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NS-47 Noche Krilya

17.0k SpetzavodHeavyIndustries  2 months ago

NS-47 Noche Krilya

Agile and formidable Interceptor fighter specifically engineered for close-quarters combat and dogfighting scenarios. Its design emphasizes maneuverability, speed, and advanced weaponry, making it a formidable adversary in aerial engagements.

Its aerodynamic design, coupled with one powerful engines, enables the NS-47 to execute tight turns, high-G maneuvers, and rapid acceleration, giving it a decisive edge in dogfights. Additionally, the aircraft's lightweight construction and advanced materials enhance its agility but compromising durability.

With its superior maneuverability,and advanced weaponry, the NS-47 Noche Krilya is a premier Interceptor fighter optimized for dominating the skies in intense dogfighting engagements.


Like my normal planes :3
AG-2 for Air Brakes


20mm Twin
2× Long Range Precision AAM

For the desc i used chatGPT (seriously bruh my imagination can't even processing anything 😭)

General Characteristics

  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 65.6ft (20.0m)
  • Length 44.1ft (13.5m)
  • Height 16.1ft (4.9m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 19,817lbs (8,988kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 11.907
  • Wing Loading 34.9lbs/ft2 (170.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 567.1ft2 (52.7m2)
  • Drag Points 12891


  • Number of Parts 194
  • Control Surfaces 2
  • Performance Cost 804