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22.3k Kaqiusha321  2.4 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Kaqiusha321's M1A2 SEP TUSK II Abrams

At present, the most amazing M1A2, the new M1A2 SEP tusk II, is a new upgrade based on the old version, not only exaggerated details, but also the clever use of the new funky tree!

Detail display

But it's not over yet. I'll introduce you to the more surprising core!



You can drag the screen with the mouse to complete the operation. Citv and gunner sight are F5 and F6.


In order to restore the real command method of M1A2, I specially made a complete Citv and gunner's sight. On Citv, you can simply control its full speed forward, stop, brake and turret through a screen, and you can take over the fire control system, and it will respond differently according to whether you use the level stabilizer or not.

An intimate gesture instruction, imitating the War Thunder.


In order to better aim at the target, I have installed fewer buttons on the sight, but you can still use it to complete some basic operations. For example, aiming, you just need to move your screen up and down with the mouse, and you can use its fine operation to aim. Incidentally, Citv is the same. And if you want to fire guns continuously in place, you can press the brake button.

Night vision mode (ActivateGroup2) is still attached, and there is a simulated laser rangefinder.


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor M1A2 SEP TUSK II Abrams
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 32.3ft (9.9m)
  • Length 72.4ft (22.1m)
  • Height 33.2ft (10.1m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 98,534lbs (44,694kg)


  • Wing Loading 73,233.2lbs/ft2 (357,555.7kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 1.3ft2 (0.1m2)
  • Drag Points 44722


  • Number of Parts 1715
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 6,241

Required Mods

  • Tracks 2 by MOPCKOE_DNISHE
    Version 0.84 (11/1/2021 2:11:26 PM)
    View Mod Page

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