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Vierten (A) Heavy tank

26.8k Dragoranos  4 months ago
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Auto Credit Based on Dragoranos's Vierten A

This tank was originally a WCU build. Many things listed in this actually happened, but I modified some things to realism

The Hb.T-2 (known as "Vierten") is the first heavy tank build in Dreisia, and the first to enter active service.

In 1941, tensions between the Coalition and the Ameritanian block were reaching all-time high levels due to "Operation Comedian" where Dreisia engaged Ameritianian and Tongonese air and naval forces. Even thought the operation succeeded in achieving heavy damage to enemy forces, a land invasion was cancelled due to the Coalition being occupied with other wars. In the end, a stalemate ocurred. Peace happened shortly after that.

However, the Ameritanian block did not forget. Tensions started to rise, and the risk of a Ameritanian invasion on Dreisia reached very high levels. The Ameritanians, with their wide variety of heavy and medium tanks, posed a serious threat to the Dreisian tank force, mostly made of the Gp.T series of medium tanks and cruiser tanks.

Due to that, the development of a heavy tank begun. It needed to include angled armour, and a gun powerful enought to destroy most Ameritanian heavies. The gun that was available in the time was the 74mm, but designs for a bigger gun were already being made, so the turret was made bigger than needed because of that. The turret included a 80mm round mantlet that used carburized steel, while most of the turret was composed of standard RHA 50mm thick. The hull had an upper front plate of 60mm, with a 80mm hatch and a MG port with 80mm too. Almost all the other parts of the tank were 50mm thick.

The engine used was a modified 10 cylinder radial aircraft engine, producing about 400hp, considered enought to move its 38 tons to about 40kph on good roads. Its max speed decreased to about 25kph off-road. The engine, while considered reliable, was very difficult to repair in the field, and tended to rust very easily.

The tank was completed in early 1942, but none were delivered to the military until late in that year. In the end, the tank was only used in the DSRM invasion in 1943. Planned improvements were almost never done, with the tank staying almost the same in its whole service life. The wars Dreisia fought were mostly far away from its mainland, rendering heavy tanks less useful due to difficult logistics.


VTOL to move
Features camera aiming

thats about it

actually not based in the panther. Its based on a """"""real"""""" tank that was based on the panther. The 44M Tas (hungry panther lmao)



General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Vierten A
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 10.5ft (3.2m)
  • Length 25.9ft (7.9m)
  • Height 9.4ft (2.9m)
  • Empty Weight 8,361lbs (3,792kg)
  • Loaded Weight 29,301lbs (13,291kg)


  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 138


  • Number of Parts 150
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 768