

  • Haunebu Vril 7 Geist - UFO (Remade 2.0) 1.9 years ago

    @MadAgus It only happens when you maneuver, probably the shells pass through the fuselage, and will meet normal parts.

  • Haunebu Vril 7 Geist - UFO (Remade 2.0) 1.9 years ago

    Nice ! I like the camo and the interior.
    Only one small problem, it would be necessary to put the "disableAircraftCollisions" of the guns on "true".

  • France AS-30 Air-To-Surface Missile 1.9 years ago

    AS-30 is an air-to-surface missile manufactured by China Northern Airlines
    What the f* ??
    AS-30 is manufactured by Nord Aviation.

  • Haunebu III 1.9 years ago

