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Goss 3 “Swallow”

14.3k BuckFlight  5.5 years ago
Auto Credit Based on RAF1's XFLR-02 (Goss-15 “Trident”)

Designed in the early 1950s, the Swallow was Goss’s first supersonic jet fighter. The aircraft was capable of superb performance and was the top pick of the British Air Ministry. Unfortunately, the Americans pulled some political tricks to have the fighter destroyed, as it threatened their technological superiority. VTOL down for flaps. Missiles are courtesy of mikoyanster... Enjoy!


General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.649
  • Wing Loading 38.5lbs/ft2 (187.9kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 595.0ft2 (55.3m2)
  • Drag Points 5192


  • Number of Parts 130
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 563