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Aircraft carrier "Arktika"

2,007 Hiemovi  8.1 years ago

Basic moments.
Dvigateli- activation button 8.
PVLO- activation button 1. VTOL and Trim for rotation on a vertical and horizontal.
Light equipment- activation button 2.
Buksir- activation button 6. Rotate Yaw, thrust back and forth Pitch. Raise or lower the cable Trim. Vtol tighten or loosen the hook.
Fighter-activation buttons 3,4,5.
(YAK-141 (@ironghost: vtol slide down, 10% of the power, and then vtol slowly to its normal position, it is for vertical take-off))
All you need are cameras.

Chapter 1. Preparation aviakreysera.
1 Height Adjustment. When launching "Arctic" is already on the map, you need to take into account that:
All fighters, for better aerodynamics and maneuverability are not fixed. Consequently, there will be little to run it on just water (needs required height). To make the desired height, I recommend to press the button "Restart Here" menu until aviakreyser stop break.
2 Prepare to move.
Before you set sail, you must secure the tow. Select a camera on it, and press the button 6. Hold the brake and press the button again 6, so that the lift took the feathers. After you have attached to it, you can start moving (button 8 engines).
Chapter 2. Operation fighters.
1 fighter was rolled out on the runway. To roll out the fighter in the band, use the lift (if the fighter must overcome even part of the way, it is possible without the tug).
With the help of the tug can not only take the trailer fighter, but also to push the body. To lift fell beyond aviakreysera, it is recommended to press the button with caution. Before going tug lift Trim, since in the lowered state, it inhibits. Vtol-tighten or loosen the hook.
2 Using a fighter at take-off, flight and landing.
After the fighter on the runway, you can begin to take off, if he does not interfere. I do not recommend to use during take-off 100% power generation. All fighters are equipped with 2 cameras. One camera is moving relative to the fighter, second, with respect to the cruiser. That is, if you can not see where avaikreyser, you can use the second camera on an airplane to determine what side of the ship. To produce competent landing speed should be minimal, and the fighter does not fall down. Contact with the runway should be closer to the green beacons, but not before them. For better braking hook there. All fighters are equipped with machine guns.
Chapter 3. Using the "Arctic".
After you have made the recommendations described in Chapter 1, paragraph 2, of the cruiser movement can begin.
If the runway is a fighter, you need to reduce engine thrust and avoid sharp turns. Maximum speed aviakreysera 50 miles / hour.
Chapter 4. Using PVLO.
1. Safety.
When driving a cruiser on the full course, you need to return the turret to the home position. If you want to use it, the ship's engines must be turned off, and the speed is reduced. PVLO has 12 sea-to-air missiles, rockets 6 sea-sea (land) and 2 machine guns.
2. Activate. Button 1 activates the tower. VTOL and Trim control.
(google translete)


General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 209.6ft (63.9m)
  • Length 768.9ft (234.4m)
  • Height 196.9ft (60.0m)
  • Empty Weight 6,397lbs (2,902kg)
  • Loaded Weight 10,772lbs (4,886kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 7064


  • Number of Parts 46
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 6,025
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    11.9k X99STRIKER

    Why is this in my stream?

    2.0 years ago
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    49.6k 324

    Подписался на тебя.

    7.4 years ago
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    @Hiemovi Yes it constantly explodes when spawned ingame. I'm just having issues with lowering it, because the camera cannot get to

    8.0 years ago
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    2,007 Hiemovi

    @AchillesDeath ,the following can not be omitted. What is your problem exactly? He explodes? Or, leave the camera?If it explodes: it is necessary to adjust the desired height using the "restart here". (Google translate)

    8.0 years ago
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    @Hiemovi can you upload another version where it is lower, I can't seem to lower it with the planes in the right spot. It goes above the game roof.

    8.0 years ago
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    @DogeZ Ohhh. Thanks.

    8.1 years ago
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    10.1k DogeZ

    Because author used XML modded long fuselages@AchillesDeath

    8.1 years ago
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    Why does it say only 46 more arts, also WTF. This just blows my mind

    8.1 years ago
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    10.1k DogeZ

    This deserves feature

    8.1 years ago