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MCV1A2 "Avenger" Main Battle Tank

3,288 FishbedFive  one month ago
Auto Credit Based on FishbedFive's MCV1A2 Avenger

Federal Republics of Jacksonia

Mainline Combat Vehicle, 125mm, Model 1A2 "Avenger"

I love you, commander. I will never leave you. If I have faults, I shall improve to fix them. If you have faults, I shall cope with them. But I will never leave you.

The MCV1A2, nicknamed Avenger and designated M1A2 by the Republic of Keikonia and Oured Convention, blends advanced engineering and formidable armament. Propelled by a 13 Litre Twin-Turbocharged V16 engine developed by the racing team and engine modification company Presdale Motorsports, the Avenger boasts a substantial 2250 horsepower, facilitating agile movement on the battlefield. Its primary armament consists of a 125mm main cannon and a 50mm coaxial autocannon, granting the tank significant firepower and adaptability in various combat situations.

Operated by a crew of five—comprising a gunner, loader, commander/gunner, driver, and specialist/radio operator—the Avenger operates with each member's expertise for optimal performance.

Originally conceived as the XV1 Challenger prototype in 2014 following the Zapavan War, the tank entered full production in 2015 under the guidance of Magnolia Arms, Science, and Technology (MAST), a division of the Magnolia Corporation. Subsequent refinements and adaptations culminated in the MCV1A2 variant in 2017, cementing its reputation as a formidable asset on the modern battlefield.

The Avenger's hydropneumatic suspension system, with independent rear movement, underscores its technological sophistication, enhancing maneuverability and stability across varied terrain. The MCV1A2 "Avenger" Main Battle Tank, though a pinnacle of modern armored warfare, traces its lineage back to the strategic evolution of the Jacksonian Ground Defense Forces. Initially conceived under the doctrine of an "armored spearhead," the precursor MCV1A1 was engineered for rapid maneuver and offensive operations. However, as strategic priorities shifted towards a "static defense" ideology, the tank underwent modifications to better suit this new paradigm. These adjustments included enhancements to its defensive capabilities and adaptability in static positions. Notably, the Avenger's armor composition reflects these alterations, with its turret boasting formidable ratings of 1000mm RHA equivalent classified material at the front, 400mm Tungsten on the sides, and 600mm Tungsten at the rear. The hull, intentionally lightly armored with 600mm ceramic-embedded RHA at the front, 200mm on the sides, and 400mm at the rear, facilitates hull-down positioning and optimizes speed performance for swift maneuvers in the case of an enemy charge or a swift lightning war, such as the case of the Second Jacksonian Civil War, where the Kingdom of Jacksonia and Federal Republics of Jacksonia successfully used the MCV1's speed against the much slower and outdated T-55s of the People's Republics of Jacksonia.

i accidentally summoned the big log

Controls are in-game.
Yaw for turning.
Credit to Exosuit for the hydropneumatic suspension design. I am always thankful.


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor MCV1A2 Avenger
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 15.5ft (4.7m)
  • Length 43.0ft (13.1m)
  • Height 11.6ft (3.5m)
  • Empty Weight 7,717lbs (3,500kg)
  • Loaded Weight 25,402lbs (11,522kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.654
  • Wing Loading N/A
  • Wing Area 0.0ft2 (0.0m2)
  • Drag Points 5952


  • Number of Parts 502
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,623
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    3,288 FishbedFive

    tfw Delta finally finishes the MCV1A2 before YanDev finishes Yandere Simulator
    tfw Delta finally figures out hydropneumatic suspension design before YanDev finishes Yandere Simulator
    tfw Delta starts building on PC before YanDev finishes Yandere Simulator
    tfw YanDev finishes Yandere Simulator before Delta can finish A Lost Ar-

    Pinned one month ago
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    3,288 FishbedFive


    To everyone else, please give me feedback on the tank or suggestions. If something is broken, please tell me.

    Pinned one month ago
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    3,288 FishbedFive

    @TheMouse Thanks.

    one month ago
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    36.3k TheMouse

    Looks great!

    +1 one month ago