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Mirage 2000

197k SledDriver  5.7 years ago
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  • Custom camera 1: Gun camera view
  • AG1: Afterburner
  • AG2: High agility mode
  • FireGuns: Fire plasma cannons

General Characteristics

  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 144.9ft (44.2m)
  • Length 261.6ft (79.7m)
  • Height 76.8ft (23.4m)
  • Empty Weight N/A
  • Loaded Weight 217,404lbs (98,613kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 0.775
  • Wing Loading 22.0lbs/ft2 (107.2kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 9,902.8ft2 (920.0m2)
  • Drag Points 74419


  • Number of Parts 692
  • Control Surfaces 9
  • Performance Cost 2,152
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    25.1k ToeTips

    Also your like the Zlatan of simpleplanes

    9 months ago
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    25.1k ToeTips

    Well I know you probably know this already, but with the latest update you can now make great landing gear doors

    9 months ago
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    @SledDriver hode up, thats neat! Imma get that mod!

    +1 4.6 years ago
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    197k SledDriver

    @Diloph Yep. Did you know that if you use a code editor to edit the XML, you can set the drag, mass, and other attributes not for just each part one by one, but on a bunch of parts at once?

    4.6 years ago
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    @SledDriver you know that if you have the mod OVERLOAD you can make no drag or weight on your blocks

    4.6 years ago
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    This thing's HUGE!

    5.0 years ago
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    @SledDriver ok dude. That's cool.

    5.5 years ago
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    197k SledDriver


    I just thought it would be cool for you to try something more relatable to most other people on this platform.

    I'm just not interested in that. Progress is made by a very few people on the cutting edge; it makes no sense to ask those people to do something "relatable" to the masses trailing behind. If someone can do something others cannot, they should be encouraged to try harder, to get further ahead, to fly higher, not admonished to come down.

    +2 5.5 years ago
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    197k SledDriver


    When you think about it, building all your projects on Windows has some sort of repetition to it.

    That's a bit like saying "you spend your whole life breathing air, wouldn't you like to try something different?" I use the best tools I can get, which for me is a powerful PC with top-notch hardware. If tomorrow a new OS were to come along with all the good parts from Windows, MacOS and Linux, and fewer of the bad parts, I'd switch to it in an instant and never look back. Forget about me trying the game on mobile: not only do I not play SP on mobiles, I don't play any games (or watch videos, or use apps) on mobiles -- never have, never will. After the experience on a 43-inch 4K screen and high-end CPU/GPU, doing anything on a mobile phone would be like switching to a rickety biplane after having flown an F-22. I find mobile phones so uninviting that even when I'm away from my computer (on long flights, for instance), I don't fall back to them.

    Yes, the game is limited on mobile, but so is everything else. True, the developers haven't implemented some very simple and in-demand things like XML editing on mobile (I cannot imagine why), but if you find playing on mobile frustrating, here's an idea: get a computer. These days you can get a powerful PC very cheaply. Considering mobile phones these days can cost upwards of $1000, I find it inexcusable that people prefer to buy mobiles over actual computers, then complain about an inferior experience on mobile. It's like going on the highway on a unicycle, then complaining that everyone's passing you.

    Getting a computer is one of the best things you can do as a kid, it'll not just enable you to enjoy games better, but give you the power to change and create them, and open up many well-paid career paths. Phones and tablets will make you dumber, guaranteed; computers at least have a chance at making you smart. Choose wisely.

    +2 5.5 years ago
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    197k SledDriver


    Anyway, back to your suggestion. I don't have to build anything new to demonstrate that it's possible to build cool things on mobile -- just look at the first few pages of my portfolio. Every build before 'Metabomber' was built by hand. So anyone who thinks it's not possible to build cool stuff on mobile is giving up too easily, or looking for an excuse.

    5.5 years ago
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    197k SledDriver

    @CoaxiumSmuggler You missed my point. I'm not saying your praise has less value because you're a mobile user or relatively new; I'm saying that if you've been around for five months, it seems strange that you've never upvoted or commented on my builds, if you like them so much.

    With that out of the way, now you make more sense:

    I think it would be nice for others to see that even if they play on mobile, they can still make really cool planes like you do.

    That's a reasonable idea, and much less adversarial than going "I have a challenge for you...." Also, try to realise that I've been under constant attack from the anti-intellectual pretty much since I first joined this website, so I've got a bit of a siege mentality whenever someone challenges me, especially to build something manually.

    it takes vastly more skill and patience to produce a plane that looks great and flies wonderfully on mobile than it does on Windows or Mac.

    Patience, yes, but I think you're confusing skill with doing things the hard way.

