34.0k AgDynamics Comments

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.2 8.1 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Here is the Jeep. Thanks for looking into it!

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.2 8.1 years ago

    Overall great changes, but I'm not a fan of the updated traction/spring model. My Jeep is pretty much un-drivable even in a straight line, it bounces everywhere and flips if you turn the wheel at all. My other car projects are similarly crippled as well. :\

  • What is your favorite movie? 8.1 years ago

    @SimpleTechAndResearch Definitely agree with you on the first Jurassic Park.

  • New car's parts 8.1 years ago

    Pretty cool. The possibilities with the new suspension components are truly amazing. It's like the third technological revolution of SimplePlanes. This game just keeps getting better and better.

  • PublicAccount 8.2 years ago

    Stop making these.

  • Map of simple planes 8.2 years ago

    @SimpleKingdomAerialTesting Thanks. It is actually a very old map, I need to pull up my photoshop file and rename things properly. I should probably map the new islands too...

  • Map of simple planes 8.2 years ago

    @SimpleKingdomAerialTesting If that's the case, it was re-uploaded under his name. This is the original imgur link.

  • Map of simple planes 8.2 years ago

    Uh, that's my map. Swat132 didn't make that. I made this 6 months ago, and it's outdated.

    Don't try to take credit for things that aren't yours.

    Edit: Look here.

  • *Spoiler* East of Yeager 8.2 years ago

    Probably something like Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.

  • New Rule: No more user reports in the forums | And other stuff 8.2 years ago

    If people won't let you announce a goal wouldn't you be sad?❓

    @Thesimpleplanesman No, because I don't need my achievements to be validated by other people.

  • New Rule: No more user reports in the forums | And other stuff 8.2 years ago

    Can we also stop making posts about points?

    Like this one.

    And this one.

    And this one.

    And this one.

    And this one.

    And this one.

    They're pretty pointless.

  • Flyweight - Oceanview Speedway 8.2 years ago

    Huh, one of my previous non-modded tournament entries is exactly 17 parts. And it already gets around Oceanview in 1:16. What luck!

    I just need to make it handle One Way Valley a little better than it does currently.

  • Where are you from? 8.2 years ago

    Born in California, lived in Massachusetts, Virginia, Florida, and now Colorado.
    I'm twenty.... six? I think. Or 27. To be honest I really stopped paying attention after 25.

  • About the April fools joke the Devs and mods pulled off 8.2 years ago

    Or fake news of a new update going to mobile.

    Because that would have gone over better than pretending to erase points?

    Y'all freaked the hell out when you thought your precious internet points were gone. You think there would have been a better reaction if the Devs had said "Hey new update for IOS!" and then put this as the link?

    If you think that the dev's completely harmless prank was over the line, you should just stay off the Internet for like... ever.

  • Tournament Bracket Rankings 8.2 years ago

    Interesting. You can still see the brackets for the other tournaments if you wanted to expand your data.

  • nn 8.2 years ago


  • In honor of April Fool's Day, here is Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" 8.2 years ago

    Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
    Partyin’, partyin’ (Yeah)
    Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun
    Lookin’ forward to the weekend

    Truly inspiring.

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 The exciting thing about this race is that with maybe one or two exceptions everyone is pretty closely matched in speed, so handling and the line the plane takes through the corners is more important than just top speed.

    If somebody claims a top speed slightly higher than yours don't be too worried because that time can be made up in the corners, if your plane handles well. The most powerful designs are usually pretty heavy and that weight can cause unpredictability and a high amount of variance in the final time.

  • User Points and Upvotes 8.2 years ago

    @CorvetteCole It's a global internet points crisis. Reddit upvotes, Facebook Likes, Re-tweets, etc. All the internet points are gone. The whole world is completely without a way of assigning value to the opinions and thoughts of strangers. I've heard that Cuba has some upvotes left but they've closed the borders and halted all air traffic. And of course the US Government has their emergency upvote stash under Cheyenne Mountain, but good luck getting in there.

  • User Points and Upvotes 8.2 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison You could just go right down the street to the Karma Store in your town and get our points back.

  • User Points and Upvotes 8.2 years ago

    @Seabo14 Jundroo (and the devs who work there) is headquartered in Glen Carbon, Illinois.

  • april fools 8.2 years ago


  • User Points and Upvotes 8.2 years ago


  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago


    Getting real close ;)

    Still a little more work to do.

    Bonus Picture
    This will be some really exciting racing!

    EDIT 2:
    Can't really get much closer than this.

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 @NovaTopaz XML modded wings and other parts have been allowed in previous tournaments. Hellfire found the validation code and he says that all it checks for in terms of XML modding is if the engines or fuel tanks have any values that aren't within the expected range, i.e. normal.

    Modded wings will be fine, as long as they're not holding more fuel than they should be.

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    @Seeras @Tully2001 1:35 might be possible, but it would probably take a metric buttload of stacked engines in a super low-drag and featherweight design, and even then there's still the slight chance that stacked engines will self-destruct at the start line.

    I'm pretty sure the guy who said he got 1:32 is embellishing a bit. I really think that we're going to see a lot of planes right around 1:38-1:43. I'm in that ballpark myself and I'm squeezing every second I can out of the design, but at this point my gains are measured in fractions of a second. Really makes me wish that the race clock measured tenths.

