121k AWESOMENESS360 Comments

  • not a P-51 Mustang 2.7 years ago

    Petition to make this the new Stock P-51

  • STOP Abusing the Challenge Tag 2.8 years ago

    @KnightOfRen oh, your bunker located at coordinates 20.7387° N, 156.9236° W, right? The one with the secret trap door entry under the grass, marked with a tree that has a specific engraving in it as to indicate the door’s location?

  • Triggering Order of Pyramid Egg 2.8 years ago

    This is the kind of in-game lore that really impresses me, the kind of stuff reminiscent of the Cicada-3301 Incident. I love it when developers and mod creators do this kind of stuff, it really adds an intriguing level of mystery to the game.

  • 25,079 part Tutorial Plane 3.0 years ago

    Now THIS is an Avengers Level Threat!

  • Why can't we visit WiiWiiTheMini's profile 3.5 years ago

    What if his account is the SimplePlanes website itself...

  • Chuck Yeager, the first man to break the sound barrier, dead at 97 3.5 years ago

    Godammit 2020 takin everything from us

  • International Space Elevator 3.6 years ago

    If possible, remove all drag points from this so that when you scale it up, it’s much easier to run.

  • You guys still alive? 3.7 years ago

    Nope. I died and came back as pure energy. I can’t be stopped, and nothing ever will.

  • German Corsair 3.9 years ago

    Wtf is this
    Why does this have so many upvotes
    Please kill it
    Why must this get 100+ upvotes
    And actual good creations get like only 10
    I’m done with this website’s bias

  • Ok so I was really tired last night and I thought I was hallucinating when I saw this but it turns out that it's an actual video also this title is really long 4.7 years ago

    @Armyguy1534 damn, this kid really needs to go back to flight school. Either that, or they scramble some F-16s on him, teach 'em a lesson.

  • What's the most annoying thing you experience when building a plane? 4.8 years ago

    • Game crashing after hours of building without saving
    • Pressing undo and accidentally dematerializing half the universe
    • Moving parts attaching to something they shouldn't, thoroughly ruining the entire plane
    • Needing to continuously ask for people to XML Mod stuff for you since Apple is too much of a bitch to allow us to mod
    • Trying to find that one tiny part that got mirrored over and over again, increasing the part count to well over acceptable, and decreasing your FPS to an irrational number
    • "Failed to mirror part because a part already exists on the other side of the aircraft"

    Gotta love SimplePlanes.

  • Creeper 4.9 years ago

    I was born in the right generation...

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 1.9 years ago

    A commented has player on a following you are post

  • Winners of the VRuilding Challenge 2.6 years ago

    Ohhhhh THAT’S why I have 103k! I didn’t think I’d win anything in this tbh, but man I’m glad I joined! Congrats to all other winners of the challenge too!

  • Worlds First Simple Rope? 2.6 years ago

    No, but the idea would work nicer if Winches had some slack to them, and weren’t constantly taut regardless of how extended they are

  • bjac.co Lioness Mk.II ATV 2.6 years ago

    This is really cool, and you should feel damn proud of making it! I swear to god people get way too easily offended by the weirdest things, I’ll never understand it. Regardless, it’s nice to see the moderator team doing what’s right!

  • Bug? 2.7 years ago

    Don’t worry, she’s just a little shy. It’s their first time, a little bit of nervousness is to be expected.

  • Bucket with Reactive armor 3.0 years ago

    I can’t imagine the sound it would make if a tank round hit that bucket full of reactive armor, just pching, CCHUUKCNFCKCUHUCLHHUCKHCUKCHUCKCHCHCUCKCK

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.2 years ago

    Bababoobies lol

  • SimplePlanes in 15 seconds 3.3 years ago

    SimplePlanes, where every flight is a test flight!

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.3 years ago

    How many kids do you have to beat,
    In order to make your government think,
    Beat too much and they’ll get pissed,
    SWAT Teams never miss.

    the sound of gunshots and death

  • How To Make A Shi 3.4 years ago

    I read this as how to make a shit and I was very concerned for a moment

  • These NEED to be updated 3.5 years ago

    I think there should also be a missile update with this: currently there are only two types as far as I know; Radar Guided, and Fire&Forget. There could be an addition of Heatseeking Missiles, which would make sense with the flares, considering that flares are white-hot chunks of magnesium. There could also be a new missile added that’s similar to an AMRAAM, in the sense that it’s guided by it’s own radar, and is less susceptible to flares than a normal missile.

  • Comment upvote logic 3.5 years ago

    @WiiWiiTheMini oH GOD
    I just checked my comment from earlier and it has 31 upvotes lmao

  • Meet The Medic, TF2 3.6 years ago

    Heavy: Doctor, are you sure this will work?
    Medic: Haha,

    I H A V E N O I D E A!!!

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.6 years ago

    a player has commented on a post you are following
    (those who follow this post, start the chain!)

  • How can I make waterproof Vtol engine? 3.7 years ago

    First, use overload to remove aircraft collisions from the engine, so that it can phase through objects.
    Next, take a detacher, and set it’s detach force to a completely ridiculous number, try 1E+38.
    Then, attach the VTOL Engine to the detacher, and make sure the detacher is aiming upwards.
    Finally, set the detacher’s activation group to AG-8, so that it’s immediately activated the moment you spawn in.
    If done correctly, the VTOL Engine should get launched quintillions of miles into the air, and have a roughly zero percent chance of coming back down. Due to how VTOL Engines work, it’ll still provide thrust to the VTOL Thrusters, even though it’s probably several million light years away from your craft. VTOL Thrusters don’t need to be above water to function, so this will allow the craft to work just fine, even if it’s completely submerged underwater!

