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9,430 CALVIN232  7.2 years ago
Auto Credit Based on CALVIN232's B232 ATTACK BOMBER (A.T.G)beta

Its finally finished intructions will be at the bottom of the the page but first credits to the following
Beta testers @Joco80 @AstleyIndustries @Botfinder @Luuk2909 @LiamW these guys deserve some credit for taking the time to volunteer to test and report any problems with the plane so I could get it fixed they did a great job
Great suggestions used
The plan was originally to use the boost to launch the drone off but that method had its problems then when asking for ideas viperfox mentioned about it not being launched but dropped off I think he thought i would place it on the bottom and drop it but it inspired me to find the method I used
Thx to @2711522942 for the Rocket pods on the wings
And finally @Sarpanitu
he deserves a lot of credit for a lot of help with this build I used his cockpit view he helped install it he also made the sights for the turret and dealt with collisions.
This build is dedicated to @Sarpanitu as a thank you for being a good friend I hope you like it (he did not know till now)
1-Landing Chutes/deactivate by deactivating 1
2-Deploy Drone Bomb (SBD) (deactivate chute by deactivating 2
3-Boost the Drone's speed (must be on high physics to work properly)
4-activities/deactivates the turret (vtol to turn and trim to move up and down)
5-actives the ripper cannons (the guns stuffed in the nose)
6-drops the lock on rocket pods (air to ground) (the rockets can also be fired mainly after locking ont to a ground target the rockets have to be selected )
7 drops all boom 25s at once they can also be dropped separately by selecting them in the air to ground menu then click launch
8- activates/deactivates the lights (the trim as in actual trim was also going to work on this to allow it to be used when not using the turret to make landing easier but I couldn't get it to work I might update this with a version that does when I figure it out but let's be honest we have all used planes before which never had trim only thing is get rid of the big boom50s before trying to land sometimes they clip the dirt especially on rough landings)

i hope you enjoy this plz comment below on what you think?


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor B232 ATTACK BOMBER (A.T.G)beta
  • Successors 2 airplane(s)
  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 33.4ft (10.2m)
  • Length 30.8ft (9.4m)
  • Height 10.3ft (3.1m)
  • Empty Weight 14,431lbs (6,545kg)
  • Loaded Weight 16,446lbs (7,460kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.243
  • Wing Loading 48.7lbs/ft2 (237.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 337.6ft2 (31.4m2)
  • Drag Points 3398


  • Number of Parts 313
  • Control Surfaces 12
  • Performance Cost 1,699
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    @bliblibli this is how you make guided bomb dropper

    6.3 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    I’ve since been making those gat cannons more op tbh this craft is cool but with the new updates it’s pretty useless at its job i need to go back to this make a mk2 adapt it to the new things you know more powerful weapons and flares and such @Sarpanitu

    6.5 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    It will be huge and it will take a long time that's why I have a couple of side projects so if I get bored I can do them then go back when I want i tend to work on many projects going between all of them as I please @Sarpanitu

    7.2 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    Yeah well I'm working on sorting out what part is what and such thing is I keep the original thing I downloaded so after a massive manhunt I found the maker of those rockpods on the wing specking of rockpods I need some more I'm starting B232s big bother it's bigger and a lot more ott weoponised well it's going to be I was thinking the new cockpit you are making would be perfect for it oh yeah it's a high tech ultra bomber it's total load out will be many custom rockets 6 of each many custom bombs 6 of each 10 boom50s 20 boom 25s 6 torpedos and many turrets @Sarpanitu

    7.2 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    Ok no worries I've made a less laggy version it's under successor controls are the same enjoy @Viperfox

    7.2 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    Oh if you're on mobile I know it's not exactly mobile friendly but I am working on a more friendly version it will have less features though @Thetick10

    7.2 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    Btw you think this is armed to the teath? Wait till you see it's big brother Ill be making soon @Sarpanitu

    7.2 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    You did read the full description @Thetick10

    7.2 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    Wtf? Well I'm guessing you're not a fan of the build?@Thetick10

    7.2 years ago
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    9,430 CALVIN232

    Yeah those came from the remodel of the first plane I made I.e the sliver edition it's actually quite easy to do once you know how I originally remade the sliver and then I saw one of your planes armed I wanted to make a plane with a lot of weapons too I used the sliver as a base model but qwickly realised the folding wings had to go after getting rid of them I tried adding your cockpit which I then got you to help with after that made the plane the drone was added because it looked to flat at the top I changed the rear wing design after finding a better way to get the drone off the host the drone itself is one of mine I think I have everyone credited but I used a lot of parts so I'm still checking @Sarpanitu

    7.2 years ago
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    7.2 years ago