    5.5 years ago
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    @SledDriver I completely get why you would think building on mobile is a complete waste of time. Its finicky, slow, and mod free on iOS. As for me being a fan of your work, I've been playing Simple Planes for several years now without an account, and am no stranger to your sideways fuselage building method and extremely accurate weapons. Really, your work is amazing, but praise from a lowly iOS user is praise non the less, and just because I recently started an account doesn't mean you can't except mine as genuine. Again, I have nothing against how you build your planes, I just think it would be cool if you tried to build one using the techniques that most people use, meaning no mods or scripts. I repeat, I have no problem with the techniques you use, and it's clear that you have a very defined style. Wouldn't you at least enjoy the challenge of building on mobile though? I mean, it's fine if you wouldnt, but you're clearly good at the the game and I think it would be nice for others to see that even if they play on mobile, they can still make really cool planes like you do. Also, I think I remember you saying in a comment to ThePilotDude that you don't like doing the same thing over and over again. When you think about it, building all your projects on Windows has some sort of repetition to it. While not quite in the same context, Simple Planes on mobile does vary from its original form, and definitely provides a different - while mabye inferior - experience. Also, while building on mobile might be more challenging, calling it "unskilled, unthinking, brute-force manual labor" is a bit harsh. In fact, it takes vastly more skill and patience to produce a plane that looks great and flies wonderfully on mobile than it does on Windows or Mac. Believe me, I've done all three. (You might not be inclined to trust me, but that's your loss.) And I can not state it enough times that I love your work and have no problems at all with how you build them! I just thought it would be cool for you to try something more relatable to most other people on this platform.

    5.5 years ago
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    197k SledDriver

    @CoaxiumSmuggler Thanks, but you've been a member for five months and I don't recall ever seeing an upvote or a nice comment from you, so your praise rings a little hollow.

    As for your challenge, I don't care for it. As I've said previously, it's like someone challenging an architect who builds skyscrapers to build a mud hut. Yes, the architect could actually do a better job with his understanding of engineering and design; but why would he want to? Life is short, and speaking strictly for myself, I like to spend it doing things I enjoy and making the best possible use of my time.

    If you think that there's some kind of skill involved in painstakingly adding blocks one by one and tweaking each one by hand, I can only say that I have no respect and no time for that line of thinking. That's not skill, it's quite the opposite: unthinking, brute-force manual labour. One man designs a skyscraper using CAD and builds it using skilled workers and advanced technology in just a few months; another builds a giant ziggurat with an army of labourers carving and putting stones together one by one, over dozens of years. There's a reason no one does it the second way any more.

    5.5 years ago
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    Hey sled driver, I want to start by saying that your planes are amazing, and you truly are an innovator on Simple Planes. You have a very nice signature style and I’m completely ok with the fact that you use scripts to make them. But I have a challenge for you: you should try to make the best plane possible on mobile, with no xml modding. Just stock Simple Planes. You’ll probably never end up reading this, but if you do, I think it would be something fun for you to try. (Or just complete hell because mobile’s not that good.)

    +1 5.5 years ago
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    197k SledDriver

    @Sarpanitu Scripts like mine don't come out of ignorance... Keep telling yourself whatever helps you sleep at night.

    And that's about as much time as I have to waste on lowlifes like you. You are now blocked. Have a nice life :)

    5.6 years ago
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    197k SledDriver


    Your criticism about "one construction" method is about as valid as criticizing an architect for building all his skyscrapers out of concrete. If I've developed a better construction method, why would I not use it for everything?

    no moving parts, no landing gear

    Not true.

    no scale in mind

    I've explained many times why I build big. If you can't understand it, that's your problem.

    even though I was already aware of what an insufferable douchebag you are

    If you were so aware, why did you use my work? Where's your integrity?

    whilst depending entirely on my ONE pathetic gimmick

    I have at least a dozen innovations in SimplePlanes, thus far unmatched. I have over 400 largely unique designs, that perform their functions exceedingly well. What do you have? A few cockpits, and a few mediocre planes. If my work counts as one gimmick, yours counts for about... 0.05?

    I could get insane points if I JUST built cockpits,

    That's what it comes down to for you and your buddies, doesn't it? It's all about points. Forget fun, forget creativity, it's all about points. Well then, if points are so important to you, then build cockpits. Let's see you build 400 unique cockpits.

    You done yet? You should be.

    I'm just getting started, boyo. Meanwhile, you feeling dumb yet? You should be. :)

    5.6 years ago
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    @SledDriver I'm just giving you a hard time. It looks good and it flies good.

    5.7 years ago
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    197k SledDriver


    Not much detail? Why don't smooth curves count as detail?

    I don't get why you're so amazed by the part count. Smooth curves need a lot of polygons and therefore fuselage blocks. Each wing is about 100 blocks. The engine-fuselage assembly is about 100. Nose, 100, cockpit, 100. External fuel tanks are about 80 parts each. It adds up.

    5.7 years ago
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    @SledDriver Yeah

    5.7 years ago
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    197k SledDriver

    @LuciferOfPoland I'm sure you can run some of my creations. Can you run this?

    5.7 years ago
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    I wish I could run your creations :(

    5.7 years ago
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    32.3k CRJ900Pilot

    @SledDriver thank you!

    5.7 years ago
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    197k SledDriver

    @Strikefighter04 Yup.

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    This is literally the smoothest plane I've seen on the site.

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    197k SledDriver

    @ThePilotDude No apology needed, it's all good.

    +1 5.7 years ago
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