51.2k BMilan Comments

  • 40 part Drifting Tiger P 4.4 years ago

    Common sense: "No you can't drift a 60 ton tank, that is physically impossible and stupid"
    Ooarai Girls' Academy Automotor Club: "Allow us to introduce ourselves"

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 4.7 years ago

    @XxMegamonsterxX probably yes

  • Special police car 5.2 years ago

    Isn't this the police car from Zootopia?

  • AI Invasion Fleet 5.6 years ago

    @Jim1the1Squid @CCCP ze Oberkommando der Wehrmacht issued an order to repel ze enemy invasion. Fire at ze Allied forces with everything you have Kameraden!

  • Spitfire_MkIa_nomod 6.2 years ago

    Step 1
    Download this plane

    Step 2
    Download some AI Messerschmitt BF-109

    Step 3
    Open this video and listen:

    Step 4
    Start the game, spawn the bf-109 and let the experience begin!

  • Almost there... 2 months ago

    Congrats on 20k mate, plat will come soon enough after this:)

  • Kinger [TADC] 4 months ago

    did you just... enter your own challenge with an alt account?

  • Pre-Dreadnought Challenge [CLOSED] 6 months ago

    @Tang0five The Royal Sovereign class is considered as the first real pre-dreadnought type battleship but the line between them and the preceeding ironclad type ships is pretty blurry, so if your design was maybe commissioned slightly earlier than 1890 or something but still generally resembles a pre-dread, then you are still good to go, the 1890 year is more of a guideline here:)

  • Borodino (1901) 7 months ago

    @soldier289 I'd love it if you did that! It's already the best Mikasa I could find on the website (hence why I used it for the screenshots), but a little update probably wouldn't hurt
    I'm planning to start a Pre-dreadnought challenge in late-November/December, you could maybe enter with a Mikasa remake :D

  • Borodino (1901) 7 months ago

    @Tang0five Thanks! It was first requested about two years ago but I only started seriously working on it about a year ago. I had to restart the hull like 3-4 times, the rest was built within the last 2-3 months

  • Dreadnought Challenge Winners 10 months ago


  • SMS Bayern 10 months ago

    Official evaluation

    - First Impression (5/5):

    Upon first look the ship look marvellous! Smooth and clean design while perfectly representing the original ship. The first test run went well although I had to use faster time because the turrets are very very slow.

    - Design/Accuracy (15/15):

    To my knowledge, the build represents the original ship perfectly well, I didnt find any innacuracy.

    - Details (12/15):

    The ship is very nicely detailed although I feel like more could have been added such as railings, stairs etc. but things like the windows are nice additions.

    - Features (15/20):

    The ship has all of its weaponry being usable, all being auto-aimed and some nice rudder+custom prop based movement

    - Build Quality (9/10):

    The hull is just beautifully smooth and the gun aiming system is insanely sophisticated with each gun only being active if the selected target is within their firing arcs.
    The build itself is super efficient, with fuselage slicing used all over the place to reduce parts and the builder also uses other parts very creatively, such as the wheels on the cranes. Label parts are also used a lot and the way the fuselage inlets are used on places like the funnels or searchlights is just ingenious.

    - Performance (17/20):

    The ship behaves excellently with the ocean mod, it sails smoothly even at some massive waves.
    I'm personally not a fan of auto-aim only weapons but they are perfectly valid and get the job done. I feel like the main turrets are a tiny bit too slow, it's realisitc, but could be a bit faster to be more enjoyable. The aiming system itself works flawlessly however.
    The use of custom propellers and actual rudder based steering is also great and works very nicely.

    - Description and Information (14/15):

    The description is awesome, with a great balance of text and screenshots and nice formatting. It includes a history section as well as the controls, and I really like the additional effort of building a whole new ship just for the screenshots.

    Additional Points (-0, +3):

    +3 for the effort of building a König class from scratch just to show it next to Bayern on the screenshots

    Total: 90

    Congratulations for your second place!

  • Sturmtiger 38cm RW61 one year ago

    @GovernorG I recommend giving credit to the people whose work you use in the future, it's just common courtesy. It doesn't have to be much, just something like "credit to realSavageMan for the hull and to BMilan for the gun" at the end of the description would work imo.

