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Exo-hab final transfer

28.3k goboygo1  5.0 years ago
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This is my Premature 25k build/last shot at getting featured!
AG 1 + VTOL down: extend outriggers
AG 2: deploy ladder
AG 3: deploy laser drill
AG 4: deploy comm array
AG 5: toggle headlights
AG 6: activate tipping gyro & struts
AG 7: open rear door
VTOL up: lower cargo lift

The Exo-Hab M is a fully self sufficient mobile habitat for 1-4 scientists, citizens or military personnel. It has a water reclaimation system, a carbon dioxide scrubber, sleeping bunks, and interfaces for controlling various exterior functions without need for EVA. If EVA is necessary, crew members can depart from a folding ladder on the starboard side. The propulsion system is designed for ease of construction and repair, tires are multi-chambered so that they can be punctured several times before needing to be replaced and each axle is independently powered by an electric motor in the center which allows for easy separation and replacement of a damaged axle as well as allowing for much simpler suspension. The electric motors are powered by a 1500 HP diesel generator which is protected by a cage of titanium alloy lattice tubes. A large solar panel on the roof of the vehicle supplements this. If the vehicle is somehow tipped over, two struts can be extended from the roof to begin tipping the rover, then a large gyroscope uses the momentum to flip the rover back onto its wheels. The rover is supplied with a retractable  communications array and a laser drill for sampling various soils. When either system needs to be used, outriggers can be extended from the sides to stabilize the vehicle. The rovers cargo capacity is up to 300 maxwells- (Unit for measurement of cargo capacity in varying gravity) -that can be lifted by the double use rear door/cargo lift.

Exo-transport Inc. is not responsible for any injury, fatality or property damage caused by improper use of this vehicle.
(See owners manual section 6 subsection 4.2)

1. Safe driving speed for bumpy ground is around 100 MHP.
2. Due to rubbish pistons the outriggers only work on flat level ground. :(
3. There are lights on the inside the cockpit so it actually looks like your headlights are on from cockpit view.
4. Fire guns to use the laser drill.


General Characteristics

  • Successors 1 airplane(s)
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 21.7ft (6.6m)
  • Length 53.9ft (16.4m)
  • Height 16.1ft (4.9m)
  • Empty Weight 16,903lbs (7,667kg)
  • Loaded Weight 17,962lbs (8,147kg)


  • Wing Loading 84.5lbs/ft2 (412.5kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 212.6ft2 (19.8m2)
  • Drag Points 20141


  • Number of Parts 410
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 2,121

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