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DHC MRF.02B Prinz Eugen -RON Razgriz-

33.0k Bernkastel  3.8 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Bernkastel's DHC MRF.02B Prinz Eugen -RON Razgriz-

When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero.

  • Albert Genette, Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War

Also known as Kreuzfeuer, "Odrasean Morgan"

Manufacturer: Darkhound Corporation West Works Division, South Ashigara Raion, Principality of Kotoura, Fabella

Ministry of Aerospace Industry Designation: Prinz Eugen, namesake KMS Prinz Eugen

Years of Development: 2016-2024

Year of Rollout: August 7, 2025

Desired Role: Multirole maritime strike fighter

Status: In production, in service

Primary operators: Royal Odrasean Navy, Royal Fabellan Navy, Karyan Union Navy

Produced: 2023-present

Number built: 11

Powerplant: 2x Poyasakai Proteus 655-3DC afterburning turbofans

Max Top Speed: 2650+ kmh on full afterburner in 9000m

Brief Information

The DHC MRF.02 Kreuzfeuer ("crossfire" in German, MAI designation: Prinz Eugen, namesake KMS Prinz Eugen) is a twin-engine carrier-based multi-role maritime strike fighter developed within United Aeronautics' Darkhound West Works Division. She is DHC West Works Division's first aircraft to enter export service as a carrier-borne fighter, primarily to operate during strike missions and so on.

Designed as an air superiority fighter as of first design evaluations, her role extensively became a strike fighter to be fit for newer aircraft carriers and/or current aircraft carriers, as to replace older carrier-borne fighter aircraft.

She is UA's first aircraft to feature DHC's Umgeben.V44 AESA radar, which is also found on the Dunkelhund II, paired with the highly advanced Cranston Standard+ N755 avionics suite. Specialized strike variants will have targeting pod support and conformal fuel tanks (optional).

As one of the 4.5++ generation fighter aircraft built alongside Neicon's ATF-60 Roon, she will be conceived the next-generation strike fighters of the 21st century. Currently, she is in service with the Royal Odrasean Navy, the Royal Fabellan Navy, and the Karyan Union Navy.


A twin-seater variant of the Prinz Eugen, with a highly-advanced dial selection system for weapons (if used in heavy strike missions).


  • 4x SM-99D AAM

  • 4x Kaschal-20B AAM

  • 23mm dual-barrel TKsk-M23

VFA-55 "Razgriz", Carrier Air Wing Four, HMOS Lexington - CVN-34

As one of the squadrons who sought action in the Final Phase of the Late Crusades, the Razgriz Squadron fought against the Baphometian Union Satanic Air Force since the 1980s, with successful shot downs against two hostile aircraft. Now, Razgriz still continues its operations although they retired their Poyasakai MRF.27Ds from inventory.


3x MRF.27F Akagi

3x MRF.27G Pearl Akagi

4x MRF.02B Prinz Eugen


Simple SP controls as usual, however, the main BFE booster activates on 1,300m (metric measurement). BFE boosters disengage at an altitude below 1,300m or below 80% throttle. Use brakes to deploy Flanker-esque airbrakes,

  • AG1 for arresting hook

  • AG2 for weapons

  • AG4 for gyro leveling (on-air and landing)

  • AG5 to open radome

  • AG8 for supercruise

afterburners are from MIKEESE


Nose gear might just be weak enough for hard landings. Butter your landings, as much on the aircraft carrier.


  • This plane is inspired by the Razgriz Squadron from Ace Combat 5.

Side Notes

Thank you for the very very big support you have given me. I really appreciate this. As always, see you on the next build, so stay safe and GOD BLESS you all. Aim high, comrades! Nipah~


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor DHC MRF.02B Prinz Eugen -RON Razgriz-
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 53.4ft (16.3m)
  • Length 78.0ft (23.8m)
  • Height 21.6ft (6.6m)
  • Empty Weight 20,613lbs (9,350kg)
  • Loaded Weight 43,229lbs (19,608kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 4.99
  • Wing Loading 48.8lbs/ft2 (238.0kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 886.7ft2 (82.4m2)
  • Drag Points 4181


  • Number of Parts 614
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 2,290