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[PEA] Boeing B-29 Superfortress (Improved)

34.1k TheUltimatePlaneLover  one month ago

Part Efficient Aircrafts!

Basically just the improved B-29, but I took off and replaced several parts to make it once again a PEA.

And in case you noticed, yes, the thumbnail is in fact one of the pictures that gave me the idea for the "The MiGs of 'Murica" story. That massive trail of fire would be the first downed MiG, and the one in the background being the third (the second and fourth were out of frame, with the second already being close to the ground and the fourth apparently being the cameraman)
Anyways, it flies normally, has a few bombs, deadly guns, and fights like a P-51. Enjoy wreaking havoc in the essence of American bias!

PEA Lore

The B-29's Wikipedia Page but Badly Translated (will be abbreviated to TB-29WPbBT from now) mentions many B-29s, and I mean a lot, but some people suggest that this is the very B-29 mentioned in the story.

People also speculate that this B-29 may, for some reason, have relations with the B-29s that TUPL and the MGLA found, took, and upgraded during the Monarchii War. We don't know how, but it's possible.

Aaaaand as you may have guessed, although we don't have confirmation that this is the protagonist of TB-29WPbBT, we can confirm that it's B-29 from "The MiGs of 'Murica."

General Characteristics

  • Created On iOS
  • Wingspan 139.6ft (42.5m)
  • Length 100.8ft (30.7m)
  • Height 34.2ft (10.4m)
  • Empty Weight 27,709lbs (12,568kg)
  • Loaded Weight 67,188lbs (30,476kg)


  • Horse Power/Weight Ratio 0.297
  • Wing Loading 32.5lbs/ft2 (158.6kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 2,068.6ft2 (192.2m2)
  • Drag Points 18254


  • Number of Parts 96
  • Control Surfaces 7
  • Performance Cost 777