  • Lang Zhi PLUS 3.7 years ago

    Damn this is good, I hit my spotlight limit already so try to remind me tomorrow to spotlight this lol

  • Custom LG worth it? 3.8 years ago

    Custom landing gear is difficult, and even if it looks almost exactly like the default landing gear, it still shows the viewer of the aircraft that you didn’t just hastily attach landing gear parts onto the aircraft, and leave it like that. It shows that you took the time to pour your building efforts into something that could easily be achieved in 10 seconds, when instead, you make it custom, and unique.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 3.9 years ago

    @Aztop033 you sound like a mobile game ad.

  • A message to the Community regarding the German Corsair Controversy. 3.9 years ago

    I’m actually f*cking crying with laughter this is funny as hell

  • The custom engine named The Chicken Cooker 9000 4.0 years ago

    Hi and welcome to Craig’s Crematory, “You kill ‘em, we grill ‘em.” How may I help you today?

  • platowiec 4.1 years ago

    You should turn this into a challenge where people have to panel it, and whoever has the best design in your opinion wins!

  • Access for my 12 year old 4.2 years ago

    Oh boy, here we go...
    If this post is for real, and it isn’t just a random sh*tpost for laughs, then please for the love of God and all things holy, let your son have a SP account! If he loves aircraft and aviation as much as we do, let him have this! If he wants to post his own aircraft creations here, let him! I understand you’re trying to be a safe parent, but there’s nothing worse than preventing your child from doing something they love, solely because of being overprotective. Also, seeing that this account is only an hour old, I can tell that you only made this account to ask this question in particular, so clearly you know how to set up an account as well as make a forum post, so I can only assume you’re familiar with technological related things. Going by this logic, I can also tell that you yourself aren’t exactly “afraid” of using the internet, so why should you apply that same fear in the form of a restriction to your child? It just doesn’t seem fair in my opinion, although I could be wrong. I have what I feel are overprotective parents, believe me, I’m all too familiar with the subject. Now I will ask, what are the rules like around your household? Does everyone follow these rules of monitored technology use? Or is it just the 12 year old? Are there any other children in the household, or just the one?
    At this point, you may be reading this and thinking to yourself, “Boy, if this user is so triggered about what I’ve posted here, imagine what OTHER users would be like!!” If that’s the case, than you’d be wrong. The SimplePlanes community is one of the nicest I’ve ever seen, we’re all generally friendly to each other, we support each other’s creations and posts, and the moderators are generally fair and kind to us and one another. If you’re so afraid of letting your child have an SP account, consider the following: do you yourself use forms of social media, such as Reddit, Instagram, 9gag, or something else? If so, then you would know that people on the internet can and will be toxic or rude, but after being on SimplePlanes for a couple years at this point, I can only say that as far as I know, SimplePlanes has a very nice community, much nicer than most communities I’ve seen in social media. Sure, there are some pockets of toxicity here and there, but that’s the same with all communities. If you’re still uneasy about letting your child have an SP account after reading all this, then that’s your decision. Thank you for reading this, please consider what I’ve said.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 4.8 years ago

    At this very moment, with 1,002 upvotes, this aircraft has scored nearly half the points his account has ever acquired, at an astonishing 15,030 points earned by this aircraft!
    Just contacting Andrew so he can experience this beautiful moment if he hasn't already seen it.

  • this guy in minecraft chat 4.8 years ago

    Ahh, 2019, a magical place where nobody can have an opinion.
    Although yes I do disagree.

  • AC-M47E Libellule 4.8 years ago

    "Can I have vertical stabilizer?"
    "Vertical stabilizer machine 🅱️roke."
    "Understandable, have a nice day."

  • RADAR 4.8 years ago

    This is amazing, I'm confused as to why Radar like this isn't just a default thing in the game!

  • Snakey the MultiPurpose Combat SPIRIT! 4.9 years ago

    He Protecc
    He Atacc
    But most importantly,
    He come bacc

  • Invisible Plane [Area-51] 4.9 years ago

    I swear if this gets as many upvotes as that other entry to this challenge, (The entry that is literally nothing) imma yeet myself off a cliff.

  • MD-1 5.0 years ago

    AG1 - Flaps
    AG2 - Tailhook
    AG4 - Airbrake
    AG5 - Landing lights
    AG6 - Navigation lights
    AG7 - Fold wings
    AG8 - Disable Fly-by-Wire
    AG3 - "Am I a joke to you?"

  • Day 3 and they still don’t know I’m not yellow 5.1 years ago

    Sneak 100
    Illusion 100

  • RailfanEthan’s Sweet Beans 5.8 years ago

    @ShiptyTheLucario DIS N#GGA EATIN' BEANS

  • "Hot Dog ! !"Street Food Stand 6.0 years ago

    I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.

  • School Bus 6.1 years ago

    Excuse me Mr. Bus Driver, can I play with the howitzer this time? Bus Driver Not until next week, this time it's suzie's turn. Suzie Umm, Mr. Bus Driver, I think I just hit someone's car! Bus Driver Don't worry, it's ok to make mistakes! Just as long as you d- Suzie Well, in that case! BLAM KABOOM SCREAMING don't, get... carried away...

  • SILENCE LIBERAL - Bossfight 2.6 years ago

    @frogbot4000 idk someone who’s actually a liberal may get mad for literally no reason lmao

  • Minecraft Horse 2.6 years ago

    @WormWithLegs 1 horsepower

  • WTH is this? 2.7 years ago

    Probably fake, or supported by an invalid source.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 2.8 years ago

    The comment below speaks of lies!

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 2.8 years ago

    The comment above tells the truth!
