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Detachable Flying Mobile Turret

19.3k TTHHSSSS  4.4 years ago
Auto Credit Based on TTHHSSSS's Sabre Airdrop Convoy Destoryer (S.A.C.D)

Flies low and fast, and parachutes provide nearly instant stopping power when you want to detatch the vehicle. You can fly at full speed and deploy extremely close to your target.


Fly to target with regular airplane controls
When you want to deploy vehicle, act 1 for nearly instant deceleration over landing site
Throttle down to retract stabilizing legs
Drive with pitch and yaw
Control turret yaw with vtol and roll (fine-control), and trim for pitch
Fire away!

General controls:

act. 1 detaches vehicle, controls parachutes, activates stabilizing legs, and turns on fine-control for yawing the turret.

throttle controls stabilizing legs and aircraft engine,

vtol controls turret yaw, trim controls turret pitch,

roll+act1 controls fine-control turret yaw, pitch controls vehicle engine, yaw turns vehicle

act 3 turns on gyro.

the gun is also insane -- credit to its original creator. enjoy!

General Characteristics


  • Power/Weight Ratio 1.913
  • Wing Loading 62.9lbs/ft2 (307.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 224.0ft2 (20.8m2)
  • Drag Points 5774


  • Number of Parts 148
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 816