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Northrop P-90 Turbinia (hypothetical '49 intrcptr)

35.8k UnstableOrbit  9.2 years ago
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The advent of long range flying-wing Axis jet bombers capable of striking the US in late 1947 spurred the USAAF into considering flying-wing jet aircraft to counter the Axis bombing raids. A contract was awarded to Northrop, which had prior experience with experimental flying wing jets. In 1948, Northrop came out with the experimental XP-90 flying-wing interceptor. The XP-90 was a radical new design where the fuselage doubled as the engine. The aircraft's fuselage was hollow and open in the front and rear, with four large counter-rotating turbine blades inside feeding a supercharged combustion chamber in the rear. Capable of reaching Mach 1 in level flight and 900mph in dives, the XP-90 was flight-tested and put into production as the Northrop P-90 Turbinia in January of 1949. Though tricky to fly for all but the most advanced pilots, the P-90 Turbinia proved itself a capable interceptor in the right hands. Seeing action mainly in the European and Atlantic theatres, the P-90 was responsible for downing more than half of the Luftwaffe's long range bombers by early 1950.

NOTE: This aircraft flies very well, but may be difficult to handle at first. The VTOL slider controls the internal turbine thrust direction. For cruising, the VTOL slider should be set to 50-75% forward(if you set it 100%, you go faster but the turbines don't spin very much). The direction can be reversed for sudden slow-downs and for coming to a stop when landing. The ailerons are for banking, but they induce a gradual bank without turning when not accompanied by pitch adjustments. For sharp turns, the rudders should be used. The rudders induce a sharp bank and turn, but do NOT overuse. Gentle rudder adjustments are enough to accomplish most turns, and overapplication of the rudder may result in overbanking, rolling, and unintended maneuvers(also, possibly nausea due to intense rolling and sharp motions, but since I don't really get motion sickness I can only guess at whether others may feel nausea). Stall speed is somewhere between 150-200mph, and landings are surprisingly easy, though the short wheelbase may cause difficulty for some. Fuel consumption is decent at moderate throttle and altitude, but watch your fuel gauge if you have the throttles wide open at low altitude. However, if you manage to learn all its quirks and get used to its handling, it is quite a fun and unique aircraft.

General Characteristics

  • Successors 2 airplane(s) +14 bonus
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 39.7ft (12.1m)
  • Length 38.4ft (11.7m)
  • Height 10.7ft (3.3m)
  • Empty Weight 17,725lbs (8,040kg)
  • Loaded Weight 21,957lbs (9,959kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 3.377
  • Wing Loading 27.0lbs/ft2 (131.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 814.0ft2 (75.6m2)
  • Drag Points 4068


  • Number of Parts 98
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 441
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    @UnknownVectors Ignore them. Or if that isn't your thing, fight back and beat them.
    8.9 years ago
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    @UnstableOrbit How to not get in the middle of fights. Some people don't like me because of mow fast i got to gold
    8.9 years ago
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    @UnknownVectors If you are asking for advice on how to get points: Unfortunately, no, I have no advice. I have never been one to upload many aircraft, as I usually keep what I make. In addition, I haven't uploaded anything in months, and this site has changed in ways that I personally do not support, so I usually hang out on the subreddit instead. If you are asking for some other form of advice, such as aircraft building, please specify and I will see what I can help you with.
    8.9 years ago
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    @UnstableOrbit I hear you have been around here a long time. Any tips from a veteran to new player who hasnot even been here a month?
    8.9 years ago
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    32.7k Wakescar
    This thing is awesome! The turbine looks so cool in action! Very "outside the box" build my friend.
    9.0 years ago
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    @UnstableOrbit ok
    9.1 years ago
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    @Hypnoticchicken good start, could use a bit of detail. Try using structural wings to outline little things like the cables along the outside of the vehicle, like what I did for the train.
    9.1 years ago
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    @UnstableOrbit , you know that train you made? I made a delorian for it, look at it tell me what you think.
    9.1 years ago
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    If you're looking for more planes based on real aircraft to create, the Messerschmitt models that were never flown would be awesome. There's quite a few of them, and each is pretty unique and would be fun to make. I'm sure a lot of people would download them, and it would keep you busy for a while, there's at least 9 different prototypes, including a tailless aircraft. I know this isn't related to the plane above, but just a suggestion. The Wikipedia article on Messerschmitt has a list of the aircraft they built and designed, and you can find them in the very last section of the list.
    9.2 years ago
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    39.6k maverickvii
    Very cool. The working fuselage turbine is great. I tried to do this on my Serenity build with less success.
    9.2 years ago
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    6,469 Nassassin
    Great plane, nice work.
    9.2 years ago
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    Agreed, this plane looks and performs great. Awesome work here.
    9.2 years ago
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    4,857 Katrina
    @UnstableOrbit tablet, android, lowest. There seems to be a issue with android-pc the planes don't reactvthe same, even on same settings
    9.2 years ago
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    @Katrina really? I flew it maybe 20 times because I had to test things and it never selfdestructed... what kind of device you running on and what physics settings?
    9.2 years ago
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    4,857 Katrina
    Love it, the turbine body is brilliant, and the "history" of the plane makes it even better. On basic settings it sometimes destroys itself but other than that I love it
    9.2 years ago
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    @Katrina this is my submission for the 1949 challenge. READ THE FLIGHT INSTRUCTIONS before you fly, or you may not be able to fly it properly.
    9.2 years ago