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Phoenix Industries AF-08

14.1k Griffon1  2.8 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Griffon1's Project 8126

<< I swear I've seen a plane like that before... But it's moves are inhuman! >>
- Vortex 3 (Vortex Squadron, AAF)

The AF-08 is an advanced fighter aircraft designed and developed by Phoenix Industries. This fighter is so expensive to produce that there are less then 100 built.
The uses for this aircraft are quite limited, as it is almost exclusively equipped for air-to-air engagements. But what it does do, it does very well. Despite it's massive size, the AF-06 possesses incredible maneuverability in a dogfight, and can out-turn almost any fighter in existence. It does this with a unique "W-wing" formation, combining the best aspects of forward swept and delta wings.

The AF-08 comes with two ATFE-15 afterburning turbofan engines. This allows good speed and acceleration.


This aircraft's agility is second to none. Truly a dogfighter, it has exceptional energy retention and turn radius. It does all of this without thrust vectoring or canards.


The AF-08 comes equipped with the standard 4 MSLs and Model 014 revolver cannon.

The AF-08 comes with 4 4AAM missiles and 4 HCAA missiles, which allows for long combat times and greater firepower than most Project planes. It also carries two 500 lb UGB bombs to give it limited ground attack capability.


The AF-08's mechanical complexity makes it very difficult to repair, as it is so packed with components, computers, and tubes that the airplane almost needs to be entirely gutted to get direct access to the main computer. Thankfully, though, there are several data transfer ports and an interface underneath the cockpit seat.


The aircraft costs around 175 million USD to produce, and is currently not available for export to all but Accilia's closest allies

Creator's Notes
- This airplane is painted in metallic red to highlight it's heavy inspiration from the ADF-01 Falken. (Honestly I didnt know how I would paint this)
- This aircraft's characteristics are not realistic in the slightest, so in-universe it will be nerfed a decent amount.
- This aircraft's extremely sensitive technologies have limited the export to a select few countries/organisations, which I am actually keeping track of on a list.
- The AF-08 is quite a formidable opponent: only fight it if you want a real challenge.
- Phoenix Industries' designs are becoming quite problematic from a maintenance perspective, which is really my only way of balancing these really progressive designs...

VTOL down: Flaps
AG5: Taxi Mode
AG7: Fold wings

Pitch: Forward-Backward
Roll: Steering

I'm currently working on the long-awaited Project 8127 revamp, but I am going to wait for the new update before actually finishing it.


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Project 8126
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 49.0ft (14.9m)
  • Length 73.9ft (22.5m)
  • Height 11.9ft (3.6m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 24,678lbs (11,194kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 3.551
  • Wing Loading 37.1lbs/ft2 (181.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 664.7ft2 (61.8m2)
  • Drag Points 1200


  • Number of Parts 452
  • Control Surfaces 4
  • Performance Cost 1,955
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    2,867 Rb2h

    @ShinyGemsBro simpleplanes lore

    +1 7 months ago
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    14.1k Griffon1

    We here at Phoenix Industries would be honored to have a partnership with FlightArmsCAC.
    We will immediately forward the nescesary data for a joint development, as well as three airframes to be the subject of this research.

    +2 2.8 years ago
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    +1 2.8 years ago
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    14.1k Griffon1


    b e a n s

    2.8 years ago
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    +1 2.8 years ago