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GT Challenge Subaru Impreza

33.7k EchoWhiskey11  2.3 years ago
Auto Credit Based on Mage2IsTriggered's [CLOSED] GT Racing Challenge

- AG1: Open Door
- AG2: Open Door
- AG3: Lights
- Pitch: Throttle
- Roll: Left and Right

Type: Purpose Built Race Car
Crew: 1 (Driver, Optional Coach Seat)

Engine: Front
Drive: AWD
Suspension: Single Spring

Manufacturer: Subaru
Year: 2001-2003


Fastest Gran Prix Loop Time: 1m 13s

My entry into this challenge was something I wanted to do for awhile. Low parts, count so just about any potato of a device can run it. Not an issue if you run a gaming rig, but if you're poor like me, and always on the go, there's an art to simplicity. I wanted an all around build, low parts, low performance cost, but all the details, and fun of a race car, and I think I got pretty close.

Based off the Grand Turismo 3 Le Mans concept car, this little Subaru is from my childhood, and I wanted to take the chance to bring it into Simple Planes. After the Ford Escort build (which was like a week ago), I felt up to the task of cramming the prowess of a rally car legend, into a car less than 275 (the original restrictions). The part limit was raise luckily so everyone could compete, but for the sake of what I was trying to accomplish I decided to leave this car the way it was. It ran really smooth on my phone, and the final product was exactly what I was looking for. Despite being a simple design, the designing process wasn't so simple. I actually built the stock Subaru Impreza, tore it down, and made a road car out of it. I wanted this thing to still be an Impreza down to it's base, not just a road car with "Impreza" written on it's doors, even though, to be fair, that's kind of what it is. For all the Rally enthusiast, not to worry, there will be a Rally version coming out fairly soon, but I wanted to do things right and release the challenge car first.

Around the Car:

Navigating around this thing is pretty straight forward. The door handles open the doors, the light switch on the dash labeled "Lights" turns on the lights, and I made sure the attitude indicator sits over the steering wheel on both mobile and computer so your view isn't obscured. You can of course use the Action Group buttons. I have a basic HUD setup that shows throttle and fuel. I went with the digital display option since I know some of you might have better HUD options, plus it looks cooler in my opinion. Lastly, the last row of the cooler chart is unused, incase you want to make your own livery.


As far as tuning, the suspension is a simple single spring suspension. There is quite a bit of drag made by the nose to ensure it complies with the competition rules, so if you need it to go faster for Jundroo's racing courses, simply reduce the drag values. If you have any questions on tuning feel free to comment below. Other than that, that's basically it, feel free to tune, and make this 2003 Subaru Impreza Le Mans Touring into your own.

Whether you sticker it up some more, take all the markings off, throw in a drifting suspension, or leave it as is, it's up to you. As long as the only choice you make in this car is going fast, and looking good doing it.


General Characteristics

  • Predecessor [CLOSED] GT Racing Challenge
  • Successors 1 airplane(s) +49 bonus
  • Created On Windows
  • Wingspan 6.4ft (2.0m)
  • Length 15.2ft (4.6m)
  • Height 5.0ft (1.5m)
  • Empty Weight 2,019lbs (915kg)
  • Loaded Weight 2,226lbs (1,010kg)


  • Wing Loading 315.3lbs/ft2 (1,539.3kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 7.1ft2 (0.7m2)
  • Drag Points 3297


  • Number of Parts 267
  • Control Surfaces 0
  • Performance Cost 932
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    Here your score
    Looks - 10/10: Fantastic work!
    Handling - 8.5 Feels great, but the suspensions feels a little stiff to me, i prefer a softer suspension. There's also the "twitching" (when the car's front end twitches when you corner. Usually that isn't a problem with suspension setups that use hinges) when cornering cause it's just a shock part from what i saw.
    Braking - 7/10: It's just the standard SP brake torque, but it feels way better than usual, tho it still brakes well at full throttle.
    Acceleration - 10/10: Accelerates very well!
    Fun - 9/10: It's a very nice car!
    Total: 44.5/50

    Pinned 2.3 years ago
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    BugEye Impreza

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    23.9k Rymanx03

    @EchoWhiskey11 Well, I haven't gotten it yet, so may I please get another attempt on it?

    2.3 years ago
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    @Rymanx03 I tagged you on an unlisted post I made the other day. Hopefully it helps you out. If you didn't get it just let me know and I can resend you the tag. Should be on your notifications.

    2.3 years ago
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    23.9k Rymanx03

    @EchoWhiskey11 oh? You have my interest for certain

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    Dang @EchoWhiskey11

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    @Karzigg, Thanks, for the upvoted, and it's good to see you back on the community pages. I thought I was seeing things at first.

    2.3 years ago
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    @BreadIsAfruit These cars had a quirky charm for body style, and there wasn't that many of them either. Mitsubishi built a "better" looking EVO that year so Subaru updated the everything right afterwards. Mechanically these things were bullet proof, and could be pulled apart and put back together over a weekend.

    2.3 years ago
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    @Rymanx03 No worries, I've been there, use it as you like. Since your rebuilding your car, I might have something that might make it a little easier.

    2.3 years ago
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    23.9k Rymanx03

    Hey, would you mind if I built an 07 wagon off of this? It was my first car and I've wanted to make a model of it ever since it met a tree at speed not long ago...

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    My uncle used to beef this car up

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    Ill test it very soon

    +1 2.3 years ago