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Flying wing modern remake

1,266 Numbers2  1.7 years ago
Auto Credit Based on waveofthought's Flying Wing

Hello, it has been a long time since I have last posted a build.

This build is a very special build I have posted!
This is a rebuild of the Flying wing posted 8+ Years ago making it the first and original build of simpleplanes on the website, it isn't just famous for the website but it was also showed in a YouTube video to showcase the game!

As the flying wing was made with the old school parts of Simple Planes it shows how it was simple to build. But as times moved on so has the game, with the new VR version and parts added after the Flying wing was posted I have made the New flying wing. Using the fuselage block and VR parts so that VR users can fly this new flying wing has still got some originality in it.
The wings come from the old Flying wing with the rudders fixed because of the old build having them inverted, the paint is the same, the engines still the same type and positioning, the inlets are somewhat the same due to the placement but due to the width of the VR cockpit the glass goes over two of the inlets, the landing gear is some what in the same position but this is the retractable landing gear with the nose gear having the ability to turn, the back is slightly higher but still has the same positioning, some dimensions are the same and the part count is the exact same.
This is a tribute to all of the original simpleplanes builders, because you are the people who made the game what it is today with new ideas of how to better improve the game!

I'd like to warn the mods this isn't some sort of memorial build but a remake of a brilliant aircraft built a very very very very very very very very long time ago! There is going to be a second post which will be a formation flight of this new flying wing and the old!

Controls for VR: Trigger breaks, on the dashboard next to the instruments is the Landing gear lever and finally behind the throttle is trim.
Instructions: This plane dose need some nose down trim, landing speeds 180-200 and whatever you do don't slam the plane down on the ground without no gear down as you'll have multiple engines smoking.

General Characteristics

  • Predecessor Flying Wing
  • Created On Android
  • Wingspan 68.9ft (21.0m)
  • Length 39.4ft (12.0m)
  • Height 8.8ft (2.7m)
  • Empty Weight 26,302lbs (11,930kg)
  • Loaded Weight 33,794lbs (15,329kg)


  • Power/Weight Ratio 2.659
  • Wing Loading 43.6lbs/ft2 (212.8kg/m2)
  • Wing Area 775.3ft2 (72.0m2)
  • Drag Points 9703


  • Number of Parts 169
  • Control Surfaces 6
  • Performance Cost 1,127