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Weapons Pack for the A29 "Super Tucano"

3,990 ENG1Fail  4.2 years ago
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Weapons Pack for the A29 "Super Tucano"

You can find the original aircraft here

Feel free to use those weapons on my A29 or upgrade any other plane with them. Have fun and share any thoghts, questions or suggestions for improvements!

Content (left to right):

-1x BLG-252 Cluster Bomb (must be used throught AG5, can´t be changed)
-1x GIAT M20A1 20mm High Explosive Cannon Pod (Jettisoned through AG5)
-1x Fuel Tank (Jettisoned through AG5)

BLG-252 against convoi:


General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 21.3ft (6.5m)
  • Length 13.2ft (4.0m)
  • Height 8.2ft (2.5m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 3,468lbs (1,573kg)


  • Wing Loading 85.9lbs/ft2 (419.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 40.4ft2 (3.8m2)
  • Drag Points 4353


  • Number of Parts 98
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 637
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    13.7k FlyingHueman

    First BLG I've seen in this site so far! It's quite funny, the nomenclature for these things is "Bomba Lança-Granadas", lit. "Grenade Launching Bomb". Guess cluster bombs are grenades in Brazilian Air Force terminology, lol.

    There are some other interesting weapons developed at the CTA like the BAPI anti-runway bomb and the BINC-300 incendiary canisters but I believe these are only used in "high-performance aircraft", so the F-5EM and AMX A-1/A-1M in FAB inventories. For FAB Super Tucanos, Skyfire-70 rockets (used with common NATO launcher pods, usually LAU-51s) and MAA-1 Piranhas (externally virtiually identical to AIM-9Bs in most versions but with performance comparable to AIM-9Es or Ls depending on the version... and information source, which is scarce) are classic loadout options, which you should definitely keep in mind if you want to make a FAB version of it. Sadly they don't see much guided bomb use here, usually it's rockets and the BAFG-230 (Mk. 82 equivalent) bombs.

    I really like how it turned out, and you used less parts than I'd expect for such a bomb! Really nice work.

    +1 4.2 years ago
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    113k TMach5


    +1 4.2 years ago