  • De Havilland Mosquito XVIII 1.1 years ago

    Dude, misleading thumbnails are against the rules, this will most likely get removed by the moderators. You can only use SP screenshots as thumbnails

  • Dreadnought Challenge (1906-1920) [CLOSED] 1.2 years ago

    @MrShenanigansSP I'm planning go do a pre-dreadnought challenge after this one ends

  • Titanic Virtual Museum 1.2 years ago

    @Poltakov5 Sorry, this isn't an American museum (jk. why would you need a gun tho?)

  • Titanic Virtual Museum 1.2 years ago

    @QuitePossiblyMangled The museum accepts every donation :)

  • Dreadnought Challenge (1906-1920) [CLOSED] 1.3 years ago

    @PapaKernels I'm looking forward to your entry! :D

  • RMS Titanic 2.1 years ago

    @Jo52167 It's a modded part that comes with the Sea Traffic mod

  • Free candy Van 2.1 years ago

    Please credit TakicraftCorporation too, because he is the original builder of the truck (the guy you credited only added a logo to it)

  • RMS Olympic (1911) 2.1 years ago


  • RMS Olympic (1911) 2.1 years ago


  • RMS Olympic (1911) 2.1 years ago


  • This Scene Was Looks Familiar, Don't Ya? 2.2 years ago

    @WolfHunter9111 It's not like I'm gonna read it 'cause I'm not into these kinds of stuff, but I satisfied my curiosity and it really wasn't as bad as you said it'd be.

  • Jundrorian 2.2 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison This is the way

  • Long March 2.3 years ago


  • Normandy 2.4 years ago

    @MisterT Could you add some air and water spawn points (I know custom spawn points can be created but some default spawn points would be better) that are coming from the direction of the allied fleet? For those who want to simulate coming with aircraft to destroy the beach defenses and also to spawn in with ships and fire at the beach as part of the fleet

  • Kotonoha-sisters 2.5 years ago

    This amazing! you are an absolute genius!

  • KMS Deutchland/Lützow 2.6 years ago

    Awesome! very well done, especially considering that it was made on android.

  • Announcement: Mobile Friendly Project and SP Survey 2.8 years ago

    @BryanO5 As of now, I plan to make mobile friendly versions of my older ships (USS Texas, USS Arizona, HMS Dreadnought, USS Oklahoma) as these are the least mobile friendly of my builds plus I'm very obsessed with ships recently. I'm not sure if other older builds (let's call them "pre BMS builds") will have mobile friendly versions because as far as I know, most of them are not that problematic (they are usually not large is size and only a few of them have part counts above 600)
    As for future builds: every new build I make will be tested on my phone and if it can't run them, then a mobile friendly version of it will be made. At least that's the plan but I will try to follow that plan, starting with the USS Oklahoma mobile friendly version which will be published in a few days

  • USS Oklahoma (BB-37) 2.8 years ago


  • USS Karkaboa 2.9 years ago

    @ThatOneThiccPlaneStealer Back when I built this I misread the name of the island to be Karkaboa, but later when I noticed the mistake, I decided to leave it like this and not change it :)

  • Other than SP, what else sandbox games do I play as a Texan? 3.1 years ago

    Oh my god! That's really impressive! Well done! 😀

  • RMS Titanic 3.4 years ago

    Fantastic! I love how you made the sinking, awesome build!

  • airplanes not allowed 3.8 years ago

    Yes, time for custom AI ships with actual turrets!

  • I don't understand 3.8 years ago

    I think your builds are the absolute best use of funky trees, I don't even know how can you make these very complicated inputs but you are absolutely amazing in it. Don't care about haters who say your stuff is bad just because it's anime. I personally actually like the anime characters you made, not because I like anime anyways but because of how well you build them, they actually look like they just stepled out of an anime and they look great, well built. But again, those who say your builds are bad just because of the exterior design are clearly haters and you shouldn't consider them as valid criticism, because those comments come from their personal hatred against anime and not against your build. Keep up with your work, many of us love what you do and always waiting to see what you create next, so ignore the haters. You are a great builder! Don't care about what haters say, build whatever you want :D

    As for your question about the word weeb: it was initially created (it came from the word "weaboo" which means the same but "weeb" is shorter) to refer to people who are obsessed with japanese culture in a really disrespectful way. Note that weeb =/= anime fan. Many people like to confuse the two and refer to anime fans as weebs but that is wrong. There's nothing bad with liking manga and anime, there's also nothing wrong with liking japanese culture. The problem is when a person is so overly obsessed with japanese culture (without having any actualy knowledge about it) that they become annoying, weird and also become disrespectful towards it because they have no real knowledge about it. By definition, a japanese person can't even be a weeb because japanese usually have a general sense about their own culture and don't became ignorant idiots like the actual weebs in other countries.
    So by basic, weeb is a negative word, and there's nothing bad with that as long as it is used correctly, on the people it should be used on: people who aren't just obsessed with japanese culture but are so crazy about it that they get annoyimg and disrespectul against japanese culture.

