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3,015 KM13  6 months ago
Auto Credit Based on KM13's AIM-7R-unjammable-guided-rocket-block-4

Further upgrade suggestions:
Change the following variable functions:
1.Change Variable 'INPUTL'
clamp01((TAS)/(300+0.1*Altitude))*clamp((pow(0.0005*(TargetDistance)/8,1.2))*rate(TE)*(1000/clamp(TAS, 200+TAS,5000)),-0.7,0.3+0.7*clamp01(500-TargetDistance))
2. Change variable 'VT'
3.Change variable 'TE'

This is a fixed version of MK83ER JDAM model having a terminal ballistic movement function in able to avoid hitting ground too early and add its accuracy to 6m CEP. An aerodynamic digital model of 1000-pound MK-83ER JDAM-ER guided glide bomb. It is automatically controlled by the flight computer digitally, and flies towards a selected target automatically. It could not be jammed by countermeasure flare. It is equipped with digital VT fuze, which would explode automatically when is closer than 25 meters from the target. It could deal with every kind of low and slow targets, it could even could threat flying helicopters at low altitude and slow speed.

Long-range glide speed: about 1100kmph TAS, M0.85- M0.9.

Tested range: 700kmph TAS released from 10500m, then successfully glide towards and hit a target on the sea 60km away.

Test photo:
1.Launch MK-83ER JDAM-ER glide bomb 60kms away from the target at 10500m and 700kmph TAS:

2.The glide bomb Successfully hit a small target on the sea 60kms away with terminal ballistic movement:

Now you can use it on your fighters and bombers, so that you can bomb anything on the ground much more convenient, even a plane or tank with countermeasures sitting on the ground!


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor AIM-7R-unjammable-guided-rocket-block-4
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 2.4ft (0.7m)
  • Length 11.1ft (3.4m)
  • Height 2.4ft (0.7m)
  • Empty Weight 1,278lbs (579kg)
  • Loaded Weight 1,278lbs (579kg)


  • Wing Loading 36.9lbs/ft2 (180.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 34.6ft2 (3.2m2)
  • Drag Points 0


  • Number of Parts 30
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 207
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    Where do I grab a hold of it at ?

    23 days ago
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    3,015 KM13

    An enhanced version of MK83ER JDAM model having a terminal ballistic movement function in able to avoid hitting ground too early and add its accuracy to 6m CEP. An aerodynamic digital model of 1000-pound MK-83ER JDAM-ER guided glide bomb. It is automatically controlled by the flight computer digitally, and flies towards a selected target automatically. It could not be jammed by countermeasure flare. It is equipped with digital VT fuze, which would explode automatically when is closer than 25 meters from the target. It could deal with every kind of low and slow targets, it could even could threat flying helicopters at low altitude and slow speed.

    Long-range glide speed: about 1100kmph TAS, M0.85- M0.9.

    Tested range: 700kmph TAS released from 10500m, then successfully glide towards and hit a target on the sea 60km away.

    6 months ago