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    @Tully2001 I think the fastest planes will be right around that mark too. It would be very difficult to get much lower than about 1:35 without bending the rules a little bit.

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Conundrum: The smallest amount of fuel the game will let me put into my main fuselage block (10%) is more than my racer needs. Can I use XML editing to further reduce the amount of fuel in the tank? The edited version is a full second faster.

  • Trench Run 8.2 years ago

    Excellent. Since this one has proper engine restrictions, we should see some much closer and crash-y races than we did in the last Prop class. Trench Run is probably the most difficult course for the AI to handle as well. I predict that many good planes will end up being eaten by the trench monster.

  • This forum desperately needs a rebuild. 8.2 years ago

    I would love if we migrated to a traditional BBS where we could separate threads by topic or category. I like the way that the user-made proboards forum is organized.

  • Tournament Live Stream 8.2 years ago

  • Lunar Arc 8.2 years ago

    This Tournament is the worst yet. Mobile users couldn't test their planes, the ring glitch was not fixed, and either the course or the starting locations are different than the ones in the client version. That basically throws all actual competition out the window. How can we be competitive with issues like this?

    Very disappointing.

  • Lunar Arc 8.2 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison My unlisted Tournament entry that I haven't shared with anyone has 8 downloads. I know that at least two of them came from me, but the others I'm not sure about. Are you running Tournament validation periodically?

    EDIT: Or is it just you guys checkin out the plane that's going to win this tournament? ^^

  • Am I stupid for doing this? 8.2 years ago

    If you want to take it a step further, you can pretty easily build a fully functional hovercraft in a few weeks. There are websites where you can buy plans!

  • The crucifixion 8.2 years ago

    The definition of "hate speech" just gets more and more broad, doesn't it?

    So the discussion gets removed but the statue of white Jesus stays up? Cool, I guess I've got some religious icons to upload tonight.

  • The crucifixion 8.2 years ago

    Looks a little light-skinned for a Middle Eastern dude.

  • Urgent : Ring Glitch! 8.2 years ago

    @JovianPat Ohhh there, I see it. Tiny little red thing at about a 1 o'clock position inside the ring. How mysterious.

  • Urgent : Ring Glitch! 8.2 years ago

    @JovianPat It's been "fixed" in the current release, but I think to fix it they just opened the completion "window" a little more, if you will, but the really fast speeds that people are reaching in testing are still too fast for the game to register properly.

    This tournament is basically a drag race, so we're seeing some pretty ridiculous speeds that we haven't had to deal with in previous tournaments. That's why I'm hoping that it's either fixed or that "missed" rings are disregarded during the actual tournament.

  • Urgent : Ring Glitch! 8.2 years ago

    Also, am I blind? I can't see an airplane in that picture at all. Where the hell is it?

  • Urgent : Ring Glitch! 8.2 years ago

    I noticed this in developing my Lunar Arc entry as well. It's clearly passing through all the rings, and 3-4 of them will register as missed. I don't know that we've ever had a tournament with speeds as fast as Lunar Arc, so I'm very much hoping that this bug is either fixed or the the penalties should at least be disregarded during tournament time.

  • Lunar Arc 8.2 years ago

    @evoevry It doesn't complete on my system, it misses ring 6 and then gets stuck in a loop trying to get back on course. :(

    I would maybe try making the pitch faster.

  • Lunar Arc 8.2 years ago

    @JMicah4 Don't worry too much, that one was wildly unstable and seemed to really like to eat mountainside. My actual entry isn't quite at 19s anymore.

  • Lunar Arc 8.2 years ago

    @FearlessFabFlightIndustries No, you do not need to land anywhere. In fact, I would recommend not having landing gear at all, all they do is add weight. I'd take minimal fuel too.

  • Lunar Arc 8.2 years ago

    @Seeras If you double up (stack) your wing surfaces, it basically cuts your wing loading in half, and it will increase stability during hard pitch maneuvers.

  • Lunar Arc 8.2 years ago


    Also @AndrewGarrison it's not much of an issue for testing but it seems that the 'missed ring' glitch is still present if you go through the rings at extremely high speeds.

  • Lunar Arc 8.2 years ago



  • Lunar Arc 8.2 years ago


  • Petition to ban Saraphinium 8.2 years ago

    I don't think you can just vote people out of the community. This ain't Survivor.

    Yes, Seraphinium is kind of a dick and very immature, but we don't get to push people out of a community just because we disagree with them.

    If they have clearly violated a rule of the website, report the offense to a moderator, and the moderator will deal with it accordingly. I know that in this case, they have already been banned for one day.

    If you don't like what they say, just ignore them. Or, realize that having a different opinion on something doesn't make a person your enemy. Understanding that is a crucial aspect of maturity.

  • The End Of Simpleplanes.com 8.2 years ago

    Lol what? Jelly drama was like 3 weeks ago.

  • Tournament? 8.2 years ago

    Devs have been pretty quiet since the last tournament. They've probably been busy with the new update. Updates are usually on Fridays, so we may see a beta for steam users at some point today.

    Either that or they went a little overboard with the St. Patrick's Day festivities and got too drunk to set up a new tournament. :P