197 BAC

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Brougham Aircraft Corporation [BAC]

The Brougham Aircraft Corporation commonly referred to as BAC currently produces military aircraft, but is preparing to make civilian aircraft, We not only produce aircraft but weapons, and other equipment such as bomb racks and bomb bays for free use.

Examples are the BAC Standard 28 Bomb, Bomb rack, and the BAC Standard 2.5M Bomb bay. And for weapons our sadly never produced ''NukeWorm'' nuclear bomb, it was to underpowered and heavy to be produced for service.


BAC B-1 ''Earth Worm'' [Produced 1946 - 1948]

BAC B-1B ''Earth Worm'' [Refitted from 1947 - 1950]

BAC B-2 ''Nuclear Worm'' [Produced from 1947 - 1955]

BAC ?? ''??'' [?? - ??]

Previously known as BAC2