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Twin-X16 ''Screaming Raven'' Mk.IV (Contraband Runner)

4,167 Formula350  3.0 years ago

Submission #1 for Clutch's "Push-Pull Challenge"

As any good smuggler knows, you need to be fast and stable, with an ability to stay off the radar... This bird does all of that! Capable of high speeds and keeping it just feet above the ocean, or higher-speeds while soaring at 60K-ft, just be sure to bring an air-tight flight suit and plenty of oxygen.

Any good smuggler also knows that you need to be able to takeoff from just about anywhere, but also land just about anywhere. You won't always have a thousand feet of runway to takeoff or land from. So, indeed, that means she's a VSTOL. Able to take to the skies before the end of the first painted centerline dash at Wright Airport, but with 3 big airbrakes to get you stopped at Bandit field. Though be warned, that quick-to-the-skies capability means it will happily loiter at low speeds thanks to the swept-biwing design, so plan your approach accordingly.

Based around my Supercharged V8 model that I built for this challenge in my other submission, it wasn't going to cut it for a smuggler craft... So you fit it with two of them right!?
You start with FOUR of the V8s, then weld two of the blocks together to form an X16, and fit two of THEM to it! ;)
Which just like in a vehicle, you need to make sure you can put all that power to use; however, while more rubber helps transfer that power to the road, we need more propellars, to transfer that power into thrust! So in effect, with 4 prop hubs, with 8 blades each, that means 16 blades per X16, or, 1 blade per piston!

I'll let you decide if it's called a Screaming Raven due to the fact she's fast --or-- because you're scared to death, screaming your head off, in a plane that looks like a raven...

Country of Origin:

Western Canuckistan

Takeoff Procedure

-Max Trim
-Full Throttle (climbing steps auto-retract on throttle)
-Gear Up after leaving runway.
-Ease Trim back till achieved level flight. (low alt and high alt behave differently)

Landing Procedure

-Cut throttle to 0% WELL in advance
-Increase Air-Brakes as needed (VTOL Up)
-Increase Positive Trim
-Pitch Up above runway and say a prayer
-MASH the Brakes till you've stopped!

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 51.7ft (15.7m)
  • Length 37.2ft (11.3m)
  • Height 10.1ft (3.1m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 15,856lbs (7,192kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 3.401
  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.378
  • Wing Loading 34.4lbs/ft2 (168.1kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 460.5ft2 (42.8m2)
  • Drag Points 2026


  • Number of Parts 354
  • Control Surfaces 12
  • Performance Cost 1,853
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    4,167 Formula350

    @Clutch TAG, you're it!
    Apologies for going over the 300 parts limit. I didn't realize it since in my head I was thinking each of the V8s I made was 1 part... but duh... no it's not, it's like 40 parts... and there's 4 lol *facepalm*

    3.0 years ago