    Also your question about the meaning of anime outside of japan. Well, from what I can tell, anime for people outside of japan usually either means those specific, japanese made, unique style (big "anime eyes", big heads etc.) animated motion pictures, but it also sometimes used to refer to the style itself (say if there's a video game that also has this specific design, we call it an "anime game"). Manga is usually differentiated from anime but there are people who often call mangas as "animes" because they don't know/care it has different name.
    But in general, we refer to stuff as anime that are: made in japan, has this specific drawing style/design, has those usual clichés and character types/story elements (big robots, cat girls, story takes place in Japan etc.)

  • USS Arizona Teaser - A walk in the past 3.8 years ago

    @Tang0five they marked battleship divisions and individual battleships so that friendly planes can more easily identify them from the sky. The forward two turrets marked the battleship division (div. 1 was red, div. 2 was white div. 3 was blue, div. 4 was black, div. 5 was yellow) while turret number 4 marked the ship itself.
    For Example, Arizona, Nevada and Oklahoma were part of Battleship Div. 1 and as such, their number 1 and 2 turrets were painted red (with each one of them having different colored number 4 turrets according to their sections: Arizona's No.4 turret was red as she was the division's lead ship, Nevada's No.4 turret was white, Oklahoma's No.4 turret was blue)
    Similarly, ships of Battleship Div. 2-3-4-5 all had different colors on their No.1 and No.2 turrets (for example, USS Tennessee was the lead ship of Div. 2, so her forward turrets were white while her number 4 turret was red)

  • M4A2 Jagdman 3.9 years ago

    Well made!

  • YAMATO 1945 4.0 years ago

    Is there anyone here who managed to load this thing into the world and sail with it? Fantastic build btw but oh my god, 20k parts

  • Stork Island 4.0 years ago

    I found a little bug. Whenever I create a custom location and restart the game there, the destroyers in the docks (the modern destroyer plus one of the ww2 destroyers, the one closer to the sea) go nuts: they multiply into themselves and then glitch into random directions because of it.

  • Bojler Eladó! 4.1 years ago


    Ha még tudtok más magyarokról, tageljétek be őket :D

  • Some ideas for a naval update 4.1 years ago


  • SP posting logic.(advices) (complaint warning) 4.1 years ago

    Well, this is just my opinion but for me, it's okay if they take parts of my build or even the entire build and modify and upload them, as long as they don't claim it as theirs and credit me in the description. It doesn't have any practical use, but the meaning behind it is important to me. That they acknowledge the fact that I built that part (or the whole thing) originally. I know the auto-credit system is there for this reason, but when someone writes into the description "Original author is BMilan, I just modified xy part" or "xy part is built by BMilan, I built the rest" it feels good because it shows they aren't trying to steal what I worked on for hours, days, weeks.
    And I think this even applies to "Free to take" posts. If somene takes a "Free to take" post, they should at least give some credit to the original author. It's a sign of respect in my eyes.

  • Russia Challenge 4.1 years ago

    That is the flag of Russia not the USSR

  • BF-109 Messerschmitt 4.2 years ago

    The stripes you put on the wing are allied invasion stripes, they were used by the american and british airforces to indicate they are allied planes, the germans never used these.

  • somua s35 GuP 4.2 years ago

    @Mustang51 dude this tank really exists, it really is an interwar/early ww2 period tank

  • linu - ver - 1.1 4.2 years ago

    This is fantastic!

  • T-54 55 4.2 years ago

    Great work! I also like that you used my dummy tiger for the screenshots :D

  • Jagdpanther 4.4 years ago

    @701wwj666 I can clearly see that a lot of care went into this. Great job dude, I'm already looking forward to your next build! :D

  • Kawasaki Ki-78 Ken III V1.2 4.6 years ago

